18 / 26
Sep 2015

Quixel's favorite food is cooked food, because for 16 years he didn't know what fire was.

If he were to go to a restaurant he'd go somewhere owned/run by a friend since he's shy around strangers. He lives in a fantasy world so there aren't any chains there, unless maybe within the larger cities.

Echo3's absolute favourite food is fish. And cakes, but fish comes first. Every kind of fish. Cooked in every way. Throw her in a fish restaurant near the sea.
Hrodland loves meat (and likes cheese). Red meat like beef! I'm sure he'd love a korean barbecue.
And Osmund loves rare meat and apples. I don't know if he can really go to a restaurant, maybe somewhere he can get a steak and french fries with apples for dessert.

Osmund sounds like my characters put together! (which is also, coincidentally, basically me). Steak and chips with apple sauce for pudding would be the dream! <3

Ahah yeah, that's what I was thinking when looking at your answers XD
He's really talkative, that would be perfect for a nice restaurant, chatting about how meat and apples are awesome!

Dahlia3 loves fresh fruit. Her fav is watermelon. It's so refreshing especially in hot weather.
Lori3 LOVES LOVES LOVES... bread. She has endless appetite for bread.

Angelica from "Summerdays" likes cheeseburgers basically because she's not allowed to eat them often. Also she thinks she looks cool eating them.

i have to thanks this thread, it ll be useful in the future for my comic XD
btw, as im italian and i loved the Bud Spancer & Terence Hill movies... if u have see "They Call Me Trinity" u should know where im going in XD

Tula - seafood fried rice
She loves seafood in general, but she likes the added fluffiness of the rice. She would go to any Chinese restaurant that actual Chinese people go to.

Ian - fish and chips
He has a weakness for fried foods, but he thinks he can cheat by balancing the bad with the health benefits of fish. He has a particular kiosk/truck-thing that does a good fish and chips that he likes.

Andreas - his mom's menudo
More of a nostalgia thing than anything, though it does taste pretty good as well. As for a restaurant, he likes Asian fusion places. He tends to stay away from Mexican restaurants because he always thinks his family's meals are better.

Beau - prime rib
To him, nothing's better than a tender cut of beef between his teeth. He would definitely go to the House of Prime Rib in San Francisco.

Teb - Cheese and soon to be her new favorite; 'Zynian Jelly' (rare)
Garf - Lambshank, mutton, ram's hoof, goat's head, limestone (all common in the hills)
Bowen - Oranges (rare), anything with cinnimon (rare)

If you actually asked him Samroche would probably end up answering "bread" because it's his go-to when he can't decide what to eat, but at any given time his actual favorite, in small amounts, is probably some kind of fruit. It changes a lot. He eats something too frequently because he likes it and then he gets bored of it.

He doesn't really do restaurants much - if he has to, he'll go to someplace local and kitschy, but he prefers to stop at food carts and the like when he's out.

I guess Jonny Regionson Jr.'s favorite food would be pizza, probably with bacon. At the end of Book 2 he mentioned he loves "Many Son's Pizzeria" which i named after my favorite pizza place "Three Son's". They're right around the corner and have been serving pizza to my family since before I was born.
Though I haven't shown the inside it did make a brief appearance in Book 3:

Haven't though about what Val Mobela's favorite food yet. Maybe gyros or something.

Toru happens to enjoy Pho Nam, especially when it's loaded down with meats. There's a little noodle shop in Daijin that serves it, but his Grampa doesn't often take him to eat out (because he eats like a pig).

Aya's favorite is currywurst, for some reason.

Nintendo - bananas
Microsoft - Doritos and Mountain Dew
Namco - weird ice cream ("weird" as in "snake" and "squid" and so on)

references all around

Good questions, will come up with answers on the spot lol:
Alice - She has a sweet tooth, so cakes in general. In her opinion, they taste better if they're decorated with love.
Fenris - definitely a meat eater, but due to story circumstances, his favourite food would actually be an apple xD

well I have many characters, many with favorite foods, but generally speaking:
Alice, Markus, Sonya, Selene, and my other vampire characters: BLOOD! They live off of it, LITERALLY
Sahara, Sabine, Sylvia, Fey, Calla, Rex, Dax, Logan and my other wolf-aspect characters: meat. preferably beef. and raw
Usa, Isa, Nani, Nanaeo, Cecilia, and Zephyr: Veggies. they r all about the veggies. but then again, they r rabbit-beings
Sparrow, Crow, Falcon, Raven, Sesea, Scythera, and other Reapers/Reaper Shadows (my idea. I may post concept art later): Apples. Apples. Apples. Apples. AND apples
Honey, Yazmin, Jazmin, Rue, and my other Jackal-characters: anything sweet. especially cake. as for why? il say in my upcoming story ;p
BUT all in all, the characters in my upcoming story can all agree on ONE favorite food, but only because it's seen as food in my story (and other stories, but that's details, details, details): SOOOOOULLLS~
yeah ok im gonna go back to my Corner of NOPE now QwQ

Akane would like some candy, please. Anything you've got, as long as it's loaded with sugar. Masahiro will eat literally anything, but he has a soft spot for stir-fry with chicken and lemongrass.

But really. As long as it's cooked and even remotely tasty, they will both eat without complaint.