1 / 29
Jun 2022

I swear it takes me so long to come up with a title because I need it to be symbolic and relevant to my story. I usually name my stories after I have a strong sense of the plot, themes and characters.

I'm curious as to what other people consider when naming their work!

For me, my comic was originally supposed to be called 'Unchosen' back when the plot was very different, but after I figured out the main story I realised it wasn't relevant anymore.

The title 'The Commune' was chosen when I was 3D modelling the background for my comic, and I was like 'huh, this story takes place in mainly one location,' and I needed to name it. I referred to the location as a commune since it fits the definition of a " house, property or community shared by people with similar interests or goals." And since the comic is about a cult, I figured it was super fitting!

The story really is about this community living in a very isolated place in the middle of no-where with shared ideals with the cult leader so I feel it really works for the story. It also does kind of have a very ominous sounding name, especially since a lot of real life cults happen in communes (not always, but still.)

It is not the most original name, but I've managed to rank my comic high on google search results when searching for "The Commune" with comic/webcomic/webtoon after it which I'm glad about. It is also super easy to remember and search which is good when recommending my comic to people :hype_01:

  • created

    Jun '22
  • last reply

    Aug '22
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Maor is a name of the MC. It's a coming-of-age story.

Turns out the name "maor" means light/illuminary in Hebrew without my initial knowledge. If my comic got big it's possible I could encounter some backlash from some religious group, but I won't change it. I'm not going to legit publish the comic in the future either.

One of the types of magic in my comic world is blood magic, which is considered very dark and it's forbidden, and one of the main characters is cursed with it. In universe people who have blood magic cast on them are said to be "blood bound" because the caster literally binds the spell to the person with their own blood. And there's no known way to ever remove these spells/curses, but the MC is trying to find a way.

That's one reason the comic is titled Blood Bound. Another reason is a major spoiler so I can't share it. :sweat_02:

I’m pretty sure that I had a two words long title to my story originally but I can’t remember it or find it. Then I decided to go with A Home Called Dirt temporarily since I needed a title to publish on Tapas.

I tend to like shorter titles but I got this name from an alternative opening where “aliens” or non-humans joked about Earth meaning dirt. And Earth is the home to the humans in this story so that is the home part. Not sure if the title makes any sense but I like if for now.

I've had the title "Sky Diver" in mind since the very beginning - in short, since I had very limited knowledge of the English language and started getting into anime xD
At first, I chose the name because it sounded cool, of course, which changed when it made more sense to stick with it for being the main character's team literally being called "Sky Diver". But it came to be a little too cheesy over time, so as I continued developing the overall story, plot & how the universe is made-up, it kind of gotten a little more different meaning which is a more poetic to me.

"Diving through all the different skies", which they do through the travelling through all the different Sectors, going on adventures and leaving an impact on the people they meet... I think it sounds pretty befitting ^^

So my full title is 'bitwam: Back in this world, as myself'. I was inspired by isekai titles; both by the tendency for them to be overly long, and also the 'In another world as X' format. My story isn't isekai but I consider it to have 'isekai vibes' in that my protagonist is starting a kind of new life that the average reader might be unfamiliar with, and it's also kind of unapologetic wish fulfilment :stuck_out_tongue:

As luck would have it, it happens that my comic has gaming themes and 'Back in this world, as myself' also abbreviates to something kind of video-game sounding XD

On a tangentially related note, I somehow end up using 'world' a lot in my titles :laughing:

Back in this world, as myself
After the World Was Saved
God's World
Small World

Mukhtar is the name of my main protagonist.

The name means "Chosen" in Arabic, despite the name and being chosen by some Omnipotent being the boy does not have any prophecy, or destiny about him being set in stone so none of that Chosen one Cliche. This justifies even further that there were others before him that were chosen and yet none of them made a difference, and failed, and they are all from a background of royalty but maybe, just maybe an under dog like Mukhtar could make a difference.

The title of my comic is "Donnie The Fighting Psychopath." The term "fighting psychopath" I know is probably weird, but really it just means... "Donnie is fighting to not become a psychopath."

For a long time, the comic was actually just called "Donnie," as a working title, but I'd always intended to give it a name that stood out more than just the main character's name. For a while, I'd thought of some variation of "Donnie the sociopathic teenager," but I wanted to avoid the word "teen," because I was worried that some people might look at the title and think that he's just be some stereotypical troubled teenager, and confirmation bias would forever cement that image. So I had to think of something different, and eventually thought of the kind of meaning mentioned before.

This, in fact, is the logo that was used for quite some time. When I came up with the full title, I of course "scrapped" this one, though it is mostly the same. This stopped being used around late April of 2021.

It is a neologism combining the Latin words for snow, “nix” and man, “vir”. Therefore when you put them together you get “nixvir”, or “snowman”. I originally wanted to call it “Virnix”, but that didn’t sound good.

So Frostpeak West came from the story being set in a place that is going to be shown as snowy/cold later on in the story. Places that tend to be snowy most of the year will have frost on the peaks of the mountains even in the summer.
This name was coined back when I was a teen and I have this old animation where the ad on the side of a bus says "Bank Frostpeak".

West was added because America has this weird habit of just adding the word West to things even if there is no East, North, or South version. And when I was super young (early elementary) I would daydream about this fantasy place which I called West W.

Yoooo it totally works! Commune just feels like it has an underlying malevolence in it from your typography choice to the color scheme, shoot the word itself feels like a place where there is no space for individuality and that alone makes me itch, but like from a design standpoint that's pretty dang cool.

I'm pretty straightforward with naming stuff since I don't wanna agonize over doing it for too long. The Magic in MagicalMashup! comes from the story featuring mages who do magic being the thing the cast has in common with each other and the Mashup from how the cast features opposites made to work with each other. I mushed it all together to visualize proximity even more and the exclamation point was added to show this story has more levity than seriousness.

I realize I'm also talking bout the comic brand and not just the title, but yeah haha :purple_heart:

Realmwalker comes from Gunhild's old role as a being who could walk between worlds

Ah, I love threads like this !

JUDAS SIGHED is many things, but most importantly to me - it implies that even Judas Iscariot would pity the protagonist. I wanted the title to evoke deep regret and disappointment. On another level, it's meant to pair with the phrase "Jesus wept."

The tree on the cover of the comic is meant to be a Judas Tree1. Myth claims that once Iscariot used the tree to end his life, the flowers turned from white to red/pink. It felt right to use the tree to hang a swing from - tree swings feel like such major symbols of childhood (more specifically, carefree life) that it kind of sums up what the conflict is.

One of my hopes in choosing the title was putting as much of the story on the tin as possible. I didn't want people to pick it up thinking that it would be some fun fantasy romp. Judas Iscariot is a pretty huge character (so to speak) in the Western consciousness, so I felt safe using his name in the title. The names Jude and Judas still have some pretty wicked stigma where I'm from, almost crossing into shorthand for a traitor.

No Steel.

My comic is based on a video game. In that game you need steel to create bionics. My protagonist is genetically modified to replace the need for bionics.

It's also the name of the project, to create enhanced bones muscles and nerves to compete with regular bionics. So, no steel involved.

It's just the name of the dojo the characters join and are a part of throughout the story: The Black Belt Society. The story has multiple main characters so it didn't seem right to name it after a particular person. And to be honest it was hard landing on the name anyway, I made it up super early in the comic's development and I didn't have anything. But it worked out.

The hero of the story is called Fresh. The heroine, Frisk, is going through a rough patch in her life, and needs a friend desperately. Right when she needs him most, Fresh comes crashing into her life.

I think I've figured out by this point "a fresh person" means a person who doesn't give heads or tails about the rules.

I like video games and I like punk rock, so I made a comic about punks that play games and I titled it Game Punks. Hopefully the irony isn't lost on the readers.

Originally, I came up with my title, "Lucky Charm" because of the lucky charm pendant that brought the two MCs get together... Yeah, not that great of reason xDD

But as the story's progressed, now the meaning's completely changed for me. I view the MCs as being a "lucky charm" for each other, where they feel 'lucky' to have found the right person to be with (regardless of what others tell them/ obstacles they'll have to face). :smiley:

Little Ball of Hate is just a play on one of the main characters names, Baul. It was a way to put the title character in the title and putting a little bit of her personality too. While not being completely on the nose with her name.