35 / 83
Mar 2023

I love Beyond Good & Evil overall. A lot of heart. :kissing_heart:

Depends on criteria, probably. Cyberpunk 2077 I sunk the absolute biggest amount of hours into and been consistently coming back even when there's no new content, I love that game to bits. Life is Strange - the first one - however dealt me such an emotional gut punch that it has to be up there. I come back to it like once in a year or two and STILL somehow end up in arguments over the ending somewhere in YouTube comments.

Team Fortress 2, back in its hay day. I'm a filthy casual gamer so it fits right into my niche of silly no pressure, but still challenging game play. I also love the class system and the humor from both the game and the community.

@FafasMcMelt I just started Warhammer 2 with a friend who's into the tabletop game literally this week. Don't know anything about Warhammer but I'm a fan of the Total War series. It's super fun so far. Definitely a lot of content for your bucks!
Currently trying out the Isabella vampire faction with my giant skelington army.

PC: Guild Wars 2 and Total War Rome 2.

TTRPG: Pathfinder 2e

Board game: History of the World

CCG: Magic the Gathering

just one's hard but in terms of games i still play or go back to often

  • Sonic Colors
  • Sonic Rush
  • Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story (i miss fawful and i'm so sad i traded this one)
  • TLoZ: Breath of the Wild
  • Undertale
  • Sky Children of the Light
  • Unison League
  • Alchemia Story
  • Pokemon Leaf Green and Sapphire
  • Splatoon 2+3
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons + Pocket Camp (tho for me they only really held their charm in the first year or so)

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Devil May Cry 3, Shantae and the pirate’s curse, to name a few.

Viddyah games;

  1. Chrono Trigger
  2. Final Fantasy 6 through to Final Fantasy 9, including Tactics
  3. GuildWars2
  4. LOTRO
  5. A Link To The Past
  6. Ocarina of Time
  7. Wind Waker
  8. Tecmo's Deception 2 & 3


  1. GURPS
  2. TMNT (and all the other wildly unbalanced games under the Palladium banner)
  3. WEG d6 Star Wars (and the D6 system in general)
  4. FASA's Star Trek & Doctor Who
  5. Paranoia
  6. Someone's homebrew setting for D&D

Depends on my mood :'D

The Talos Principle

Trails series

Darkest Dungeon
Dominion (others have mentioned tabletop games so why not :P)

25 days later
19 days later
1 month later

I'm not a really huge gamer :sweat_smile: my boyfriend is though. but I guess I love Minecraft and Skyrim ahah.
I've been playing Minecraft since 2014 so... nostalgia plays a huge role in deciding my favourite game. :heart:

Here is something to consider when you think about your favorite game:
it will change.

My favorite game 1982 was Outlaw
Then I loved Maniac Mansion in the mid 80s and I thought
that there would never be a better game than this.
Tetris in the late 80s.
Tomb Raider, The Sims, GTA, Red dead Redemption.

I play Promince Poker every day at the moment.

I´m not a regular Minecraft player but I guess it is my favorite game
because it´s the only game I can imagine playing in 10 years and I would
still love it

Yeah! I totally agree! I think that's what I meant to say but I just didn't know how to lol