2 / 23
Jan 2024

I’ve been both posting and reading for nearly a year on tapas and I’ve noticed that some people send ‘thank you for subscribing’ messages. So I’ve been thinking about making and sending for comic, but first I want to know what your opinion is about these messages.
Do you like getting them, find them obnoxious or you don’t care either way? What your thoughts about it?

And for anyone curious, here’s my comic (for now without a thank you message)

  • created

    Jan '24
  • last reply

    Jan '24
  • 22


  • 860


  • 1


  • 20


  • 1


I don't think I've ever gotten one... the comics I read my be too popular for their creators to bother 'xD neither do I to be perfectly honest...
there's also the fact that you can access your wall only on browser version of the site and most readers use the app so those folks will most likely never see your message

it was definitely something of a common tradition in early (tapastic) years and a nice way to build community/camaraderie but aside from the fact that different readers/creators had different preferences (usually determined by if there were any of those on their wall to begin with) it also just kinda fell out of style i guess?

like i havent been active on the site in years but i also know that it's become pretty rare, where if any thanks is expressed it's kept to the comic itself or social media and usually just relegated to larger milestones like 1k 10k and so on than like individual thank you's

do i personally miss the tradition? yeah, kinda. it was a fun way to get to engage with a creator whose work you enjoyed and a nice little nod of acknowledgement but like was mentioned not a lotta folks have that kind of time or energy to spare or just maybe dont want to bother to begin with

i kinda doubt the likelihood of it becoming common practice again but if you're really eager to add incentive for subbing there's always the option to do something like free icons/wallpapers or something using art from the comic itself or a simple bonus sketch/art/drawing thing

I do because I saw other people doing it, but I started to see that it makes people be seen and apreciated.
I also add an image along with it (which I should update since I've been using it for a year, I've improved and changed the style a bit.)

It used to be very common back when I joined tapas, and to be honest I really liked that tradition! However it seems it has died down- or maybe I'm just not subscribing to new comics that often, it's hard to tell. Anyway, I stopped doing it myself after my hiatus.
I think it might be because a lot of people use almost only app version and it's hard to see wall messages there?

I use an animated gif for thanking my subscribers.
And my wall welcomes others to post it too. I'm fine with readers and creators communicating and showing the images or gifs as an ad to thier creation.

As a creator, I like to send new subs a pretty piece of art. (Tho, I have forgotten to send one to a good handful of them, tbh.)

As a reader, I like the cards, I even like how a creator takes their time to notice someone subbed and takes a few seconds out of their day to send a little thanks...kinda boosts my interest and attention for the story...and it's a good way to advertise on another's wall, if viewers still roam around profiles, nowadays...

I've never send a new sub a personalized thank you message, but I do try to reply to every comment I get.

I kinda like the “thank you” messages, it shows that you matter to the creator. I generally try to post one when I get a new sub, but before I do I look at the new sub’s wall. If there are none there and they follow a bunch of series I won’t post one because I feel like the person wouldn’t want it. If there are already a bunch I will always add mine.

I had one for my old comic, but I never made one for Niji Chikara. Maybe I should? I don't really have strong feelings about them one way or the other tbh.

They're fine, they don't bother me, but... receiving one kinda feels like receiving a thank you card in the mail. It's like 'That's a nice gesture but... what do I do with this?'

I agree that it card sending seems kind of rare; I certainly don't mind when I receive them, though! I do hope that when I send them, I'm not bugging people, but also like other people have mentioned, it's not worth worrying about too much because your wall is only available on desktop so I think most people don't keep up with wall posts unless they're other creators.

Until I hit 75 subscribers and made a new card, I used to personally write out people's names on the cards, too! It was fun, but it made me majorly procrastinate in sending out my thank-yous. And also as things begin to pick up, it's just too much time spent writing out people's names, making sure you're sending the right ones to the right person, etc. It's time that could be spent working on the next episode of a comic.🤷

Most people seem to be happy to receive one of my cards, but I did notice one time a subscriber deleted the card I sent them, LOL. Which is fine, they can do whatever once they receive it, hopefully they just received the sentiment that I appreciate them.

Here an animated card I have for my other comic series, too!

They're nice. But if I don't get one after subscribing I'm not gonna be like "How...DARE you!?"

I don't use the app but I heard that wall posts don't really show up there. It could be that they got fazed out because of that.

I send them because a lot of the time someone subscribes and maybe sends likes, but then doesn't comment, so otherwise I wouldn't really have a way to thank them. Just want anyone who does sub to know that I appreciate them.

I sometimes worry that people who don't comment don't want to be perceived at all, so I worry if the cards make them uncomfortable--I once added an author's note thanking someone who had gone through and liked every one of my chapters, and after that chapter they never sent another like lmao. So sometimes it seems like singling people isn't the way to go. But I would rather seem too grateful than not enough, I guess.

Don't care either way. I understand those are a way of saying thank you and at the same time like an ad.

i was ok with it when i first joined tapas i thought it was the norm, but now i kinda just don't like it when people comment on my page at all. I'll delete most messages unless its important.

Very obnoxious, imo. My inbox is already full of spam from Tapas themselves, not to mention the countless 'updates' to weeks old, or even months old episodes and the like from creators that just have to send pointless notifications to their subscribers.
And if you get big enough, are you really gonna send a message or post on someone's wall for every like, comment, or subscription you get on each episode for each story? At what point do you stop doing it?

You bring up a very good point about the updates. There are certain people who update their things several times a day and send out notifications, and usually it's only to correct a spelling mistake or something.

Unless you are making substantial changes to a page you do not need to send out updates, because if you do it all the time you will drive subscribers away.

Of course, that being said. Tapas is partly to blame there, because they default to "send". It should default to "don't send".