17 / 36
Aug 2018

Happened in January.
I don't know how it happened, but a story I put out got a spike in views and subscribers.
Unfortunately, the episodes that followed failed to reach even half of what the first one did.

I'm one of those with slow but steady growing. Since my art got better, more people got interested and I have 57 readers now. And I think that's totaly fine, as my art is still improving and my first chapters looking bad.
A while ago I stoped carring too much about the numbers and just enjoy making comics

Also a nice icon realy helps, because it's the first thing, people see.

when I went on the tapas forums and linked my comic

like this

while consistency is definitely important, it seems to me the key is clearly to transition into BL haha XD;;
there is not much you can do if the audience is not interested in a m/f love story, but there is something to be said when you got featured multiple times only after starting a BL story (and i'm pretty sure your other stories where just as good to begin with)

Mine was on the third or fourth day after publishing my story. I got 40 subs. It was 2 years ago. Then sub just raise gradually I guess.

I had the biggest jump in subs when I was featured in the Noteworthy Novels section. Right now I'm seeing some big growth in subs for my current work ELINA because it's being featured there

My comics subs is so slow it's bringing flashbacks to 90's internet connection, that you waited a few minuets just to see a picture on a musty text site. and it was even a GIF format.

When i showed the first page of my comic in a topic about sharing the first 3 pages of your comic, and when i showed that same page in a topic about showing a funny scene of your comic.

I usually get more subs when I start a new chapter because the comic I'm working on is a learning exercise - every time I finish a chapter I gather a bunch of feedback and I make the required changes in the new chapter.
Since I have a big jump in quality I find more new readers subscribe than before, as they're seeing the newest and most improved version of my work.

At least, for the current project that's when I've found my sub count moving the most.

Definitely when I first started out my comic - I got at least 400 of my subscribers in that first week. Still trying to figure out how to maintain/increase my sub count! :slight_smile:

According to my experience: never.
It takes a long time to get new subscribers, but I never noticed a real jump.
I don't have much subscribers, by the way :grin:

18 days later

In my experience, for novels on Tapas, the only way to get subs is to either get featured or write BL.

3 months later

Lol thanks for the compliment. yea, I felt that was the only choice I had. good then I don't have an issue with M/M to F/F relationships lol that would have been though. :joy:

not necessarily. yes I understand that "BL" is like flaming hot right now but thats not the case. there are many Hetro comics that are just as good if not even better. and, you could start a BL and no one would read it so keep in mind not every one reads ever story just because its BL. if you don't have interesting story lines or characters with personality or volume, no one will gravitate towards it. and no one will read it. just saying.:slight_smile:

I experienced a big growth once I made it into 1k on webtoons. I think that builds up some reputation, haha. I can agree to what someone said before me, though, consistency is key! Without it I´d be nowhere.

It was after the comic collab I had with a friend, last November 2018 XD
Maybe 30+ subs all of the sudden :'D

I was really lucky in the beginning I was almost immediately put on the staff picks list when I started uploading on Tapas, so my first full month of uploading I got over 200 subscribers. After that my subscriber growth took a nose dive. Now I see a slow but steady growth.

I've found that posting/ being active on the forums has been the best way to get a viewer boost besides upload days...