1 / 65
Feb 2023

I know this has been discussed before but I think I'll go again too
I began to notice that the promo threads are getting a bit out of control and they are really pushing down the other threads from other categories. So! I was wondering

What if we keep it like this:
- A thread for: "New episodes of Webcomics")
- A thread for "New episodes of Novels"
- A thread for "Off-Topic self promo" (Be it Social Media, or social media posts, Streaming, Ko-Fi/Patreons and such)
- A thread for "New series" (Like, as the title says, a only-one-time promo for when your series is fresh out of the oven)

I believe 4 promo threads should be ok... considering the Tapas Discord Server has only one self-promo channel so I don't think it would be so complicated, and at the same time we'll be able to keep everything more organized and let's be honest... the more promo threads we see the less are we likely to actually see it's content and we also just copypaste and done.

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There are 64 replies with an estimated read time of 10 minutes.

Yep, I can imagine the first threads being extremely active meanwhile the "New Series" one may need to be re-opened from time to time.

I was thinking otherwise to keep only Promotion threads with each thread being of the different webcomic/webnovel categories but that'll be a bit way too much too. So I thought of the Forum as if we were in any other Discord Server

Nah, it's fine as-is because you can just opt to hide promotions as a category. You can't do the same on discord. But it's cool to have new promotion threads since you can make them to fit different topics or have a little promo mini-game.

The only thing I'd like to see though is a rule that says you can only promote your own stuff maximum 5x a day (and let forum users report anyone violating that rule). One of the reasons I ended up muting the promo category was because of people drive-by spamming their novel/comic in 25 different promo threads. Nobody is going to be enticed by your 25 generic copy-pasted "read my novel!!!!!!:grin:" posts, dog.

I think it's a good idea but honestly hard to manage. I've noticed that creators, especilly newer creators, to tend tunnel vision when it comes to promoting their new work in a forum-like setting. I can't count how many threads I've seen in the past couple years tagged "new episode alert". I do support limiting how often someone can promote like @Mallory suggested or have the occasional "off-topic" promo threads for people who have stuff off Tapas they want to showcase.

Honestly, I'm 50-50 on this idea. While I do tend to get annoyed at the floods of new promo threads, I also don't want to block the whole category from my forums feed because I do scroll through the threads to get some new things to read sometimes. I wonder if the whole idea of reducing the number of threads will actually help though. I mean, will it make it so that all the other promo threads will be closed/deleted? I definitely understand how chaotic the self-promotions are though, because I just woke up to dozens of posts on the promotions category :sweat_smile:

I'm relatively new here, but even in my short time I've noticed an issue of threads being lost and accidentally ignored beneath/between all the promos, especially when a single person goes through and copy/pastes their pitch into 10 threads all at once (which seems to be the norm). Personally, I like the idea of dedicated genre threads that way potential readers also know where to go to find their interests... which is the entire point of the promos anyways. The dedicated genres also inherently limits the number of promo posts someone can do, which is helpful.

My main concern about this is how it will be managed. Will moderators lock creation of new promotion threads and just have the few suggested permanently active? Or will it all have to be user-driven? Because that feels untenable...

I already have the promotion category blocked, but I'd consider unblocking it if there were more control/restrictions around it.


I think what I'd do (I doubt the mods care about any of our opinions, but I digress, lol), is make it so each person can only have a single promo thread for each of their work. If they update, they post in that associated thread that they've updated.

For me, the bigger issue is that there are TONS of the same things posted in a bajillion different threads. It's so common for one single person to post 4, 5, 8 friggin' times in different promo threads. It's entirely redundant to do.

Instead, let them each have a thread dedicated to their work, and they can't post outside of that thread if to promote said work. It also allows people to more easily follow news and updates about their favorites.

It's fine. In my experience promo forums don't really work as people would like. Since a lot of the time it creates phantom fandom.

On the other hand, I will promote my story once I publish it, but I won't spam each forum since I see no point in it.
And I honestly don't have the time to do a sub 4 sub scenario. It helps a lot but if I sub to something I want to be able to read it and truly help the author.
If I can't read it (due to my limited time) I don't think I am really helping them.

I do know that helping them reach 100 subs is a lot of help but I want to truly help them and not just phantom help them.

Having said that, there is nothing wrong with being a phantom sub/follower. I just feel the point of being an author is making the day of at least one person and personally I value more a dedicated fan over a sub. But that's just me. Some authors value more subs.

Getting back on topic, I have noticed that forums that have like 1k posts don't really help with your promo. Mainly because new members that join the forum don't have the time or patience to read all 1000 messages and to sub to each and every comic/novel.

Something I don't like from the promos I see here is that most members just promo to promo without having a target audience. For example, if you promote your last chapter without explaining what your story is about, then you won't truly create an interest.
Marketing should always be done with a target audience in mind, not just spamming without a target.

Don't worry you can always tag me if needed. I am also new on tapas forums but I have tons of life experience. I am always happy to help a fellow tapas member in the scope of my ability.

I don't think that would be a good solution.
The way I see it, people who don't spam are way more effective in grabbing people's attention while those who spam tend to get ignored.
This happens in all life issues not just promo threads.

Spam is never a good thing it makes the message you want to get accross lose credibility.
The way things are now, promo threads are not hurting the consumers but the promoters.

Having mods limiting your promo threads to just 1 place would hurt since it will get lost in the sea of new promos just like how it is lost today.

That's what I'm saying, though.

Most people spam a multitude of threads.

If they each have a single thread they can only use for their product, then they can't spam. Hell, put a limit on one update post a day and you're solid. It works really well. I used to moderate a pretty heavily populated community of artists back in the day and it was the method we used, and it was really nice and orderly because of it.

People are already getting lost in seas of promo threads, but they're getting lost in a sea of promo comments IN the sea of promo threads on top of it.

This isn't just a Tapas problem. I mod some promo groups on FB for Kindle writers and a lot of them are convinced that adding a random except to their images is the best way to attract readers. 95% of us have no idea what the story is about so the random excerpts are meaningless.

Sorry, forgot to mention but there is always a way around that system like creating false accounts/bots. That's why I said it's not a valid solution. It will create new problems in unexpected ways.

A good solution would be educating new people on how marketing works and teach them not to spam. We can't really do more than that. Unless a moderator is constantly checking forums and warning people.
But I know how lazy and cheap some companies can be regarding moderators.
Many times they prefer to make things automatically instead of paying a person to read each and every message.

Sadly creating an automated system can bring many errors and lack of judgement. Ai just aren't advanced enough to completely replace human interactions in certain situations. I consider promoting being one of them.

There's literally always going to be people who will try and game any system you come up with. That's just how communities are. And no solution is going to be perfect. But we can potentially find the most optimal solution.

Fake accounts and bots don't matter because the threads would be based on the title of the product, not who's posting it. So that wouldn't be an issue. They might make a duplicate thread, but that's easy to auto-check and handled by mods or automation.

You can only educate those who care to be educated, unfortunately. Most people who post in the promo threads probably haven't ever glanced the rest of the forum and would have no idea of any rules.

Big this

lots of us who've been on the forums for along time have tried to show new folks "the way" but really it only ever matters to those who actually bother to read and learn so the trying to educate happens way less

for some it takes learning the hard way and seeing folks get annoyed and others just fizzle out when they don't see results and go elsewhere so it's a problem that sort of tends to itself but also operates in an endless cycle

Pretty much, yeah.

I've written software for forum moderation a couple of times, and while it's not perfect, it really does help mods so much. But it's also on the community.

I think if we had title-specific threads, it'd just overall be better. People who enjoy certain titles can follow those threads for news, updates, art, whatever. There wouldn't be seas of posts to scroll through to find an interesting title. There'd be way less spam. And if someone made a duplicate of a title, all you gotta do is flag it for mods to check.

It's really easy and it does work.

It would also encourage people to update daily to get pushed toward the top.

Details regarding your solution would have to be wroked out. Each time you post I get a better idea of what you meant. I liked when you mentioned slow post on promo forums. If it is like the discord slow-post option I think it will work. Limiting to 1 post per day on promos section and adding a slow option to not allow multiple members to post on promos around every 2-3 minutes or something like that.

In other words, limiting posts per account on promos section to once or twice per day and limiting posts in promo section between members to 1 every 2-3 minutes.

Don't think it will be implemented but it could work.

That's what I'd do, yeah. And it'd be really easy to implement programmatically. A web dev could do it in an hour, easily.

i can't speak on the coding but i think it'd depend on whats available to this forums base (which is Discourse iirc) and what options are available in this sites currently implemented version

coz it's definitely old enough that dark more isn't something that can be added in per a response i'd gotten a while back in a thread asking about it so anything beyond that is ???