23 / 41
May 2020


You seriously don't see anything wrong here?

I mean the problem is >other< people could have been finding some solace and meaning in the thread ^^; So sadly its not JUST doki and Rat who would have passionate emotions about it. Tho im happy that Rat is available to give us all more clarity on what her intentions where. It at least makes me feel better, even if it might not make everyone feel better

You are speaking completely irrationally.

I get that you are defending someone who is mentally and emotionally hurting, but you are also not considering Ratique's position in all this. She is NOT healthcare professional. If she misspeaks on something, it could actually cost her her job.

I would say her response is not only appropriate, it is the only type of response she can give.

If you could flag those for me when you see them, I'll happily take a look. I try to see them but must have missed them.

I always like your threads and think they're very useful, but this one was simply a topic that we typically avoid. I hope you didn't take offense and I'm glad you're not feeling depressed.

Well, it's not only for your sake. It's for other people's sake too. Including mine, because I also like to whine and discuss edgy things. :sweat_smile:

I repeat once more, if you didn't bother to read it the last time.

This is the problem.

Yes, I have read it and completely understand what you are saying, but I am also saying that doesn't matter. I think she has said literally the same lines in other similar threads. It's probably the most she is authorized to say. She has no obligation to give any type of medical advice beyond that and she should not.

I understand. ^^; It's just that I see people using my name, and my reasoning, and while those are all valid points I just want it to be understood that I'm not really a victim here. At least, not any more than anyone else is.

Maybe if you didn’t scream, people would listen to you. Instead of losing your damn mind, calmly explain your reasoning, and maybe people will be more willing to listen to what you have to say.

A topic like this isn't just visited by the OP but by many others as well - when we send these responses, they're often not just for the OP but also for others that may be triggered by the topic. While I understand that you find my response unfitting, no offense was meant and it seems a little blown out of proportion.

Well. I'm glad if you didn't take it too personal and upset. I'd be furious for such boorishness. I'm already furious even if it was not addressed to me. :sweat_smile:
Sorry if I bothered you by making so much noise. Just as I said, this problem is wider than just your case, in my opinion. But if you'll tell me to stop this topic, I'll stop reply here.

True. Personally, here's my thing -- would this forum be the place for that? The one where every other thread is drowned out by "sub 4 sub" threads and "promote your x comic" threads?

Moreover, if we look at the replies so far, has this new thread really helped the situation?

I can only speak for myself, so this is only my feeling. But so far, I'm not seeing the good outcome of this.

If you still don't understand or pretend to not understand.

A person explained in a long post, why she can't do X.
You told in response exactly: "Do X".

She told why she doesn't...

Doki told that replies were interesting. And it any case, it doesn't justify what was told and made with this topic.

I thought I was pretty clear:

But, would it make you feel better if I changed the response?

See this is the problem with really touchy subjects like this. We have to remember that while yes this is a Fourm where people do sub 4 sub its also a place were we can find people to critique works. It is a place where discussion can happen, it is in itself a community. And if someone ANYONE feels like they can benifit more by reaching out to there community over professionals (whom many people ive talked to either have trust issues for or have had horrible awful experiences with in the past). Then its hard to be completely against the idea of allowling people to reach out even if its clamed as unorthodox.

Yes drama has happened but to act like drama dosnt happen every day for the smallest of things is putting everything in this fourm out of perspective. >I< for one am at least glad that I got to see Rat's response to what happened because I can at least feel like she is actively available when these things happen. I understand that she can only say so much but maybe in retrospect it may have been better to simply close the thread saying that it isnt within guidelines rather then also ad to go talk to professionals, in a thread talking about not being comfortable talking with professionals

im sorry if that seems rather center for you but i am hoping to get both sides to understand one another, people are worried about getting triggered seeing the post but clearly at least one person got triggered by the post being closed, its sadly not something that has a winning side. its why Id like everyone to understand that it was a bit scary to see and people wanted to respond to it, Now people can either get over it now that the laundry has been put out or they can continue to brew, but at least everything has been said and we have a better understanding of the rules and conduct.

I can understand why you're very upset, but I can also understand why we have to indicate where certain discussions are permissible--not that they're unimportant in any way, but that they aren't allowed here, in this webcomic forum for very serious reasons. Mental health is a huge problem right now with the Covid stress, and shouldn't be disregarded in any way, but the issue with the internet is we don't see the whole person on the other side of the screen (even in this instance, I think we're putting words in doki's mouth that were never intended).

There is no answer here in this forum for suicide in the same way that you don't go to this webcomic forum for a broken bone or a heart attack--this is a very serious, life-threatening condition, and you can't just magically talk to a friend on Tapas until it gets better.

We've had quite a few threads in the past that veered into mental health territory that went very speculative--and we gotta be careful about the discussions we have here. We have to moderate when it can trigger life-threatening thoughts.

Sometimes a group is not equipped to help itself. There are so many walking wounded in this forum. Angry people, depressed people, people who work in bakeries. Expecting us to come together as a community can be like gathering a bunch of mental patients and saying, "Nutters, heal thyselves!"