3 / 12
Sep 2023

Hi, currently I post my comic on Tuesdays at 1 PM, once every two weeks. I've only recently started, about a month or so, but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts to possibly change it while the comic's still fresh. Thank you!

  • created

    Sep '23
  • last reply

    Sep '23
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I'm trying to figure that out aswell. For me, weekends tend to work best but I don't have that many readers to be statistically relevant.

Weekdays might also be interesting, as people read comics on the way to work etc.

I post on Saturday mornings, EDT, but I honestly don't know the best times to post, especially if you're new.
I've read somewhere that the time and day where you can get the most hits may depend on the genre(s), though I don't remember the exact details of it. I don't follow the rules.

I'd say do it when it suits you, but try to do it as consistently as possible-build up a schedule or else your readers won't take you seriously or ADD out of reading. I found that posting consistently helps with views, though it may enable many to not have to subscribe, which may be unfortunate if that's what you're after. I could be wrong on this too, but I don't have a lot of subs, and that may actually be down to not self-promoting enough, which is the next step.

I think it all comes down to persistence and patience, but I'm still learning the Tapas ways here. Maybe you'll get luckier than I?

I wish you a pleasant Tapas journey, and I'll give your comic a lookie!

Well, dang. You already have subs. Well done!
I think you're doing fine enough!

I think it depends on the genre and what target audience you have.
But got the tip to always post at 5:04 instead of 5:00 as it puts you on top when everyone updates at 05:00.

Then again, My novel isn't getting any traction on Tapas so disregard me :smiley:

I am East Coast in the US. I post mid day (11am-1pm) mostly because people in Europe are still awake (Evening time) and people on the West Coast US are waking up (morning time). English speaking people are my target demographic so that it why I do it that way.

It depends on your comic really though I recommend always scheduling it to updating in the morning.

For comic strips (slice of life and gag a day), Monday's are best. For long form comics, weekdays and Saturdays are best.

I post Fridays at midnight PST, because it's 8am GMT/BST, so people in North America might be awake still, and I'm awake in the UK. It's not the best time for people being awake when the notif drops, but I've found that isn't that huge an issue; getting seen in "fresh" is barely a thing on Tapas any more, but maximising how many likes happen in the space of one day by putting the upload right at the start of the day seems to work well for getting seen in "popular", at least if you have enough readers to reliably get over about thirty likes on upload day. My data may be old now, but I was told when I started out, that reader numbers tend to trend upwards over a weekend, from friday up to a peak on Sunday and then drop sharply on Monday, so I upload at the start of that "wave".

8AM PST, day doesn't matter. Works fine for all my novels and comics here.