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Most well-rounded stories have some amount of cheesiness to them. I would use cheesiness as a tool to make characters dialogue more entertaining. (As an example Star Wars is loaded with cheese.)
Anyone got any suggestion for what to listen to while drawing? This can be podcast, videos, music, or other mediums that can be listened too. Preferably something on the long side, whether this be 30+ minuet podcast, or entire soundtracks. (That way you don't have to look for something new to listen…
To leave stories behind that will outlive myself and hopefully inspire people to create their own stories.
Thanks for responding! I may try switching up the schedule and finding the best fit for me. Thanks for the suggestion!
Thanks! I'll have to bookmark that page
Hey everyone! I have recently decided to publish my webcomic, and was wondering if anyone had tips or tricks I could use to reach a wider audience? I have a semi-interesting case because my comic is story-driven, and I plan on printing it once I am finished, and therefore can't constantly update …
If you want to appeal to the widest demographic, I would recommend creating a 4 panel comic that over relies on self deprecating humor to cope with the existentialism going on in the creators life. or just do furries.
[image] Page 3 of my new comic: "Worlds Apart" (Selfless promotion inserted here).
Hey everyone! I am starting a comic about animals, but I have not had much past art experience. I am having trouble drawing these animals in different poses, and I am wondering if there are some reasources that I can use for references. Any suggestions?
I didn't even think about the fresh page. But yeah, that's a good idea! Thanks for responding!
Hey Everyone! I am in the beginning stages of creating a story-driven comic ( I only have 10 pages), however these 10 pages took me a looooong time to draw (so long that I don't even really feel like saying how long out of embarrassment). The whole 1 page a week thing isn't something i've been doi…
The story does lean on the longer side (it's around 250 pages), I am just having trouble drawing the pages because of the time I spend inking, coloring, shading, etc. Do you think that this would be a easier first comic to make if I just "trimmed the fat" and didn't color or other time consuming thi…
Thanks for responding! I do have the story already written down, it's just taking me a long time to actually draw it. My thought is to write a different story and construct a simpler art style so that I can actually finish it.
Hello everyone! I have been working on a comic for a few months, and I have only made a few pages so far. I am proud of what I have accomplished so far, but I am afraid that it will never be finished because it is taking to long. I have another comic that would he simpler to create (because it do…
Hello SlugBomb, I did enjoy reading your comic (even thought it took about 1 minute because only 4 pages are out), especially the different environments on page 3. Although I do think some of the coloring is a bit off-putting (mostly the greens). Never the less, I do enjoy your art and think this st…
A decent name, but it is a bit to overused. But thanks for the suggestion!
Good suggestion, but I already have a character named Leo. But thanks for the suggestion
Hey everyone (or anyone), I made this character today for my webcomic and need some help naming him. [image]
I was inspired by the majesticness (I don't know if that's a real word ) of Griffith from Berserk. And yes, before you ask, he is colored in, I just wanted him to have a white/very light bl…
To make one.........
Of course! If you'd like you can follow me on Instagram @jo91287
Mother 3 fan translation! If you have a GBA you can find fan translation cartridges on ebay for $15 or less! Here's a link to one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Mother-3-Game-Boy-Advance-GBA-SP-English-Reproduction-Translation-Game/272785734067?hash=item3f834bf9b3:g:u-8AAOSwutFZf~XB
Thank you so much for the reply! I'll definitely have to try using a discord server sometime
Hey anyone! I've been on Tapastic for a few weeks and was wondering. "How do you make friends on Tapastic?" A bit more specifically people who post their comics. (But yes, I am open to anyone who might want to talk and become friends Do I just say something like "Hey I like your comic and would l…