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Mar 2017

What the title says. Is it a kind of character you can relate to? Or maybe it's one that makes you feel inspired or empowered. Maybe you just like sexy or cool characters, or maybe a character with a deep and complex background. Tell me your thoughts!

As for me, I always tend towards characters who are sort of rebellious. Yusuke Urameshi is probably my best example. I like the kind of character that, when he sees someone getting picked on, he goes a little overboard on the aggressors. Or another example being someone who constantly butts heads with authority figures when they do something the character finds abhorrent.

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I like the realists I suppose. Like they're not super optimistic nor pessimistic and they get annoyed with some people they deal with. I can relate to them. Ginko is a prime example.

Also "grumpy" characters tend to grow on me and become favorites. -cough-


Actually I think the characters I enjoy the most are the ones I don't always relate to or I'm not particularly like. It makes it all the more interesting when you end up empathizing with them still.

I also enjoy the "Vegeta" type of character that perhaps started out as the enemy but begins to see things from the protagonist's POV....that is IF the change isn't too sudden and...well, makes sense. Serious mental conflict should definitely be a thing with such characters.

Also, I'm sorry but I will always have a fondness for absolutely despicable villains. XD

Bonus: Silent badasses.

Well I can't really say what type of character I like most based on personality since all my faves are drastically different from each other in that regard. But the pattern I've noticed with the characters I like usually fall into one of these categories:
1. Immediately eye catching/good character design that looks unique/interesting and gives a sense of their personality and background before they even speak their first lines of dialogue.
2. That character that is either overlooked or is unlikeable in the beginning then gets character development later on (and usually ends up with a more complex personality than the protagonist)
3. Characters that are relatable (to me at least) and have a more or less balanced amount of good and bad traits/morals. I especially like characters that have a messed up moral compass but are still nice people, since I have met quite a few people like that IRL.
(Also I just realized I miss read the question a bit but oh well, I spent too much time writing this already.)

gimme all the sad bastards. the beast from beauty and the beast, roxas from kingdom hearts, tony stark, elena in the first few seasons of vampire diaries. the entire cast of steven universe. i love me a good tragic backstory, the sadder they are the more in love i am.

now when the angst gets used as an excuse to be a dick is where i draw the line, tho.

I tend to like characters who had a really specific vision of how they think the world should work. What that vision is can really vary by the character, but I always find myself sympathizing with these characters when things don't match up with how they think they should me. Or how they think THEY should be.

A simple example would be how Miss Piggy thinks things should be glamourous and romantic all the time, but then a lot of the times she ends up having that vision fall apart around her, including her own giggly persona.

Leslie Knope is another good example because she functions on the belief that people are good and that government works for the people... and when that's not the case (which it rarely is) she gets overwhelmed.

So yeah, characters with strong (slightly off) senses of themselves and the world around them that are easily overwhelmed.

I like quirky characters that are easily amazed and bring a lot of joy. They are usually the best friend of the main character.
This kind of character often dies though... cry

Fun thread!

Hmmmm, if we're going with the absolute fav... The kind or gentlemanly guys, who don't feel the need to be rude to compensate for whatever. The non-brutes, the thinking ones, the mature ones, those who allow weakness to show once in a while. Elegance and sass is a plus. Often it's the mage-type character.

So to name some examples from comics:

If we're going with Yu Yu Hakusho, it's gotta be Kurama. (though I like the whole cast, really, and it's so much about their chemistry) Bonus points to him for being straight up fabulous and lethal with all those flowers.

Prime example: Rayearth's Clef, kind and helpful, insanely powerful but doesn't feel the need to prove it to anyone (maybe being 745 years old drains you of shits to give?)

Allen Walker in D.Gray-man of course - he's such a sweetheart.

I guess he fits into this category too, so Kaito Kid: Smart and sassy af. I guess he's kind of the mage of the Detective Conan universe...

@joannekwan Ginko ftw. Perfect gif of him right there.

Edit: HOW could I forget Kenshin?

I've always had a fondness for characters whose life really sucks and they could probably really use a good hug, but they're too proud to ever admit it. I also really love villains. Even better when those two things overlap, lol.

The type of character I like are fatherly/motherly types.They might have a chip on their shoulder and they use their past experiences and/or mistakes to protect or take care of someone else (sometimes their own child but not always). Make them a little insecure and I freaking love it.

Edit: Examples are Grunkle Stan (Gravity Falls), Jiraiya and Tsunade (Naruto), Babar

Characters who are irresponsible and lazy or annoying but still genuinely nice, supportive people who really try their best
Perfect example is Nicky (Avenue Q)3

Weird, bizarre, gawky, outcast characters, ones that usually break mold or go against expectations on what is a perfect character. Not your typical wallflower, but your demented wallflower.

Junji's Souichi is just a lovable psycho for one. Has no friends, probably sacrificed someone to satan but you gotta love him for his weird antics and he gets his ass handed to him for his shitty deeds.

I find myself drawn to cocky/arrogant/overly confident characters like Oikawa , Aomine, or Izaya. I'm pretty much the complete opposite of them, but it's very nice to see someone who is so confident in their abilities and can back it up with skill.
If the author can make them likable without totally neutering their personality, that's an A+ in my books.

I also really like leaderly type characters? Like captains of teams such as Daichi, Kuroo, Miyuki. In non-sports anime these characters tend to mentor the MC then.. die but I still love 'em lol.

Assassins Creed characters they can be serious and funny sarcastic all at the same time especially Jacob Frye and they have awesome fighting skills and accents that would swoon you also a sass

My instant favs are always scientist characters, medics and mechanics.
♥ Nerds with glasses ♥
And I always fall for the grumpy-and-cold on the outside but actually a softie inside.

Oh hey, can I join this club? Because I feel like I need to be part of this club.

I don't really have one favourite type of character - I tend to love a bunch of different ones. There are so many types and character-tropes I enjoy, I'm going to illustrate them with Critical Role-fanart I've drawn.

You are highly likely to snag my interest if you have a character who is big and scary and intimidating, but who also has a soft spot for small, cute things. Example: Grog Strongjaw.

Grog is an 8 feet tall Goliath who loves to drink ale, rage, punch things in the face, and hang out with his tiny Gnome friends. Also, Grog has a heart the size of an ocean, and can't read. Though his best Gnome-buddy Pike did manage to teach him the letter "G"! <3

Also - walking disasters. The kind of people who need a whack upside the head, a stern talking to AND probably a hug and a cup of tea before they feel okay again. A tragic backstory doesn't hurt - nor does an ongoing tendency to make terrible decisions. Example: Percival de Rolo III.

Ooooor how about mysterious weirdos who you can't tell if they're good guys or bad guys, but are just the right balance of weird, creepy and genuinely helpful? Are they on the side of good, the side of evil, or just off in a corner entirely by themselves, doing things for reasons no one understands? Bonus: slightly out of sync with the rest of society, also, weird laugh. Example: Senokir.

And while we're at it, why not super-self-confident, friendly, wiser-than-you people you can go to in an emergency, who always have your back, love you a lot and are happy you're here - who also happen to be not-so-secret badasses? And also very much not straight? Example: Shaun Gilmore, of Gilmore's Glorious Goods.


And finally - people who aren't paid enough for this shit, but will do it anyway, because damn it, they can't just leave a mess and walk away from it. Secretly more badass than they look, and probably the most competent people around, you should be happy they're even here (and you should probably give them a pay-raise). Example: Jarett Howarth.

(hey guys - you should watch Critical Role4. Best 350 hours I've ever spent on anything).

Visual wise - Androgynous characters.

I duno, since I can remember and even as a kid I always tend to favour them even when I think they will not be the character I get attached to the most in series.


Honestly that can go all over the place it would be easier to make a list of personalities I don't like than ones that I do, it's more about complexity and not being completely one dimensional that I tend to like. As well as chemistry between other characters. Though the 'bad guy turns good' trope I enjoy.

I feel like I usually lean towards liking the flirts, or those characters I immediately think to dislike because of their attitude or something like that (though I get a bit curious about "why are they the way they are?"), but then am introduced to their backstory and realize they're very much in need of a hug; so I go from "I hate you" to "I hate everyone who hurt you, my poor baby". Also the ones that like to act tough but are soft and squishy on the inside (like a toasted marshmallow) are great too. c:

i think i like supposed badasses that are actually terrified and clueless. like luci from wicdiv, or crowley from good omens.

i also like warmhearted and complicated butch lesbians. pousse from oitnb is an alltime fave - and suzanne.