40 / 49
Mar 2023

I feel conflicted giving a heart to your comment.

On one hand, I like how you took a bad situation with good humor and now it's your strength.:grin:
On the other, I don't like giving a heart to the part that you had a heart problem for years.:scream:

I got my name from the planet I created called Cila which was the name of the main planet of the aliens in my first story Go Omega which was the foundation of the worlds I created.


I got the number 17 from my coach from high school who said the number 17 was the best number in the world. He had a quote on his wall that said, “The number 17 is responsible for insight, compassion and a desire for peace and love for humanity.”

Don’t know why specifically but it just stuck with me so I used the number 17.


My author pen name is the name of one of the first characters I wrote for a failed novel who was basically a self-insert/I-want-to-be-you character... hah... Use the name kind of as an inspiration and reminder that I can be who I want to be and not limited by the low confidence I restrict myself with.

My pen name on here is just a geometry joke because I'm a dork and it sounds kinda cool. It's a circle.... an infinite line is just a circle. I wanted to do something with circles because I think they represent my style of storytelling well. I like to have themes from the very beginning show up again at the end.

It's fair. I'm in a much better place health-wise now so my :heart: is behaving itself. Stark's my reminder to keep fighting.

I got my name from my ability to do stuff like this:

(I feel like Adam West Batman naming every account “Axeman Rifflord” and I just realized someone else already used the name...)

"River" comes from my Vietnamese middle name "Ha" which means "soft like a slow overflowing river" which is something Ive been trying to be more of in recent years

Stolen from a dnd character! from there i shortened to a nickname and yeah thats how im known in artist circles now lol

My pen name is MarcelotheProducer. I technically just go by Marcelo but I decided on "the Producer," aspect because I needed a username longer than just Marcelo.

I delve into all sorts of art forms, not just drawing, so "the producer" part of my name fits.

My name is Marcelo and I produce art, so the name is "MarcelotheProducer." Pretty simple but I think it's a catchy name! Lol

I used to watch ownage pranks on youtube a lot, something one of the characters used to say alot was hippity hopitus. I turned that into Hipiticus cause I liked how it sounded

I created my pen name when I was in Junior High School, so I didn't give much thought to making something that has meaning to it.
It's honestly just a combination of my name and a KPOP idol I used to like, haha! I've always wanted to change it, but people already recognized the name, so I guess I'm keeping it... :joy:

My name Mars comes of course from my love of the roman/Greek god of war, I have an oc named Mars as well and his last name Luna is the Latin name for moon, I love space. As for kitty my oc is also a Japanese cat god of fortune, whether good or bad doesn't matter. I was young when I made him and his whole family story up but maybe one day I'll write it out into a novel :blusht:

Eyy, fellow person whose pen name references math! :smiley:

Cloudy to represent my daydreamy, head in the cloud personality, and magpie because I love birds, and those little guys don't get as much love as crows, jays, and other corvids (which I also love)

I have various artist names for my musical projects, I use my real name when I draw comics
but I don´t have a writer pen name because I didn´t need one so far. I´m in the middle of writing
a book and I´m thinking about giving myself a pen name or using my real name for it, I´m really
not sure about it

Simonitro or even Simonitro_Punk

Many eons ago, I was into punk music and this is where the punk came from and my official name is Simon Nader. So, I was like Simonader... nah! Sounds lame... at that time, I was playing the original Crash Bandicoot games on the PSX... very prehistoric... and there are the Nitro boxes. So... hmmm...

Simon Nader
Simon -ader
Simon Nitro
Simon -itro

I still love punk music and perhaps, one of these days, I'll do a comic about the Punk culture or something.

The Ampisbaena is a snake with two heads, so it's perfect for representing two co-authors and friends!:purple_heart:

My ex used to call me bunny and it stuck with me :joy: on other sites I use bunnynmochii and mochii is my cat lol no glorious meaning there.

Nice Quetzalcoatl is awesome inspiration, got that feeling immediately after seeing your name. Learnt about the diety as a lil kid being a dino fan, as Quetzalcoatlus was named after him.

Stiatent was literally me joking around, covering my eyes and typing on Wordpad ,
then removed a few letters and presto!
Wanted something that could work as an umbrella term to fit various gneres of art and music, yet also kinda whacky-artsy sounding,

For my pen name, I needed something that was entirely different from the previous ones I used. I frequented fanfiction communities, and while I'm immensely grateful at the experiences it gave me, I wanted a fresh start. And since all of them were in English, what better way to separate my current alias by using my native language!

Bulalakaw is tagalog for shooting star. I like space related things, so I went for it! I was actually surprised no one took it. I thought I had to name myself something like bulalakaw_19230.

I've had a ton of pen names but my current one and the one I intend on using forever is Avonguardian.

I created it 2014 I believe, around the sametime my concept for my comic world was also made, as Avonguard is the place of which most of my story and ideas take place, hence Avonguardian is the name you call someone who lives there hahah.

I learned much MUCH later that the word "avon" meant river, so I suppose its River guardian which sounds badass as hell!

Marvel comics, DC comics, Dark Horse comics, Image comics?

What’s another name that rolls off the tongue so easily and has a nice ring to it?

Amazement Comics.

I chose ShidoDraws cause at the time I was a huge fan of RossDraws so I named the second half after his. As for Shido, I used the name since I was a cringy teenager, I mean I'm still cringe now. Haha! There were several times I contemplate changing Shido to Shio, I thought it would be funny cause Shio is just Shido without the 'D' but didn't cause I'm bad at humor. Also, I didn't want people to think I'm female since I like to stay ambiguous even though I do say I'm female on certain websites. I'm just not great with attentions.

1 month later

closed Apr 13, '23

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