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Sep 2024

I saw so many forum topics where peeps do sub for sub.
I'm wondering what would the advantage be. Doesn't it hurt your story if peeps only sub to you without reading and engaging with your work?
Or does tapas work differently than some other types of media?

  • created

    Sep '24
  • last reply

    Sep '24
  • 9


  • 193


  • 1


  • 7


Mainly cause it boosts your place in the community novel tab, and people are more likely to read something with more subs. There r also lot's of people on this sub who do read 4 read and other such things.

I didn't notice read for read that sounds interesting, but I imagine if both like each other stories :doggo:

Yeah, the way I've done it and seen it done is they'll agree to read X amount of episodes and then If they like it theyll continue and if they don't they won't

This is how I usually consume any sort of story-based media by always giving each a certain amount of chance. It is the best practice I think at least since not every story will hook you from the first page/episode.

Yeah i fully agree. Cause like even if a 1st ch is good it's likely not going to make someone really want to continue reading.

It helps you reach certain milestones, e.g. the 100 sub milestone to unlock ad revenue. But having a bunch of dead subs is terrible for your engagement, so it's not really a good idea in the long term.

It gers your stuff out there while at the same time helping someone out. What goes around comes around

It will mess up your algorithm in the end. Great for a brief dopamine rush of a new sub and possibly reaching a milestone, but if you rely on sub4sub or like4like for ALL your engagement...will any of those creator subs return for an update when they didn't read the story and subbed just to return the favor?

And it also looks not great when checking out other creators and seeing all their subs are just creators from sub4sub.

I'm all for sub for sub if the subbers stay. Also liking episodes and views really help that way my comic is getting read and liked.