I can handle really extreme situations very well. I just go into a sort of robo mode when things happen. I've saved two lives as a result. One was a guy downtown right outside my work who just dropped and stopped breathing, guess he had a heart attack. It was in the middle of a busy street and I booked it over and performed CPR. He came by my store a few weeks later and that was kinda cool I guess.
Other was my baby cousin. She was about a year old and I was staying over, and she stopped breathing in her sleep. So my aunt and uncle came barreling out of their room butt naked with this floppy child body and I had to pry her from my aunt and perform CPR. It took almost two minutes to get her back but now she's fine.
I'm not a hero but these were lucky moments. I've performed CPR on three other people in my life, none of which survived, but what I can do, I try.
Sleeping, though it's rather unreliable.
I fall asleep rather easily, and can sometimes fall asleep in various positions (such as curling up in a hiding spot while hiding)
I can get lucid dreams
I get pleasure from sleeping, it's a way to de-stress and relieve pain. I can get full sensations in sleep, such as eating sensation.
But it can get addicting, and very hard to wake up from due to sleep paralysis+ false awakenings combination. Sometimes I'm afraid to sleep because of those.
I'm able to extremely closely colourmatch colours I see with paint. As in, I can look at colours in real life and mix paint to match that colour (semi) exactly. Had to do this a lot this summer for a volunteer job with basically a random mix of paints (most of which not primary colours either). I know jackshit about colour theory but I've passively learned enough to be able to do this.
To be fair, there's a lot of artists here, so I bet there's more people here who can do that.
I know it sounds crazy but I kind of have the ability to foresee the future. I kept telling people I can dream about the future but no one ever believes me. Back in 2019 of September I had a dream that the world was flooded with water and what stopped the flood was pine cones. In my culture a flood means trouble so I told everyone about it and no one believed me. At first I thought maybe a war was coming but as March of 2020 comes so did Covid-19, it spread around the world like the flood in my dream. And I think the pine cone was the vaccine to the virus.
Even after that nobody still believes me when I tell people about my dreams. It's okay though, you can't change the future even if you see it.
I have a second ability, if I'm comfortable with this person I can talk about anything for 8-12 hours straight. I think it's because of my hyperactive mind but I can talk about anything for a long period of time, I can make a story on the spot, I can talk about my life for hours, talk about what I talked about for hours too. Nothing in my mind ever sits still. My mom thinks my friends talk too much but she doesn't even know her own daughter is the one dragging the conversation. It's like my brain is on steriod.
Though lately I've been trying not to talk too much since I have social anxiety from everything now. The downside of this is when my brain thinks I've said enough to this person my brain will treat this person as someone who "has heard every words from mankind and has no reason to live anymore" and they get forgotten. It's never intentional, it does hurt whenever I look back. Usually I can't do anything about the situation and reviving something that is dead is impossible.
I can relate to this. I don't hang out with people often so I don't noticed if people didn't notice me but it was really noticeable for me when I'm playing card games with my family. Sometimes they'd skip my turn because they forgot I was there or didn't hear me breathe, I guess. I have no clue but I'm used to it.
Yes! I relate to the invisibility one! One time I was literally the only customer at a Starbucks and walked up to the counter. I stood there for a few minutes before the barista turned around from what they were working on (only a few feet away from me, the door made a jingling noise when I walked in) and looked genuinely startled. I've startled friends/classmates a couple of times too when they suddenly realize that I am there, but they didn't even hear/see me enter the room. A couple of times I've walked into things that require admission without paying (on accident, I didn't realize you had to pay) and no one stopped me or asked questions.
1) In addition to the invisibility, I think I'm very perceptive of what people hide under the surface, whether that's an emotion or their true personality. Or if they are acting in a way that seems unusual or irrational, I am good at figuring out the real reason why. The ability to be sensitive, make connections, and read between the lines has been super helpful in literature classes and for reading tarot cards.
2) I don't know if it's a superpower, but I'm also patient and methodical, maybe to an excessive degree. Like if I see that it's possible to get from point A to point B, and point B is worth reaching, I don't really care how time-consuming or complicated the path in between is. This has mostly been helpful for filling out paperwork and dealing with work/school bureaucracy The problem is that I definitely don't work "smarter not harder" and fail to see helpful shortcuts as soon as other people do. Some people actually get frustrated when they see my way of doing things like cleaning or writing.
3) Related to #2, I actually enjoy untangling Christmas lights and assembling Ikea furniture!