21 / 34
Dec 2019

Starting the story or day.

I'm not gonna lie, my main story happened to have four different revisions of the prologue since 2015 and I never finished either version. The old link of my comic's summary at Smackjeeves and Comicfury haunts me.

My least favorite part is how my writing turns super depressing when all I want is a happy ending.

If I haven't written for a while, it takes me time to get back in the writing zone. And it's frustrating when I want to write, I know what to write, but the words just don't flow. :confused:

I know. Sometimes I just want to say hell with it and let my character ogle them and describe the other character's physical charms in great detail. Then I wonder if that would be weird. because there are times in real life when you see a person who seems extraordinarily handsome/beautiful to you. You get fixated on little things about them that seem unreasonably beautiful, and you think... if this person asked me out, I would not be able to say no.

That happens in real life, doesn't it? Or has people-watching driven me mad?

Story time: I remember seeing a guy at a temple once (sacrilege!). He wasn't really noticed by anyone else. But I saw him, all in white, praying diligently while I was being a creeper. There was nothing special about him, and I can't even remember his face anymore or what made him seem so special, but it was like being stopped in my tracks by a glass wall. Then I moved on, pretended to pray to God and left, ignoring him because I'm not weird. At least, not intentionally.

Presentation. Typography is a whole art form to master in my opinion. I just throw readable text on the page to be honest.

I'm sure that's a big reason people refuse to sub my comic lol.

Even without having had any romantic experiences in my life, I can tell you romance isn't all that hard to write well. The trick is, you have to read alot of romance. Good romance. Not the fantasy/wish fulfillment stuff. You're going to need to wade through the books whose demographic is "sexually frustrated woman in a midlife crisis who has a glass of wine every night before bed" and find stories with realistic portrayals of romance. Which means it'll be really boring, because real romance isn't usually very flashy.

No problem, I am just happy that someone had the focus to read it all. It's hard to give advice without writing a whole essay about it. Maybe it's a damage left in me being in the university, being longwinded is a must there :joy:

I love most aspects of the writing process, especially world-building, character development, and fight/action scenes (these are my personal favorite).

My least favorite part of the posting process is no one reading what I've written haha

I'm a habitual under-writer. I get so excited about a scene that I rush everything to get to that one scene. But I can't just write that one scene first and then go write everything else. So I miss out on a lot of opportunities for scenes and the like.

Which also leads me to editing, which I hate with a passion, but force myself to do anyways. I have found that while reading my previous draft, I'll think of new scenes or missed opportunities and I make a giant list of them all so I can go back and do them which gets me really interested in the plot/characters/situations again so I write more. Right now I'm aiming to add 70,000 to an existing project since I can cut stuff later, haha.

I like posting my work, but if I don't, or can't, do so consistently I start to feel bad.

reading and editing my chapter and think its okay before I posting it then minutes later, I reread once again after posting and see typos and grammar errors.

Scenes with a lot of action. I'm never able to outline it right and it comes off as too fast and unnatural. If anyone can give me tips on drawing and writing action scenes, please help :((

Favorite thing to write? Definitely character interactions. I think writing characters has always been my strongest point, lmao.

I am not good at describing the place. I try my level best. But there are always some flaws.

I know. I feel like I can never get a perfect balance. Enough to set the scene and mood, but not so much that it becomes Hemigwayish. That's not a word, I know.

The little tiny edits I do right before posting. Whether it be changing how a word bubble looks or making show the screentone and fill ins aren't sloppy. I just wanna post but I end up dedicating 2+ hrs because I'm anal.

1 month later

I find that there is always problems one way or another. The times when I truly want to just throw my hands up is when I have to write explanations about something within the story and having to describe it in a way that make sense. This is usually during the more tame and quiet moments.

Maybe it's because I grew up with mostly looking at the pew pews and bang bangs but having to write expositions is murder.

Run on sentences. I'm the worst with those. Writing action scenes is a struggle, too. My writing gets really monotonous during action.
Aaaand some ol' inconsistency with my style.
I'm really easily influenced; I'll pick up whatever style from the book I'm reading at that moment. I always have to go back and try to edit it out -cries-
I always hate that moment right after I click publish - like a bolt of anxiety goes through me.
That's always my cue to busy myself with exercise or something else lmao, and then it goes away.

In regards to writing, I'd say my least favorite thing is that I can rarely satisfy myself with a draft. In a way that might be a good thing as it pushes me to try to make a better version, but with how I work I basically end up scrapping an entire draft. I also still feel like my own writing style can be repetitive, but that may be due to being accustomed to it.

As for the posting process, I'd say it's just how slow it is for novels to gain any traction, especially if it's outside the bigger genres. Granted, I could probably use a more appealing cover.