26 / 26
Nov 2020

As a writer, I love to write romantic story; whether it has a fantasy background, or vague background in general. But, I'd say, nowadays I kinda enjoy writing Fantasy more than Romance -- it always stresses me out when I write romance, as I don't want to make dramas that are unnecessary.

As a reader on Tapas, I love reading BL and GL more. It's easier to consume on a platform like Tapas, especially since I have literally zero attention span.

As a reader in general, I enjoy most genre -- except romance. Though, I prefer fantasy or mystery -- and from time to time horror/thriller -- for physical/published books.

As a writer, I love character arcs and suffering (mostly mentally) I LOVE writing fantasy with a dash of si-fi. But i cant write horror.
As a reader .... I'm not too different but i cant do romance. But yet i like fnaf... i don't know. Im strange

Read: Scifi, Modern Fantasy, Character Drama, Situational Comedy, Non-sequitur

Write: Modern Fantasy with some Scifi elements, Comedy

Hi! I have very little difference. I will read any kind of fantasy story: from high fantasy to urban, comedy to horror, SF to speculative fiction. Anything that isn't real life you know? Escapism! I'll write in any of those genres to. but I guess my writing is more focussed on the adventure side of those, rather than the emotional or complex plot. I'm not good at complex plot.

I'm thinking of posting either my SF comedy or my Urban Fantasy/Vampire comedy on here. Not decided yet.

They are one in the same. I love reading detective novels. The ones with twists are my favorite. I love writing mystery/crime stories. I wrote romance fanfictions in the past. They never where my favorite.

I write a lot of different genres, so Scifi, Murder Mystery, Action, Drama, Romance, Comedy! :smiley:

On Tapas, I read a variety of novels/comics to support creators. But my favorites are still Scifi, Action,and Mystery. :wink:

I like writing action stories with comedy. Sometimes I'll have some romance, but only if I have a really good romance in mind, otherwise I avoid it.

For reading, I'll read just about anything. Mostly I enjoy mystery stories, bonus points if it has a good sense of humor. Action is completely optional, but it's cool to see. Thrillers are fun! I love being on the edge of my seat. I'm also a sucker for romance in general, but I don't usually read it, I'm more likely to watch it in a show or movie.

Easily action genre for both, there's this primal feeling we all get when we see a good fight and get sucked into the emotions that are running as two people clash to come out on top at the end, whether physically or philosophically

I write paranormal/fantasy romances and also love to read those. I Also love to read high fantasy but would never write that

I'll read just about anything, except gag-a-day comics. Although my favorite stuff to read is horror, gore and/or tragedies, which is super rare in the webcomic community. Also stories with mature, "taboo" themes are nice, anything with those as a subcategory is right up my alley. I'll read romance, but I'm not a fan of it, the genre is just good for turning your brain off and looking at nice pictures.

As far as what I like to write, I don't really know yet, I only have a failed practice comic and my current one to go off of. My old attempted story was a coming of age/slice-of-life type of thing, my current comic is a psychological drama/slice-of-life with some heavier themes. The stuff I plan to make in the future are combinations of sci-fi, fantasy and cosmic/gore horror, which is all completely divorced from my current project.

I usually like writing fantasy stories, or just ones with fantasy elements, but I'll read almost any genre.

I like writing sci-fi space opera the most, because I love pulp-fiction with lots of action and romance.

I like reading historic mysteries with romance or cozy mysteries.

What I actually write is either contemporary or fantasy romance-adventure, because I don’t have enough talent to draw readers to unpopular genres

I like to write modern fantasy, horror and supernatural.
I like to read old fashioned fantasy, non-mystery crime, autobiography, adventure and real life accounts of the paranormal.

I like to write love stories that contain a bit of slice of life elements and comedic moments. I am not sure how successful my comedic moments are, but I enjoy making them xD Also, it's kind of funny I write quite of bit of love stories without being personally interested in being in a relationship myself nor having in experience. That's the biggest joke of all :joy:

I love reading love stories (mainly BL or LGBT+ but straight love stories are certainly something I do enjoy from time to time ^^), fantasy, comedy, drama, and slice of life.

I really do like to read fantasy, but there aren't that many that I actually.... like. In terms of books, anyway. Both of my favorite fantasy media (ATLA and The Dragon Prince) are both animated shows. So I guess the genre I like to read the most is... contemporary, clice of life, romance (as much as i like to rag on romance stories, there are quite a few i enjoy).

Favorite genre to write? Fantasy. By a long shot. I like to get creative with my stories, and with fantasy the sky's the limit. Besides, I think fantasy's kind of the perfect genre to really explore the themes I typically explore in my comics without it being too preachy or tone-deaf.

I love reading historical fiction, slice of life, drama, and romance.

In general, I write romance and drama.

Mine are the same! My favorite to read and write both are male/male romances! Second favorite to read would be hetero-romances. I love a good romance novel :heart:

When it comes to comics, I'm a bit more loose with what I enjoy. BL would probably still be the top on my list, but I'm more likely to check out adventures/fantasy/action/sci-fi (with no romance) in comic form than I am in novel form.

I love reading fantasy novels as well as romance fantasies! Crime novels also catch my eye as well, but I will forever adore Sherlock Holmes!!

I have a boyfriend, but he knows where my love of fiction character resides :heart_eyes:

I'm a sucker for a good romance whether its comic or novel :heart_eyes: Something about seeing the journey of two characters fall in love and the challenges they face is just so heartwarming!

I personally write fantasy/drama novels where I usually include romance but it takes a backseat to the events going on in the world I create.

Lately I'm super into sci-fi (Dune is my biggest love right), but fantasy is always the easiest and most fun to write. However, I have been pushing myself to write two different sci-fi stories of late, so I am proud of myself. I think my problem that I was trying to make it too sci-fi before, haha.