14 / 31
Dec 2018

For Fun. Also because I wanna look into my own psychology through my works. Throw in a little bit of humanistic morality in there. Though I always try to sway away from my own biases and create diverse characters and personalities as much as I can, it's always imminent to be there.

Goth Boy's Club is my first comic. I had never tried comics before. So I wanted to just write about my ocs and put it out there.. For me its the fun that's keeping me going. That and the practice. It's all new to me!

The impending fear of death at any moment and the hope that my comics will let me (metaphorically) live on for slightly longer than my physical body.

i think at this point I just wanna mak stuff that makes me happy and hopefully other people can enjoy too

even if its just one person who says "hey this brightened up my day a bit/ this was cool / made me smile" then i can be satisfied that I made someone feel something

To leave stories behind that will outlive myself and hopefully inspire people to create their own stories.

Lots of reasons- it's fun, I want to get better at drawing, I want to do this for a living, and I wanted to create a love story/romance without showing anything too sexual. And like other people already said, I want to create things that will outlive myself haha.

In the beginning drawing helped me to end my "hardships" let's say that. Than i started to have fun with all of it. And also because i have many ideas and i doubt that there is somebody who will realize them instead of me and anyway "if you want to make things good, make them by yourself" something like that, yeah

~ 𝕰𝖝𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉 ~

I want to see my story told- and so far the response from readers(online & those that actually bought physical copies) pushes me to see it told even more.

When I was a highschooler my goal was to be a comic artist but I did not really think in it how… In Hungary Hungarian comics had no fanbase, it still don’t really has because we can not really reach the public. Our eduction is pretty crappy so I also did not speak in English at all(I still ask my friend to translate my comic for me).
I had to figure out what is the next step… And for a really long time I was almost without direction. I just wanted to get into an Art University somehow. At the end I could get an Animator degree so I could work as a 3D animator. It was fine but consumed all of my time and energy. The end of the day I had no own work to show. I was always just a little piece of the machine and I did not get enough money either.
Then almost a year ago I found Tapas and I felt an urge to cry… I said I want to draw comic again. So here we are.
To be a comic artist is very uncertain… But at the end of the day I can show something what mostly I made and really enjoyed.

This is my stuff:

Fun, self-expression, and spreading joy.
Making art/comics is the only thing I'm interested in doing for a living and what I feel I'm best at. I also just love creating characters and telling stories! And if there's a possibility of that becoming my career then I'm going to strive for that until the day I die!

I make comics because I like it. This is my hobby and passion. I want to show people stories and characters that are in my head.

I've been working on my comic for years and the greatest motivator I have are my characters. I love each and every one of them and in some odd way, I feel like I owe it to these fictional characters to tell their story.

My biggest motivators are self-improvement, and the desire to just tell a story!

I daydream a lot, and will often just create stories that I really like while sitting at my desk at work, or doing the grocery shop :stuck_out_tongue: I figure that trying to turn these stories into comics is a good way to try and improve my art skills.

Hopefully it is working! :smiley: I am pleased with my current comic so far. I feel like I'm learning to be a little more creative and expressive with characters and colours (though I will always have more to learn!)

I guess I'm writing the story that I would like to read lol.

I want something pure yet talking about a real problem. I want characters that act like how actual people do (tho maybe I didn't get that good yet). and I want characters that looks Arabic/Muslim cuz I don't see that anywhere unless in things that are supposed to be educational and so they are too in your face when it comes to Islam.

I want muslim characters but normal people... Our culture is sort of there in essence but isn't really talked about or have anything to do with the story itself. just the setting. Idk if I made that clear...

I also want a lesson to be learned by the end of the story. but the lesson doesn't show now cuz it's in it's beginning