vibrantfox is the second username i've gone under (insomniac being the first as i used to have and still have tbh sleeping problems and did a lot of drawing in the wee hours of the day/night)
as for vibrantfox, vibrant because i'm a slut for bright colors and cool palettes and fox coz it's one of my favorite animals and one i've been compared to on a couple of occasions
other monikers i've used are also pretty simple:
- demonquiche was "borrowed" from a tiktok by bdylanhollis and was a word/phrase he'd used to describe a "savory" pikle cheesecake
- ferretfluff was my desperate attempt at finding something cute to go along with my new fursona (a ferret/ermine type creature) but since i'm not the best a puns/wordplay i just went with ferretfluff
- and monobun was my play on an opposite to vibrantfox, mono or monochromatic to contrast vibrant and bun or bunny since it's one of the prey animals to foxes (at least afaik)
each one wound up being for specific content too with vibrantfox being my main general art brand monobun being for "mature" stuff (which is really just randomness or venty crap thus it kind of being phased out) demonquihe is now mainly associated with my h+h stuff (or so i hope) since it's a play on quiche the main character and their "identity " (tho they're not really a demon) and ferretfluff is for the furry stuff and technically the mature/suggestive stuff that would've gone under monobun since again i'm just kind of over that name and mono is literally now the rabbit character in h+h thus the shift to ferretfluff
looking at all that i could try to homogenize everything under just one dn but i kind of like the variety
Your story has a funny backstory hahaha I also love salt but I'm more of a sugar addict
I was honestly deciding an artistic nickname (also as an excuse to change my name because i'm a trans boy) and I stared looking for names that sounded good, so I decided for Sami, a finnish name that means flamboyant , and after it I added Luu, which means "light" on the demonic and angelic languages of my comic, so it means something like "bright extravagance", and I think it defines me well
I’ve used a couple of usernames online.
The very first I used was Fugui which is my middle name and rare enough not to be taken. I think that I used it on Panfu and Club Penguin hehe.
Then I started using the username “soiiia”. I had a friend who had a username with three i:s in it and I thought it looked cool so I copied that part and combined it with soya since I think it tastes delicious. I used soiiia on Flight Rising amongst other places. I think there is a Wattpad account with that username as well.
One of my newer usernames is “fraud” which I used on Episode since I hadn’t planned to stay there for long but I got hooked on it and was active for a little less than a year. I took the name with me to a couple of other places including Tapas. (Sometimes I use the nickname fraudikins instead.)
Recently I decided to change it up since I’m writing a science fiction story on tapas so I changed my username to U.F.O.
I think most of the changes stems from taking a hiatus from online communities and wanting to change it up a bit.
My user name Dee Sparta came from something my wife did.
I go by Dee but Sparta is not my surname. I use to have my phone show that it belonged to Princess PITA. That was a joke my cousin named me. When my wife and I were dating she saw PrincessPITA and changed it to Princess Sparta.
We both love ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt history. Plus we like the Spartans. I then needed a screen name for second life and combined Dee with Sparta and I have used Dee Sparta ever since.
When I got into art more seriously during 2020, I wanted to take a completely new name for myself and one that reflected the changes I'd gone through in my life up to that point. Autumn is of course a season full of change and beauty and coolness, the latter two things I strive to always reflect in my art. Certain species of butterflies are called admirals, and butterflies are a classic symbol of growth and change. I also have a soft spot for romance ("shipping") and now that I'm writing and drawing my own story, I'm the admiral of my own fleet of ships lol.
My Name actually started far away from the internet actually. We had a bow-shooting turnament on a medival market and I needed a name to register. And I had absolutely no idea. Everyone was like "Lord Falkenstein" or "Lady from XYZ" but I just couldn't bring my brain to come up with a usefull name... Then I just combined stuff... Like, I have a nice sicle from my Grandpa, I loved. I also liked campfires, because they are so confy and warm.
From that day on I was Feuersichel (Fire sicle in english). A little later I started to get more active with my art and also needed a name for online-stuff... Because I'm lazy and very uncreative with names, I just took that name as my pen-name.
I sometimes second guess this decision because it's german words and not easy to speak for english-speakers because of the "ch", but it really grew on me. The nice thing is though, so far I never had issues, registering with that user name ^^
A long and not particularly interesting story - I used to go (and sometimes still do) just by Tarkin at first, after Grand Moff Tarkin from Star Wars, since I used to be an avid Star Wars fan and always liked Peter Cushing, who played him. Then later during my university years I got into Warhammer 40k, which is where the "Commissar" part comes from. Despite the fact that I haven't watched or read much of anything Star Wars related for years, especially after Disney bought it, so many people know me by this nickname that I prefer to just roll with it.