34 / 49
Oct 2019

My idea was inspired by occultism and Pokémon. I love mythology, occultism, demonology, angelology and reading about weird conspiracies (like Nephilim being real and their bloodline surviving the biblical Flood.)

I've always wanted to do a comic about people who fight demons and use them as familiars, but struggled with the idea of how they would capture them, where they would keep them etc. I was reading a book called "The Three Magical Books of Solomon" about King Solomon who famously sealed 72 demons inside a ring (called the Seal or Ring of Solomon) and commanded them to build his temple. He was an Exorcist and a master magician. Sometime later I had a dream and in it saw an Exorcist use a magic ring. Like a poke master she had collected a crazy arsenal of demons inside it and would summon them to defeat her enemies in battle. I woke up and wrote down everything I could remember.

Due to the lore I invented the ring was changed from Solomon's to Metatron's, but the man is still lingering around the comic. The Ring of Metatron holds only 72 demons and the school where Exorcists are trained is called the Sol Moon Umbraculum: it can be read as Sun and Moon or Solomon. Umbraculum was/is an umbrella used to give shade to the pope and symbolizes his power. In the universe of my comic Exorcists protect humanity and serve the Divine (a.k.a the pope). They act as a sort of protective umbrella holding demons at bay, so, I thought the word fit quite well.

I was trying to one up a fellow writer.

Okay, so this writer I know (my sister and on again/off again beta reader) was writing a story loosely based off the characters of the Sander sides youtube videos (Deceit had just been introduced at the time). Anyways, she kept asking my input into her story and characters (stuff like is this in character for them etc.) and after a while, I got to thinking that I could probably do a better job with the characters. Not to say she was doing a bad job, I just thought I could do it better since I've been writing longer than her. Still, I didn't have a story to tell with them yet.

Then I was reading a fan comic (I think it was of MHA) where a character switched with an older version of themselves. It focused on the younger version in the future, but it got an idea stuck in my head. How weird would it be to come home to a complete stranger in your apartment, claiming to be your roommate from the future? And thus, the start of RomaMates was conceived.

I've gotten inspiration for individual parts from all kinds of places, but the initial idea came from those two things.

Spoiler for the movie The Green Mile

I can't really elaborate on how it inspired me because that would be colossal spoilers, but I found this scene from the Green Mile so moving as a kid that I ended up making a story about it.

I'm doing slice of life, so yeah.. from daily situations

I remember i used to get sooo much inspiration for my art from social media! My facebook, twitter and instagram are full of artists, illustrators, comic artists and so on...otherwise most of the stories that i have imagined came from MUSIC! Maybe even a random song that i've listened already 20000 times, but somehow at some point clicks me right and bam! a story i can't get out of my head.

Now this thins hasn't happened to me in a long while, but i just noticed how music affects me a lot in my life, even for regular drawings.

Otherwise again, tv series, other comics and stuff like that, i don't have many hobbies ^^"

I had a world inside my head,that was more of an escape from reality.that's basically it

Years ago I ran a Mutants and Masterminds game for my friends where they played the absolute worst superheroes (a violent, middleaged alcoholic that controls water and a vain, spoilt, cosplaying daddy's boy with vast mental abilities) that hated each other as much as they did any of their 'villains' but every week managed to get even more monsters/superhumans/government agencies pissed at them and just had to keep sticking together for a 'little bit longer'.

It was about the most fun I've ever had in a tabletop game and I always promised my players (and the people that used to read our campaign journal) that if I ever found an artist I'd adapt it into an actual, honoest to God comic book.

I've been working on my story for over 10 years.

I like to write genre works and then subvert the tropes associated with them. So my story started out as a cyberpunk story with a cyborg who didn't want to be a cyborg. Ironically, it was a plot point in Deus Ex Human Revolution, which teaser trailer dropped around the same time (not the one with the infamous "I never asked for this").

In the end, the main thing that inspired my story was cyberpunk movies, like Blade Runner and Robocop, sprinkled with some Japanese cyberpunk.

I've redrawn this comic so much over the ten years that it doesn't much resemble the original pitch.

For Ghost Guide, I've always had a love of ghost stories from Haunting of Hill House to A Fine and Private Place.

For The Power of Stardust, I was inspired by golden age superhero comics (of course given the subject matter) and the 1960's version of The Outer Limits.

Probably the little things I noticed in life. Sometimes from a dream, from a random music video I found on YouTube, a patch of flowers by the sidewalk, a flock of birds across a clear afternoon sky. Anything, really. Inspiration is strange that way. Might sound super cheesy, but I’d like to think that our stories have always been within us, just waiting for the right ‘trigger’ to bring forth the ideas to life :slight_smile:

A Nick Cave song called Supernaturally gave me random visions of a girl controlling demons. Next thing I knew, I was drawing comic pages in an old sketchbook. Eventually, I scanned them and polished them, and I just kept it going drawing on the tablet.

Now I've got two volumes of this done, just posted the first chapter here;

Not sure where, but it's definitely going somewhere.

Sometimes it's music. I've a fantasy trilogy inspired, somehow, by Amaranth by Nightwish. (Later, Amaranthine by Amaranthe influenced it because the feel & message in the song was already in the story. It scrolled across my YT suggested.)

Sometimes it's a what if. I've a dark anti-hero novel in the works inspired by the "what if there was a story about a true sociopath falling in love and learning to deal with it?".... Don't ask why super heroes genre was what this one wound up in.

Sometimes it's from a show or manga I like. I've finished an epic-length work that started off as what was supposed to be a series of one shots based on the ideas presented in Monster Musume.

Then of course there's the D&D games. I've never made a story based around a D&D game, but I've used characters inspired by characters at my sessions. I'm a bit of a world builder, something I started doing a lot when I became the regular DM for my old group... Usually something will spark an idea, a thought, or I'd lament over something I wanna see in a setting... And then i'd make it. After I flesh the setting out to my satisfaction, I sit back and just start seeing what stories can play out in it.

I'm actually aspiring to be a game creator someday. A Big RPG one. So one day I was just doodling around.
"Hey, let's draw some gorgeous character. For boss battle."
"Umm... octopus monster seems like fantastic!"
"Well, let's draw some kind of eerie demonic looking lord of underworld"
"Great, some kind of centaur to accompany them..."
"You know what, let's throw them into a middle school. With overgrown teenagers."

So that's how Just Usual Days1 born

It was a slow day at work and me and a co-worker we’re discussing how one could put body parts in the book drop. Then we continued on with other Library related mysteries and I though...what if there was a Library where weird things and magical stuff always happens and it’s part of the staff job to rail in magical artifacts and make sure powerful books don’t get into the wrong hands?

Thus a causal conversation about murder turned into, Grimoire Athenaeum.

My [robot] character was created sometime in 2014 as [supposedly] a Disney character; it was an effort to bring back Zoog Disney. One of my brothers told me that "it wouldn't be a good idea to pitch your character to Disney" for private reasons.

Next year after that, I wanted to create a talk show host that would talk to characters from third-parties. My young brother drew the character for me, and I copied what the character looked like from the drawing onto PowerPoint. I later gave my talk show host a revamp, consisting of a blended Simpsons-South Park art style. It was planned that the show would be taken to Warner Bros. Television and Universal Television. I've chosen to give up on pitching the show to those two because it was hard to get in the TV Cartoon industry and it was hard avoid the political stances that Hollywood's been using.

Earlier this year, I wanted to make my series an Independent cartoon web-series. But I decided that making a web-comic is a good way to go before making the cartoon web series.

The result: Kärumtoo: Worldwide Sheriff

Jenny Wakeman meets Stan Smith (minus the politics).

And surprisingly enough, it's different from all the other web-comics in here.

I get these bursts of inspiration, and if I'm completely honest I have no idea where they could even come from! I feel like the more I write the easier it becomes. ^_^

Playing a 90s point and click adventure game, and wanted to make a comic with the same fomat (my art style has mostly changed, but some of the early stuff I did was also in the art style of an old adventure game).

I was playing a video game and kept getting mad at my character for constantly getting addicted to drugs. That ended up sparking the first ideas for Detox.

It started in grade school, we read a mid summers night dream by Shakespeare. I fell in love with the idea of fae. My obsession grew from there. I began reading books about the fae and faeries. Those books are what inspired me to write my own novel :slight_smile:

That happened to me a lot at the start of my story writing! I’d just get these bursts of inspiration and ideas would just form.