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Aug 2015

I'll go with Wall-E version. Seems a good vision to me, even if I think it isn't 4000 years from now but a way longer!

I like to imagine 4000 years from now will be more like the Fallout universe! I dunno, guess I just like disasters... It'd be cool!

In four thousand years, it's likely that if we haven't blown ourselves up, all of the major religions we have now will most likely have been replaced by something else entirely, or changed so much they would be unrecognisable. The contrast between the most 'advanced' societies to the least would be so much you'd probably be forgiven in thinking they were a different species. I'm thinking untouched tribes in comparison to star trek level societies, who'll look back at our civilisation as primitive land dwellers.

I actually don't know if humans will exist in 1,000 years, let alone 4,000. It seems unlikely at this rate, most species of animals as we know them are dying out already.

That is true. It's probably 50/50 at this point. We're going through a mass extinction event at this very moment. It's the height of hubris for us to imagine that we are somehow separate from or above the ecosystem.

4000 years from now, we had better be on Mars, terraforming away. Also, asteroid mining should be a thing, and I am hoping so hard that the Earth itself will have become a haven for sustainable energy production and initiatives to undo the damage we've already done.

What kind of social and religious changes we'll see is harder to predict, honestly. You'd think that 4000 years from now, the current world-religions will have given way to something else - but remember, with Judaism, we're talking about a religion with its roots in the Bronze Age. If they can last that long, there's nothing that says Christianity and Islam might not last just as long. We'd probably see the rise of new religions, though.

Maybe we'll praise vegetables themselves.
Praise the great potato!!
(I wouldn't be surprised if turns like this, but of well, I won't be there to see it D': )

Toxic/acid clouds will hang low across the dusty barren wasteland, where the only remnants of life are the oil pools where plants and animals have decayed away for so long. It will be inhabitable. And probably really hot. Well, that's what I picture anyway:

The lake thing is an oil pool, by the way.
I don't normally colour like this, but it turned out alright.~
I used the opaque watercolour brush in CLIP STUDIO PAINT, and a few layers.

Wow!! That's a really cool painting!! The red sky kind agives the impression that there isn't much sea left on earth?

Yeah, living in Sweden I kinda take for granted that "most people" are atheists worldwide, though I guess the truth is the contray? XD
This topic kinda reminds me of a book series I loved as a teen called "Mortal Enginies" that takes place in a distant future where people pray to engineers from far back in time, a bit like people did in the ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures.

And yeah totally hope the space race returns sometime soon!

Yup, the Swedish lack of interest in religion is more an exception to the rule, AFAIK. Many, many other countries treat religion as something much more central - even if they do not all believe in something, a lot of the culture is shaped around it.

It's an interesting difference. I mean, in the US, it seems impossible to run for president unless you belong to some variety of Christian church, and are happy to admit it - in Sweden, being openly religious means you would most likely NOT end up being prime-minister, because you'd be perceived as kind of weird. I mean, look at Kristdemokraterna; they're barely hanging on to enough percent of the voters to even be allowed into Riksdagen.

OOooh! I only ever read the first of those books, but I remember really enjoying it! I really liked the idea of moving cities - that was cool! And for some reason reminded me of Kiruna - which will actually have to move soon, unless it wants to be swallowed up by the mines. XD

New Horizons just made it to Pluto! Curiosity is tootling around on Mars, turning over rocks and learning new stuff every day. A Russian experiment on how humans would survive in enclosed artifical habitats on Mars has taken place. Cool stuff is happening all the time!

I just wish it was happening faster.