114 / 118
Feb 2021

For me personally, I enjoy drawing, designing and scripting my comics. My frustration is when you find mistakes AFTER you publish it and the page already got views. I need to work on not drawing my characters stiff and to space my texts/ panels more evenly.

Everything. I can never be good enough. I always seem to be on a losing uphill battle.

Well, I don´t draw comics... But a few months ago I started learning digital art and I´d like to, someday, draw my own comic. The thing is:

  1. I don´t feel confident at all with my drawing skills
  2. I think it´s gonna take too much of my time (I also work and am a writer, so you see, not even my free time should be left to spare)
  3. I´m scared of creating something so big it takes me literally decades to get it done (not because of my lack of time, but because I´m used to write long stories; if I can be with one for two or three years, when I consider I´m fast and good at writing, I can´t imagine how long would it take to make a comic using a skill I´m not that confortable about :´)

One day, maybe

I already apologized to my FBI agent hahaha! :joy: I swear the things we gotta do for the right ref I'm sobbing KJFHGFKJGHFJKG

My comic is kicking my butt this week! I knew more complicated scenes would be rough but it's worse than I expected. Working reasonably hard and only averaged about one panel per day, but the very worst part is that by the time I've done a few more panels I kind of hate the first ones but can't go back and fix them because time marches on. Grrrrrrrrrrrr. Trying to look on the bright side that it's harder this week = I'm learning more but ouch.

Hang in there, everyone.

I just started working on a comic recently and my latest frustration with making comics is
, nothing at all the process is :sparkles: G R E A T :sparkles:


But it feels time consuming tbh but hey at least I got one page down and its just waiting to be uploaded :kissing_closed_eyes:
never done anything like this so its gonna be a ride for me :hype_01:.

Its a bit strange to feel like its time consuming even though I've just started :cry_01:

That I can't seem to work fast enough even with shortcuts like 3D models as setup etc. There's one chapter I just want to get through so I can get to the good stuff.

Probably trying to top your previous chapter in terms of improvement in art and writing.

Think making comics is a constant loop of never feeling satisfied with anything you are doing
despite readers not seeing any of those struggles and loving it.

Also stepping back into sketching a comic after completely finishing a episode takes some time
to readjust into that process

Finding time, energy, and motivation to work on comics, covid hit and work requires extra from me since so my usual readiness has dropped drastically. Im lucky to have whatever buffer that I do have.

Mine might sound silly, but I'm really feeling it this chapter.

It's when you created characters in a certain way, but then when you're suck drawing a bunch of them on almost every single panel, it makes want to build a time machine to go back in time and slap your past self with a fish of some sort.

I learned that one or two characters is okay, but when you're drawing them constantly, it's a real pain in the butt and I can't exactly change it, because that's how I designed it in the first comic. It's too late! It's been printed and re-printed.

Definitely balance with my full-time job. I'm a college track coach so I tend to take my work home with me and I have my athletes constantly texting and calling me all hours of the day and weekends. By the time I actually have time for myself I usually just lay on my couch trying to catch my breath.

The last thing I want to do is script or storyboard my next chapter. I've already eaten into my buffer more than i'd like to and have to really get my butt in gear.

I don't have time. And if I have time I often don't have the energy to work on my comics, regardless of how motivated I feel :cry_swag:

Time management and how slow I am at drawing oTL (but the most recent frustration is I have to redraw some frames designs cause I couldnt follow the pace properly)

A lack of interest in my works. Thankfully I enjoy doing them, otherwise, I'd give up on them.
On Twitter, I follow a few creators that I interact with. I'll boost and connect with some of their posts, but never see that done whenever I post anything related to my work.
It's a bit demoralizing to see a lack of support.
Maybe my stuff really isn't good, but maybe it also has to do with the fact that as a writer, I don't have the luxury of sharing awesome drawings or WIPs for people to see that would eventually lead to a following.

Oof, mainly just feeling insecure or feeling like my work isn't good enough...

Balancing college work and keeping up with a weekly comic schedule. Even though it's in my best interest to finish all my work so that I can draw stress free, I just can't help but procrastinate on stuff.
I also feel like I've been stuck doing a particular volume in my comic for too long and just want to move on to the next story. :pensive:

I'm unsatisfied with my linework -_- also anatomy and form or whatever they call it is stiff. I know more practice is needed but i really have no time without going to hiatus OTL

1) Active sub decreasing ( likes and comments )
2) No time to do other things in life

1.One of my spare tablet pc's adapter died. :rolling_eyes:
2. Working a lineless cast art which would have a certain look i envisioned, but can't quite get it right.
3. Worrying about how long will another important pc component get broken down by aging.