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Mar 2021

As a kid I used to draw random comics just for fun, but I never took it that seriously. That was until I found Mark Crilley's YouTube channel. I watched tons of his video tutorials on how to draw manga and bought his books. I remember watching them in bed before going to sleep, in the mornings, in the afternoon between homework, etc.

Of course I eventually wanted to draw my own manga. It was called RÔZKËYŚ (I thought umlauts and stuff were cool, had no idea how it was pronounced). The premise was basically like One Piece but in space, featuring our main character Rôz, a bounty hunter who needs to collect the 7 Power Gems (totally not dragon balls) to grant a wish to recover his sister from a terminal illness. He uses a giant spanner of all things to attack, and it could harness the world's power system (Stardust) to shoot energy beams and do other stuff. The other main character, Trisha, is an angel princess who had been presumed dead after her evil younger sister cast her off into space, in order to take the throne. Her dream is to explore space and find her mother, however she was confined to her own planet because her wings are very valuable. Then there are the Bugaboos, an alien pirate race who want to live like ordinary humans but were prejudiced against because of the bad behaviour of some. The first episode would feature Rôz saving Trisha from the Bugaboos and then they go off on adventures together. The premise was pretty elaborate! However, as these things go I never got past the first episode, after not really knowing how to progress the story (and realising how much time goes into making one!).

I even made an 'Anime OP' in my head - it was an upbeat happy song but the lyrics were about a sister telling her brother to go off into space and enjoy the ride, because she can't go with him and by the time he returns, she won't be there. For better or worse I can't find the lyrics.

What inspired you to draw comics? What was your first idea?

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I've not been a big comic fan for most of my life, even as a reader, so my first comic with a real story behind is the one I'm drawing right now (which was a music project, turned comic because the music project was getting to big to handle).

However, I did draw a sort of comic before, about the 1990 Gulf war, while it was happening. It was my way to process the news I suppose (I was only 10). It was pretty much just putting what I was reading in the newspaper in a comic form.

When I was a preteen I would draw one shot pokemon gag comics. I never hung onto those so they're probably in the trash. My first serious comic attempt was inspired by Fairy Tail after I first got into anime. I was 15 years old and had started drawing basically 1 month earlier. The comic was super ugly as you'd expect.

that was 2013. This is what my comics look like now

That Gulf War story is amazing, must have been very impactful! (I wasn't around back then to witness it). I've not been a big fan of comics either until recently, despite having drawn them for most of my life

Aww nice, you have improved alot since then! Though I must say, I do see some similarities, at least in these two pages (particularly the colours!) I find it interesting that most people start off by drawing art/comics about a work that they like, whereas my comics have always featured original characters and worlds that I made up

My first comic idea was a story that followed a supervillain who had time powers and, with his team, he went against the heroes. He was pretty laid back and nonchalant, but was also the strongest; yet he doesn't go full power and just. The whole thing was to show a villain viewpoint from one person as that person interacted with stuff around them.

I thought about it so much that I sculpted out the extent of his power, the characters, his eventual joining with the heroes and all that; I even made a cover for it. The name was Chronolock. Now I kinda wanna revisit it XD.

The first comic I made was a satire on the cartoon, Totally Spies. I would poke fun at the over the top nonsense the show did, which included the hidden fetish themes they would sneak into every episode.




If you are talking about stuff I made as a kid. The first comic I made was anthro style and was about a dog boy who get sucked into a wormhole and land in the medieval times. He befriends a rabbit knight and a ghost cat and goes on an "adventure". Like stuff written by kids, it was short, dumb and makes no sense.

I think a better example would be a comic I wrote in middle school called Ig-Ig. It was an alien boy who appears on the doorstep of a random human family. And bizarre shenanigans happen. Example: he goes to the doctor and the staff freaks out because he doesn't have a heartbeat. It had a A LOT of similarities to Zatch Bell because I was obsessed with the show at the time. Like the little boy just randomly had a book despite it never being addressed in the comic.

My first webcomic was an AU Naruto fan comic about the Akatsuki members as small children.

I don't know exactly what first inspired me. I guess my love for drawing and telling stories?

My first comic I remember making is actually still on deviantART!! It was about mountain lions. I was... 11 years old when I started it, back in 2009. I got the cover and then 2 pages lol. I don't remember what it was gonna be about, but I think I was pantsing it the whole way through anyway.

Oh man, this is a blast to the past. My art has definitely improved since then :joy: I'll drop the links to the pages, because they're GREAT

Cover2, Page 12, Page 21

I remember the very first comic I drew when I was, like, 9 or 10 years old because I didn’t really know what comics were but my older stepbrother told me that what I drew was a comic. I think I just picked up speech balloons just through cultural osmosis or hubba bubba gum comics....?

It was about my sister and me. she was a fly and I was a spider putting down webs to catch her and eat her. I didn’t like my sister very much....

I think the first comic I ever did very very seriously with the thought that I was going to make it my full time job one day was just a couple of single panel gag strips to get my feet wet. Then I added more panels to the strips and ended up doing vignettes. One was about a girl trapped in a hole in the woods and raised by rats and another was about a new kid at school who doesn’t have a face but only the main character seems to notice it and everybody else is completely enamored with him.

ohhhh my god the amount of cute Akatsuki AU comics that existed for a time.... I had a few online pals when i was a kid who drew them and I was always obsessed with them 🥲

I remember the first time I did a comic was when I was thirteen or fourteen, though I never got more than a handful of pages in. It was about a twelve year old wannabe supervillain who had a too-strong moral compass, and kept saving the day on accident.

I did grew reading some -clandestine- comics with my father (ex. Mighty mouse, Tom & Jerry, Salt &Pepper, etc ) fuckcommies

Till the capitalist era came to my country and we had stuff for dream and do, but I never imagined myself doing a comic someday (even tho I was already wirting my first stories maybe for illustrated novels or so) until I was at uni and my friend back then asked me to draw a story about her dream prince in funny situations at uni with her and our classmates. I have a copy of almost 300 pages story without conclusion XD I had to beg my fried to stop asking me cause I was barely sleeping with studies oTL I used to sleep 2-3 hours daily back then.

She planted the seed on me tho and Im thankful at her for that. My BFF and ex did read that comic and they laughed and wanted to see my stories as well so one day I decided to apply for an interactive comic idea for a newspaper magazine and I was approved. One of the happiest days in my life. It was a 3 year works. I found the original pages last weekend omg I want to burn them XDDDD

This is the collab art we did for our last year, our characters are over the world and the collaborators (writers, chief editor and myself supporting the world)

. Well, then life happened and I had to forget all my projects. (even tho some of the old collaborators and new ones wanted to work with new projects but their egos never made things work and I had to finish my career and work :cold_sweat:) But that helped me to take time to work on my old stories and mature on them. (But then commies came back and they fucked us again and made also hard to work on art here but at least thers internet)
This is the original sketch for my ocs from Die Instrumente Gottes back in 2000??

And my oldest project ASEDO is from 1998-1999 but Im so scared do do it that I decided to draw first Die Instrumente Gottes cause Ive never done a webcomic before. Here, my beloved OC Mayo (as May, the month) he's the love of my life.

So Die Instrumente and Asedo are actually my own first comic ideas.

Sonic the hedgehog world with my own OCs as main characters. It's the action hero, saving the world from evil trope. I was 10.

Not so long i wanted to make it my own 'IP', so i freshed out my own world, discarded all the Sonic characters and it becomes a isekai anthro action adventure. I created many "iconic" characters i still love to this day. :grin: It's still my favorite big "series" of all my comic creations.

(that's a dinosaur character i ripped from a rip-off Sonic game)

Ah, man... I actually have got a picture of mine! Found it when I was moving a few weeks ago. As you can see, it was called "Virus". It was... a rip off of the mangas "A.I. Love You" and ".hack//Legend of the Twilight" smashed together. Wrote/drew this when I was 10 lmao. (No worries about my name showing btw. My name is super common and I highly doubt anyone wants to track me down.)

My first comic idea was about an art critic, myself and a cow :grinning::nerd: :cow2:. They were short strips, like the ones in newspapers. Then I got treated horribly by my "art" "teacher" for including them in a landscape. So I stopped drawing and sharing my work.

Then I secretly worked in my current comic and I ended up here. :purple_heart:

@MissEljebel beautiful. By the way, did you work on these from an angle? (lol just kidding)

@Caro I can relate to not knowing what comics were. I don't remember reading comics as a child (a few Dennis the Menace ones maybe??). The idea of drawing sequential images to tell a story must come from SOMEWHERE. Also I hope your relationship with your sister is better now!

@noenoh Wow, that's a pretty established comic you got there! To think it all started from drawing a dream prince in funny situations haha. Must be nice always having something to come back to in tough times. I hope that no matter what happens in my life I'll always maintain this passion for drawing

@allenT aw that's nice, amazing that you made it into your own original series! I don't know how often that happens but it's the first time I've heard of it for a comic

@amortelito man those art teachers make me sad, I hear so many horror stories about aspiring artists being discouraged by art teachers, especially when it comes to drawing anime. But you're here now, so not all is bad I guess!