9 / 47
Sep 2022

Relative pitch..?

You guys might know about perfect pitch in which some people are able to recognize the note of any sound by simply hearing it, but relative pitch is more like remembering a note through means of exposure and using it as a reference for other sounds.

It's not easy for me, but I can tell you the note of something and be close. Sometimes, I'll even get it right and it's a total mood booster for me :sunglasses:

Being alive.

not to get depressing or anything, but yeah.

Heck yeah.

One of the greatest IRL powers. Reminds me so much of this quote:

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”

― Oscar Wilde

I have two, and one of them I have zero control over.

One is timing. I am that person who can set an hour timer (like cooking dinner or something), leave to run an errand, forget about the timer entirely, come back, walk in the front door, and 2 seconds later, the timer goes off. Or I'll put something in the microwave for three minutes, go do something else, feel like it must be about 3 minutes now, and walk back to the microwave-- either to catch it just as it goes off, or a few seconds before. This happens a lot.

The other is invisibility. I have no control over this one, and it doesn't happen often (as far as I know), but occasionally, people's eyes will slide right past me, even if I'm standing in front of them and they're actively looking for me. This has happened many times over my life, from at least high school on. It is not (or is, depending on your perspective?) helped at all by the fact that I'm also very quiet. God, I wish I could control this one.

My friends used to joke that I could teleport because of how quiet I was when sneaking up and scaring them

awww for the second one I just wanna hug you XD Ngl I laughed, but its so sad D= pat pat

my power, dunno how to explain, but I can heat up my body myself when I am cold? makes no sense? Well yes prolly not XD

Yeah, LOL. I get this alot too, except people call me a ninja. (cause I'm Asian)

I just unconsciously make my steps quiet cause, as a kid, my grandparents told me that grownups should walk with quiet steps.

Thinking back, it's probably because I was too loud. I was a very energetic child.

wow, my Dad would tell me the same thing, don't drag your feet,walk quietly

Are you KIDDING? Do you know how valuable invisibility is for causing an utterly priceless jump-scare?

I can handle really extreme situations very well. I just go into a sort of robo mode when things happen. I've saved two lives as a result. One was a guy downtown right outside my work who just dropped and stopped breathing, guess he had a heart attack. It was in the middle of a busy street and I booked it over and performed CPR. He came by my store a few weeks later and that was kinda cool I guess.

Other was my baby cousin. She was about a year old and I was staying over, and she stopped breathing in her sleep. So my aunt and uncle came barreling out of their room butt naked with this floppy child body and I had to pry her from my aunt and perform CPR. It took almost two minutes to get her back but now she's fine.

I'm not a hero but these were lucky moments. I've performed CPR on three other people in my life, none of which survived, but what I can do, I try.

Kinda, yeah. But people will think you're a sociopath as a result, lol. I'm very poor at expressing emotions outwardly, even if I'm experiencing them. Just deadpan face I guess. But it's good for poker, too.

thats fine, everyone is different. People just judge too quickly.

I have the uncanny ability to feel when a season of Top Chef is happening. I don't need to google it or read about it, I just know if Top Chef is on and I'm not watching.

Sleeping, though it's rather unreliable.
I fall asleep rather easily, and can sometimes fall asleep in various positions (such as curling up in a hiding spot while hiding)
I can get lucid dreams
I get pleasure from sleeping, it's a way to de-stress and relieve pain. I can get full sensations in sleep, such as eating sensation.
But it can get addicting, and very hard to wake up from due to sleep paralysis+ false awakenings combination. Sometimes I'm afraid to sleep because of those.

I'm able to extremely closely colourmatch colours I see with paint. As in, I can look at colours in real life and mix paint to match that colour (semi) exactly. Had to do this a lot this summer for a volunteer job with basically a random mix of paints (most of which not primary colours either). I know jackshit about colour theory but I've passively learned enough to be able to do this.

To be fair, there's a lot of artists here, so I bet there's more people here who can do that.

I have unlimited ideas, motivation and excitement which can also be a super weakness