Hiya! Just popping in to say that the conclusion of "The White Order" (that long-ass owl episode) is finished and posts Sunday morning, April 22nd TODAY. Had to announce this way cause my posting schedule has gotten really unpredictable since, uh, January XD

So, feel free to check it out and/or binge read while I go on hiatus for a couple of months. Might still do "chicken art" related things and goof around on forums per usual, so I won't disappear completely through the summer. Also I'll be doing the Train Contest thing and prepping for an action-y season, release date TBD.

In the meantime, why not vote for your favorite character(s)? You don't have to do both, I reckon, But I'm dying to know..

  • Friar
  • Bucky
  • Gallus
  • Dr Fowler
  • Other (and tell me who!)


Another for the boring humans
  • Alec
  • Luke
  • Aldi
  • Horace
  • Other?


This is just for fun, and my amusement. It will not affect the plot in any way.

Thank you for your vote!

Oh, here's the link to the most recent episode, for new readers. You do not have to sub, but casting your lot here will benefit the Pecking Order in the near-future.

  • created

    Apr '24
  • last reply

    May '24
  • 1


  • 267


  • 1


  • 1


  • 2


14 days later

Sorry, Imma bump this once for new readers cause it got buried fast.

On a side note, it kinda occurred to me that Aldi and Horace are very underdeveloped (unless you saw the memes, cause Horace has alot of meme potential, lol), so I'll take this as a sign that I jumped the gun.

You'll definitely get to know them better in the next season, along with a few newbies.