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Jan 2022

I'm interested in knowing other people's experiences

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Not sure if it counts as a “hate comment” but someone once said my writing feels like it’s targeted at hyperactive 9 year olds.

I haven't really had a hate comment, but I did have someone complain at length about the intelligence of pigs and how bacon is cruel. (the title is "Dogs Love Bacon")...I don't think the dogs have even eaten bacon in the comic yet.

If bacon is cruel, why does it taste so darn good?! It goes well on pretty much everything. It tastes good pretty much as long as it isn't raw or charred all over. As for hate comments, the guy changed his mind after a few chapters and apologized.

For quite a while, the only comment I had on Rethe on webtoon was 'the writing's good, but you should make the art better'
Thanks dude. Hadn't occurred to me to have better art, but I'll get right on that. More funny than upsetting though.

Honestly, the most pissed I've ever been was a comment attempting to compliment my fanfic, but kept on talking about how I wasn't like Those Other Fic Authors Who Write Porn in... really mean language? (Also about authors who ditch fics which like... did they look at my profile. It's a graveyard) Like sheesh, let people enjoy some smut. I write pretentious gen bullshit because it's what I enjoy, not because I'm morally or intellectually above people who know how to write some good steamy fun.

Not so much a comment, but I've had a BWW article27 written on my comic, it's pretty 'Wow'. xD (Also contains bigoted shit, so don't click the link if you're sensitive to that.) It hasn't updated since I finished chapter 5 so I assume whoever wrote it got bored, I was surprised BWW is still even active, they were around when I was a kid.

Also I found this once when nosing around Twitter:

Mention of SA, CP and abuse.

Never engaged this person because I had no idea what to say to that, my only reaction was "Woah, okay, wtf? Lol"

Put under spoilers for slurs


I'm impressed by them both calling 'tranny' and SJW buzzword AND using it as their only description of a character.
Also "They need to be put in their place & learn the consequences of their disregard for (real) survivors of trauma" feels like one of the most 'oops you said the quiet part outloud' things I've seen.

Take it from me, don't listen to anything on BWW. It's just a lot of sad whiny nerds complaining about webcomics because said comic had a gay character, which obviously means that they're "snowflakes."

@Swamp Yeah, it's pretty wild. Probably some kid who hated my comic trying to be edgy or something, but not knowing what they're talking about. Regardless, the article was getting me some pretty good traffic for a while. Lol

@Stargazer31 Pfff oh totally! When I check in on it after discovering that article most of the community seemed so pissy, the article itself is next level 'wtf'. I get the torture porn bit because I've gotten that a lot in general, and my comic is pretty uncomfortable, but most of it comes off like teenage dribble. (Honestly more disturbed by the Twitter user insinuating that I'm a predator because my adult character is short, and short characters = "child-coded" I guess.)

People have had the insolence to imply that no one cares about my creations, that my handwriting is awful and that my work is better suited to a novel than a comic.

Well technically not on this version of my comic, but long ago (okay 4 years ago haha) my previous version got a chain of hate comments. Every time I would upload from then the user would stop by to drop hate comments. Though they were pretty superficial like "ugly art" or "my eyes are bleeding". I think the fact that they kept delivering hate comments was more annoying than the content of the comments.

Lol ok, I glanced over that review... and it tells alot about the "reviewer" ...I just want to point out, an author isn't bad, just because he or she decides not to apply EVERY advice or critique they recieve... can't take this stuff seriously (don't even mention the rest that person wrote...). Well at least that means, you are sucessfull enough, to get seen by the haters xD

As for my comic I haven't recieved any hate jet. But I got a comment on a reeeealy old one shot comic-page who was saying: "this is cringe". Back then it kind of hurt. Now, as I improved my art alot, I agree ^^'

Haven't had any hate, but I do have a close friend who read some of my work and now refuses to read any more because it's "targeted to little girls". To be fair to him, he a) did actually read a bunch of my stuff (including an unpublished and barely-edited manuscript, so kudos to him) and b) I think he means it in a "this is very out of my interest range" kind of way, and not as an insult. So I didn't take it personally, aside from being bummed from losing the one friend I could rely on to actually read my stuff and tell me what he thought (to clarify, we're still friends, he just no longer reads anything I write).

I think the one that hurt the most for me was back in 2019 when I launched the first iteration of a fantasy comic Passion Project I had been working on for years and finally worked up the courage to make it called DRGN.

After I had launched it, the first comment i got from it was from someone who had been up to that point one of my most loyal supporters of my other works straight up telling me that they didn't like it and said that it looked bad and unfinished before promptly unsubbing from all my other comics and never talking to me again afterwards.

Needless to say that stung really bad and really put a damper on the launch of a project that I had been trying to get made for years and finally worked up the courage to put out there even if it wasn't perfect.

I haven't received any hate comments (whew!), but for one of my novels, a reader commented that they didn't want to read about the other pairing. They only wanted to read about the main characters but like... That hurt. Dx The other pairing should be loved too! T^T

I only got one long comment about why they find one character annoying, but I cannot really consider it a hate comment, since they weren't wrong and said character is supposed to be at least a bit annoying for the time being. :sweat_smile:

Still waiting for my first hate comment :weary: would anyone like to be the first? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: