121 / 132
Oct 2020

Nono, this has nothing to do with "DD". "Mad, Mad" was an early 1960s film where an all-star cast tries to outwit each other to find a rare treasure. :smiley: it's non-stop comedy. A bit forced in spots, and you'll cringe some, but overall a really good homage to slapstick. :smiley:

I'm not surprised that most people don't recognize it. This movie is perhaps the most overlooked of Rick Moranis' career.
Honey, I Blew Up the Baby

Naaah, this is definitely "Throw Momma From the Train" now that i think about it. She just had him when she was really, really young.

5 months later

As I understood, this film is very similar to "Strangers on the Train" and the genre of black comedy, this film is something new for me, I have not had to watch such films before, but recently my father and I wanted to watch it together, as many advised, but there were huge difficulties with viewing, since my dad has very poor eyesight and because of the poor quality of transmission on many servers, we postponed viewing .I asked my friends where they had seen this movie, and one of them offered to watch it https://stremiomovies.com/. I went to my father and finally watched it together,we really liked it as I said, in addition, in the near future we still want to see the film "Strangers on the Train", they say that it is also interesting, related to " Throw my mother out of the train".

Clearly it's a prequel to The Matrix, showing one of its earlier iterations.