29 / 29
Jun 2024

Not at all!
I think the way that my story ends, fans will be satisfied with it.

Have to remember that you can’t please everybody!

I have a planned ending for AngHell Dela Blackpill... but it might be subject to change depending on many circumstances :slight_smile:

For a long time in Niji Chikara's development, I probably would have said yes, because all my ideas for the ending felt kinda boring and predictable. But then I had a dream that inspired a plot point that literally changed everything. Now I'm quite hyped for the ending. Thanks, subconscious!

Naah, my comic came as a fully realized story. While the ending is super chill it's supposed to juxtapose the previous drama, so imo it's satisfying. I have no idea if my readers will like it or not, but that doesn't matter much to me unless it's objective criticism I can work with.

I hope it doesn't. From the beginning my story had an ending it was working toward. I actually knew the ending before I started the story. Now I am in the last arc, so only about 8 weeks of comic left, it's coming down to the final climax.

Yeah? No matter how many things we make perfect, there is a sense of "maybe" that follows in the end of every project.

One of my comics I admit had a bit of an anticlimactic ending. It was in part that I noticed people just lost interest AND I wanted to move onto something new. I ended up wrapping things up quickly even tho something bigger was planned.

well not really. Its not exactly necesary to plan out an entire future for a novel, especialy if your planning to have a long lasting novel, planning some detailed parts of the near future in your story and obviously the present story is the best thing to do, i dont waste energy preparing for far in the future of my story which i may changed 10-20 times to fit the story more.

I fear my comic won't have an ending at ALL. Good god it looks so far off. It's gonna be many years til it ends unless I end up giving up.

Kinda? I think what I have planned is pretty good, it resolves the main conflict of the series. The trouble is that a lot of the other plot threads will have kinda downer endings, but the main conflict is dismantling a giant evil space corporation, it doesn't particularly matter if the MCs are 100% happy because whatever outcome is 10000000% better than what they have before.

I still want to convey that all of the main characters are mostly happy, two of them are travelling the universe together, being romantic dorks (but they will always hold guilt and resentment for the decisions they made), one is discovering who they are and healing from their trauma (after going through a harsh breakup), and another is building a supportive community and delving into their passions (from prison).

It's the sort of ending where what you take away from it is different for each person, and leaves the book open for future stories. If I ever wanted to do a couple add-on chapters, like the couple adopting kids, or the one in prison confronting the former villains, or the traumatised one forming a tenious bond with their family, I could! And it wouldn't be hard, but the main story still stands on its own.

Nope. Got my climax planned and foreshadowed so much that I'm 98% confident that my audience expects a certain climactic event, which will happen. And don't forget, not every story needs a high-stakes climax, but the main conflicts do need to be resolved and most loose ends should be tied up, or the reading journey won't feel worth it. It's possible you can't resolve every little detail/subplot and minor conflict in a rational way, but if the major one reaches a conclusion (even a loss/tragedy, which counts as an ending, doesn't have to be positive), then it's an ending, and that's what matters over having it climatic or not.

That begin said, I did write a short comic for a contest, and I'm not 100% satisfied with the gloomy yet vague ending. But the main "conflict" of that story was the characters getting to terms with their sad fate/destination, despite it ending (kind of) openly cause I may be continuing that story after the judging period in July...but we'll see how that goes...

That's amazing. From creator's perspective, a bit of an open ending leads to more add-on opportunities. Certainly.