79 / 98
Jan 2020

Moscow, Russia for the last 3 years :slight_smile: will probably stay here too, but we'll see.

I don't make it to that many conventions because my weekends are jammed with other stuff currently.

I know a lot of good people who table there. The past few years has really seen an upswing in conventions and local events in the area.

aww too bad. it looked really cool (the one in norfolk)

i still have friends in richmond (i went to vcu) and they have their own indie comic convention now too. i'd really like to go some day.

I live in Lexington, KY during the week, but visit my parents 45 minutes south in a small town called Berea, KY on the weekends!

Hey! I did my AFO year at VCU. Caught some financial issues and had to transfer to UT.

It was a great school but the year I was there Richmond was in the running for murder capital of the world. What a year!


I’d take heat over cold any day. That’s just me, though. I get dry skin really easy. Maybe it’s just the joys of living in UT. I never had those problems when I lived in GA. Humidity differences and all.

Sweden! I live in a little city about an hour away from Stockholm.

Edit: It's not apparent yet but my comic is gonna become a giant love letter to Scandinavia full of trolls and taigas.

I wish I'd thought of it earlier, but if you want, please include a link to your tapas comic / novel. It's kind of cool to consider how your location might inform your work.

also, I've been so interested that I've been clicking on people's profiles to get to their links and this would make it much easier. (i edited my original post to include mine).

Presently I am in Germany cause I'm a military brat, although I've been around to a fair few other places like Japan and South Korea before now.

I hate the friggin humidity here in GA. Liked the dry heat on the West Coast when I went to SDCC that time...it was 95 degrees outside, and not a drop of sweat on me.


I loved the humidity, to an extent. Dry heat isn’t bad, I just have eczema, so my skin hates the desert. But I remember standing in the shade in the Summer in the south, and holy crap! You sweat no matter where you are! I gained a talent while I was in GA: guzzling a 32 oz water bottle. It hurt. Was it smart? No. Was I hydrated? Yes.

A lot of my eczema/skin issues stem from too much sweating & humidity; so I now spend most of my summer days in A/C unless I have to go somewhere.

9 days later

From Monatana, now live a bit outside Seattle USA.

Always torn between wanting to live close to a city and wanting to live in the middle of the forest.

I was a military brat too growing up. Moved mostly in the US though: Connecticut, Virginia, California. I think it made me (or I just am) restless and want to move all the time.