73 / 79
Apr 2020

Yes, procrastination :new_moon_with_face:
If I don't go and schedule an empty chapter and update a notice for my readers, I would use the excuse that I haven't promised anyone that i'll update yet and binge on my favorite webtoons and random interests that actually has no productive impact on my life like watching kpop idols... yes.

Messing with characters is oddly enjoyable, like playing a Barbie as an adult lol
And I checked Kao, and I find him cute... I don't know if you'll use him as one of the devices, but he still cute

OOF this one is a big problem for me too :sweat_02: I have so much stuff I'm juggling that I end up burning out and making no progress anywhere :sweat_01:

I know I usually just find myself think up what would be an interesting story and just end up torturing my character's XD, even fought for 2 weeks with my sister about it until I finally changed a part of my story =/

Right now I have no plans to continue Kao but I am working on another story and premise, and let's just say I really y needed a tight leash for some parts of it and even then my beta readers told me that the ending is a bit too much XP

I'm the same ! I thought very poorly of theses short stories back in the time (like when you're proud of your work for like one week and after you hate it for absolutely no reason and want to redone everything O_o) but now, I'm fond of them as they are.
And I would like to do more short stories. Often I'm a bit embarrassed to have begun a long project that prevents me from doing anything else (well i'm a hobbyist so with work my pace is already so slow). Also this year there are so many interesting contests !! (I don't really care for the competition, but it gives a goal and a deadline)

Oh thank you for having taken the time to see it, that's just sooo nice of you ! (I won't be too humble as this prologue is the result of fifteen years of eternal reboot xD - yeah, not so proud of that haha)

May I ask a question ? --> just how did you manage to see my comic from the forum ? I often want to see what other members do, but when I click on their pseudo, I can see their profile and their activity on the forum.. and that's pretty much all.
I even tried to tap the pseudo on the research bar of the website, but to no avail O_o. Is there some kind of secret I totally missed ?

What you said hits so hard. It's totally so relatable. Being the critic of your own work is like a fire extinguisher. When I just started out, I was really excited, I kept on writing and writing, and stacks more of writing. I placed out all what my mind told me to write. And then there's a sudden blow from the breeze, and suddenly, you start questioning what you're working on, and suddenly, that story you were so excited of turns out to be utter nonsense and you start chasing another level. And you're back to phase one. That happened four times for me. But I don't regret it. I became better because of it. And I guess I still got that fire in me.

It's Psychomantium right?
And yes, there's some kind of a secret. But yeah, it stays as a secret.:stuck_out_tongue::kissing_heart:

Jk. You just happened to name your forum profile the same as you have to the actual tapas site. And with a little bit of stalking, voila.

My brother would rather die than give a crap about my story. Good for you to have a caring sister. :joy:

Ooh, tell me about that upcoming story. :eyebrows:

Hi, nice to meet you, @mouldybrot

I used to be so detailed that I end up explaining the character's background all the time that I end up having a history book rather than a novel.

Lol that's sad XD, thankfully my sister is also a creative type and was pestering me before about her own comic story, her weakness would be endless world building (she can never just stop creating and expanding the world mechanics or lore)

Well right now I'm basically in production of the pages I want to finish all 200 pages before publishing it, but the summary of the story so far is

"Qüazy is a small Kobold born with the dangerous power to kill anything she touches, dubbed Death's Touch bringing pain and suffering throughout her life, she embarks on a journey to fix this cursed body."

I hope it's better than Kao when I finish it

I think my biggest weakness is definitely like... sitting down and properly fleshing out my stories lol. I enjoy coming up with and telling stories, but as a comic author I definitely enjoy the art side more than the writing side, so it's hard for me to like buckle down and really give the writing the quality time it deserves @u@ Usually ends up with me either spending 5ever developing a story in the small chunks that I carve away to work on it, or rushing through and then wishing i had spent more time on it later when I get to the fun-yet-labor-intensive drawing part.

For example the current story I'm working on for the next part of my comic... I've been thinking about and conceptualizing it in my head for like 8 months or something, so I have a good general sense of how I want it to go and the big bullet point scenes and moments but... Now that I've been sitting down to properly outline and script it... it just takes forever because I have a hard time sitting down and just typing away in the same way that I can get sucked into a several hour comic page drawing session xD But I'm fighting the urge to just rush through and move forward with draft 1 or 2 because I really want to develop something good~ I'll just... keep chipping away at it little by little I guess lol.

The dreaded comma, I can never get its usage one hundred percent right and I've been trying for years.

2 months later

I'm from Asia and my English level wasn't great for western audience. Outside the translated mangas I find many webcomics use phrases, jargons, slangs that I can't come up with. i tried to write "beautiful" monologues and they feel forced and fake. Maybe I shouldn't write dialogues like a westerner.

I'll try to write as good as a simple translated manga would be. The good side is most international audience will understand my lines.

Time wasting ;-; I have really bad ADHD and I sometimes forget to even pick up my pencil and draw 1 page if I could just focus for 2 hours I could double or triple my output X'D

Don't worry, you're not alone. I'm also asian, and I never grew up somewhere where english is great, but I somehow managed to earn a lot of western words after reading and reading and reading and reading, and just... reading.

You should stick to where you're probably comfortable and familiar with, although trying and looking out for new words could provide you with new sets of knowledge or words. I try to experiment with my words, and ask a local for feedback if that sounds weird or anything, and that establishes inside my mind. But now, I try to go for simpler descriptions, cause I grew lazy— ehem, I mean it works better for the readers.

Welcome! :smiley:

My weakness is definitely the endless pursuit of perfection. Especially when it comes to coloring my art. I never seem to be satisfied with the finished product, constantly needing to tweak and fix things here and there. And I'm already slow as hell, I shouldn't be sinking hours upon hours on insignificant details no-one is ever going to notice. But unfortunately I notice them.

And some things I thought looked good somehow end up looking bad and the scheme I had for producing pages faster falls apart again, because I now have to find a new method/ shade/ whatever that satisfies my wandering visual eye. I got used to krita and now am in the middle of switching to clip studio. All my color palettes and assets are in krita and somehow need to travel to csp. Which is even more complicated with even more assets for me to both try and stress over. But I love drawing and creating art, so it's all good. :smile:

Same here. I'm also quite a perfectionist. I'm not good with digital arts since I don't really have any necessary tools for it, but I have experience with trad arts. I tend to go overboard and oversee that what I've done was already enough and good, so I tend to drag time with me that probably will bother no one.

btw, I saw your comics and it actually looks cool and cute! :shook_01: