35 / 35
Mar 2022

Uh, that doesnt feel very good...
Can it be reported somewhere, anyone taking it up on discord where more of the tapas crew seems to be more active? Would really want to know where they stand in this whole NFT clownery :disappointed_relieved:

@rumpenstiltzkin yeah it being the weekend was why I made a forum post here, because I know if you have a tech issue they usually say that no one is really in the office until workdays. I feel like if it were brought up in the discord it would just get buried before someone who knows anything about it can say anything, but you can try it and see what happens anyway? Worst that happens is it gets buried.

But also I don't want to really post anything to twitter because it can uh...really explode over there. People have a knee jerk reaction when they see the words nft, and I don't want people to start deleting their comic over something tapjoy did.

Yeah, you'd probably be told to just go back to asking people what they're having for dinner so that staff doesn't get overwhelmed by too many messages about a serious issue bugging community (like it was the case with the inksgiving bonus ink thing...)

if Tapas thinks about jumping on NFTs. it would probably destroy their site cause the majority of the art community is against it. its be funny to watch tho :smiley:

Yeah, but that would be "Not Fun for Tapas" then and they'd probably pull out. (Hopefully.)

It feels like all the big companies are going into it, because higher ups see the $$$ from all the scam artists who've made all these rug pulls, not realizing how much the artists within their companies and their communities has been damaged by it. Like the whole situation going down on gumroad right now is like...a big yikes. A bunch of artists have already pulled their shops from gumroad in objection to how gumroad treated brian box brown when he objected to NFTs and had to quit.

I'm not sure if there's a way for Tapas to actually implement NFTs into the system anyway, other than this weird tapjoy offer. Like I know that at least one Tapas comic apparently got minted but that was most likely the creator's choice since they own that IP, and that could also just have been a rumor I heard over on twitter where people are going wild with the NFT content.

Lol. That bird can see into next Tuesday with a neck like that. XD

well, because NFTs are not regulated, thats the thing. yes theres the problem with the servers and the power usage but the biggest thing that scares me about NFTs is the lack of regulation.

People's youtube channels got minted without permission and same with indie music albums. recently there has been a site passing itself off as a webcomic site interested in hosting your comic. nope, its a scam site that will mint your comic and then try to get it taken off other platforms. sure you get a cut of the money.... 10% and the comic is nolonger yours either.

thats the biggest thing to a creator's eyes that makes NFTs terrifying. the fact you could lose your stuff to a cryptoscum at any moment and you better hope the minting site will actually remove it by your request (cause some do which is nice)

I don't like this situation at tall. The fact that NFTs are spreading so fast makes me very worried for Tapas...

i hoped that this was thread similar to toad tread ..... i really hope that they will do something about it, regardless of what do you think of NFT, it is bad move to trade currency (ink) for "free NFT", people will (like they already do with other NFT's) just sc someone's art :confounded:
You can literally click on comics and sc ANYTHING, did anyone try to make a ticket on discord? Or should we email tapas??

from what i heard, on the discord if you make too big of a fuss about anything, they just get mad at you.

honestly hoping someone can at keast submit a ticket or send an email (email kind of seems the better route) or something to ask about it

like after seeing the gumroad stuff on twitter earlier today ive just about hit my limit hearing about nfts and crypto stuff so itd be nice to see more vocal denouncement from companies.

Staff is aware of the complaints over the ad. Tapas doesn't select ads that TapJoy provides. They can ask for certain ads to be blocked, but it's not a guarantee that TapJoy will comply.

@powerplantanimations while I have absolutely seen a fair couple of people on twitter thinking up a bunch of conspiracies on how Tapas is going to get into NFTs, thankfully twitter hasn't sparked a fire. Like I think most people realize that it's a 3rd party service that does these ads. (which again, I don't think bringing in NFTs is plausible with Tapas' current business model. Especially when you think of how many recourses that would take to do. It makes zero sense to turn a comic that takes so freakin long to make into an NFT, that's why all the tech bros are doing procedural generated images with slight alterations so they can sell thousands of them at once to actually turn a profit.)

It would be nice if Tapas just straight up told us on social media if they did or didn't support NFTs, really it would be nice if every company did that for us straight up. But I don't think they have to at this point. (although I'd love it if they did) If the ad just went away, that would be enough.

they should post short tweet saying they don't support NFT (just like you said), because unlike this thread, twitter users won't check every single tweet to see was it third party site/app or tapas, they don't need to apologize but they need to say that since people won't check forums to see what's going on

I'm pretty sure they're being silent because they're trying to play their cards right. Like how SEGA was like "We're open about potentially doing NFT's, but we'll pull back if fans don't want us to". Except due to Tapas being a company that supports artists like you say, it could be bad for business should they even suggest the idea of potentially doing it.

I'm like a cynical old man when it comes to big corporations lmao.

I personally think that NFTs are stupid, and they deprive artists of their rightful money.
Also, crypto mining takes up so much power.

1 month later

closed Mar 9, '22

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