22 / 28
Aug 2021

They won't appear until the second half of the story, they were a twin and they were clingy as a child (too much spoiler, lol)

The concerning detail of my villain is that she seems innocent on the outside but on the inside she's a scheming, lying mess. Oh, and she created an entire alien race that have tyrants as overlords.

One concerning fact? Oh boy, I have plenty of those for my villain Azrael. :cry_swag:
Going with my "favorite" concerning fact about him here: He realizes that all the evil, grotesque and downright gross things he does are in fact morally wrong and bad on every possible level, but he simply doesn't care. This is something that makes him all that more dangerous since he lacks the empathy or morals that keep us from harming each other.

If you displease him in any way, he won't hesitate to rewrite your brain so you blindly love him. He also thinks that he is the paragon of perfection, and wants to "forgive" people and make them like him.

Don't mess with Kerren!!!

And about my villain... What is not concerning about him, I would mostly ask... he is a dictator, what else do you need to know

this bastard

sadly that's something Talon takes extremely bad joy in

I just pictured that being his form to not scare others. Btu the big one probably has all those eyes and rings. Bringing a true meaning to 'do not be afraid' lol

villains always enjoy what they shouldnt enjoy
and i dont get what you are saying later, sorry :sweat_smile: are you saying you think my character would have a creepy angelical form? that's what I understood hmm

ye! Sorry if it didn't make sense owo;;

and hey the creepy angelic form would be good for scaring underlings into doing things

we're having one helluva storm here so its messing with my head, i hope its not badly messing iwth my typing

no, dont worry, it's just that english is not my native language and I sometimes don't get things!
but yes, I'm not saying much about it but who knows what's to come...! :stuck_out_tongue: this option would be completely terrifying, wouldn't it?

The 'main villain' of my story (who hasn't shown up in the comic yet) ...

... isn't even close to the main villain. Adi thinks he is for a long time, and then figures out he's just the tip of the iceberg.

Well... there may or may not be an unhealthy obsession with cubes, pyramids, and other highly geometric weapons going on. :joy::+1:

Oh boy... which one? There are like a million of them in JTA, sometimes even the heroes take the mantle xD
I'll just discuss the big bads of the of the plot



One of them is a literal 'faustian devil' that tricks people into deals and delivers a super twisted version of what they asked for, delighting in the agony of the people he tricks as he watches their greatest dreams crumble to dust knowing he has the right for their soul now, and will usually 'collect' by turning people into living puppets for demons he summons, and is trying to conquer the world with... Albeit he pales in comparison to the other ones

There is one who commited a genocide and flayed the one person who tried to stop him... who also happened to be his brother.

The final one being said flayed brother hellbent on destroying everything in the world due to the mortifying pain he is STILL enduring many milenia later.

Among these three, everyone else seems pretty chill hu?

i'm disappointed no one else has simply said "the fact that they win and the audience is rooting for them." so i guess i'll be the first to do that

16 days later

V ---------- Actual propaganda poster ---------V
(A little sneak peek on the Upcoming Interlude III)

The Patriarch, as He is quite fond about his "Order", and even went to the point to gift cities to all the other parties, sure has to do with his "Control Freak" tendencies, as He more than everyone considers what is best for everyone and the world... the ALliance might be just a cover for something bigger!

Many things, but I guess the fact he (Yar, on the right) kept a look-like of the guy on the left (Andrew) whom he r***ed really keeps me up at night.

Andrew is cursed - any Mortal who looks at him, falls in love with him, which on hand can excuse Yar as it's not his will to fall for him BUT that thing above is too much. Besides, Yar is rather emotion less and right after he had a nice time out with original Andrew (like, really nice, platonically romantic) he would go r* that look-alike and God knows what the hell was in his head.

I think the most concerning thing about Urien is that he's very good at maintaining the facade that he's a charming, likeable guy who has everything under control and he cares about you. Even if his mask slips for a second, he'll gaslight you afterwards and make you think that you're deluded and misremembering.

If you've ever lived with or worked for a narcissist, you can probably understand how terrifying the scenario of "oh dear now he has a really powerful magic sword that makes him king" is.

Well... I can't even mention spoilerman's name without... well... spoiling stuff

But suffice to say the most concerning thing is he doesn't have a personality flaw that will invariavbly lead to his demise. He is cunning and patient, not one to fight a losing battle.
He plans his moves ahead of time, avoids unnecessary conflict, and is perfectly happy with sitting on the side lines as the "big players" make their moves.

mine used to be the main characters best friend, but ended up trying to kill him several times. it's kinda complicated for a 3 page comic lmao

Mine has a very myopic view of the world. He doesn't understand why some people don't identify as straight or as the gender they were born as, and he just cannot take a hint (read: he's not used to being told no).

Obviously, this'll bite him in the ass at the end.