13 / 18
Mar 27

For me it is all the fantasy media I grew up with from shows, to books, and so on. However, playing D&D has also given me a lot. Not just because of the fantasy escapism aspect, but also just the nice silly times and everyone laughing while they enjoy their time. It makes me want to create stories that tap into that feeling.

Also, romance, I love mushy gushy stuff lol.

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For me, it's a mainly subconscious combination of a ton of influences from various media. The various animated shows that I've watched over the years and enjoyed due to them having the kind of art and writing style that I enjoy, different comic strips and webcomics that I've been reading ny whole life, different movies and shows that inspire me, and different philosophical concepts that stood out to me, different novels I've read, etc. It's not so simple that I could just pinpoint two or three works that solely inspire me. It's more like a complex, interwoven tapestry of media that intermingle into the "sphere" of influence that drives my work.

Horror media
Children's Cartoons
Avatar The Last Airbender specifically
BL webtoons

Videogames, horror movies and cinematography, metaphysics- frequencies, spirituality, music, ancient legends and phases in life through personal struggles/ growth and fun memories with friends n family (as you rightfully said, just the nice silly times :thumbsup: :smiley: ) . Studying Game design and learning software inspired ideas too.

My current series originally started as an idea for an action-horror videogame and the presentation is inspired by action-horror films and AAA videogame aesthetic. The initial idea came when having the flu, gross stuff like bringing up cold inspired the MCs ability and the way people usually joke 'Hey man stay away with that cold, I cant afford to get sick', inspired the infection spread lol. And by the time covid came, as terrible as it was it did inspire other concepts within it.

I feel most my works are just... subconsciously inspired by things. I can't really point to one solid source. Some of my short stories are based off my life, I suppose. But that's boring.

I do have one story that takes very heavy inspo from something... my gothic horror story I just started posting is heavily inspired by the game Bloodborne. So inspired, in fact, I released it on the anniversary of the release date of the game. If you know anything about the game you'll see that instantly in the world, though the story differs quite a lot. My story ain't eldrich, but it does have plague riddled vaguely Victorian city, kind-of vampires that were nearly wiped out, corrupt church...

I remember that I watched a short video of no more than 5 seconds about a princess running in the forest and followed by a large number of butterflies. That video did not leave my mind for days, so I started to form the world of the novel, characters and events.

My work was inspired by the early drafts of a novel which I wrote around the time I watched The Film Which Must Not Be Named - I was seventeen then. It was a novel about a snowman anarchist who blew things up. Unfortunately, due to events in 2015, I had to scrap the novel. However, many of the ideas from it, like the snow world, and how the snowmen work, found their way into Nixvir.

Unlike a lot of people, I had a literary upbringing from an early age, so much of Nixvir was inspired by many of the novels I read as a child and which I studied for A-level - that's advanced level for those who aren't aware - and yes I did read a certain book series which I will not name here. But I also read The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (yes, I know it was a book before it was a film) when I was ten years old, and I also read Frankenstein, His Dark Materials, et cetera. My mother used to read me Lewis Carroll's poetry when I was younger, and I studied Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The War of the Worlds (the novel, NOT the 2005 film, although I did watch the BBC miniseries - never finished it).

Always loved writing, monsters, and all that jazz.

As I grew up and realized my sexuality, I wanted to find books that showcases my sexuality. Yet, they never surfaced. Fantasy novels highly hang around heterosexual folks, which is absolutely nothing wrong about. But, I wanted to see something more. So I said fuck it, ill do it myself.

Thus, I incorporated my personal sexuality (bisexual and asexual) into my characters. I really wanted to bring out the internal struggles with sexuality while also conforming to the pressure of being the perfect woman or man.

Its not just Evangeline who is having a crisis, but there is another character close to Evangeline who is also suffering from peer pressure to conform to society. She feels like her legacy is bound by these standards which she cannot stray from.

In addition, I wanted to touch upon autistic and ADHD actions that people dont realize. In a fantasy setting, they aren't named but I really wanted to showcase different features of both adhd and autism. I am AuDHD and often struggles silently. Hence, I want to bring out the problems I have and showcase it within a setting that might not often be seen.

Just a few off the top of my head...
various spiritual and philosophical books (Bible, Dhammapada, books by Eckhart Tolle, Dan Millman, etc)... radio shows (coast to coast am, Alex Jones, Naama Kates incel podcast, etc)... anime (Bleach, Naruto, Yuyu Hakusho, etc)... movies (Fight Club, Last Unicorn, Heathers, etc)... music (Slapshock, Eraserheads, Beatles, System of a Down, etc)... youtubers (Wheat Waffles, Hamza, etc)

...and of course real life... :joy:

It is fresh to see genuine questions instead of just promotions. For me, I really enjoy one piece and I wanted to put a friend of mine on the anime so I was casually telling him about it. That is when it clicked me that I also want to create something of my own, I also want to give rise to my creation, watch it grow with me. That night, around 3 am, I started thinking and came up with a good plot line. I told me friends about it and they all really liked it. I finally gathered enough courage and decided to start writing, I know I'm not good at it yet. But I know that I'll grow. I'm still scared to write, because I don't want to destroy my own expectations, but I still have to do it.

lots of things: my real life, the lives of people I know or learn about, the news, books and comics and movies and TV shows that I like (and even some that I don't like,) music. the list goes on. I think there are nearly infinite sources of inspiration in the world and I'm inspired by all of them.

I'm often inspired by my own life philosophies and experiences. Despite the fantasy setting, I really wanted the characters in my novel to feel real; reflecting real and personal issues that the readers could relate to.

I was reading I got pregnant with the tyrant’s child and came to the realization that I really liked that kind of problematic story. I built Married to the Duke of the Abyss as a reaction to all those generic fantasy romance manhwa, where the female lead with pink hair falls in love with the evil coded, tyrant, bad boy™. I wanted to tell my own version of the trope while avoiding some of the major pitfalls I often see in this type of story. At the same time, I added another trope I love but with an interesting twist to spice things up.

Visually I pulled a lot from generic fantasy romance manhwa, late 19th/early 20th century clothing, and Warhammer 40k/A.O.S./Fantasy.

I'm really enjoying reading everyone's replies 🥰

Glassflower takes a lot of Inspirations, among them are Gintama, Symphogear, Castlevania
but there's also Katekyo hitman Reborn, Precure, Yakuza, Devil May Cry, Avatar the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, Fire Emblem, TMNT, Fear and Hunger, Fairy Tail, spiderman, the Fate Series. So many different things that I've picked up over the years. Bits and piece, different stories I've written based on those inspirations that were then folded into Glassflower. On and on