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Feb 8

So there's two different ways to read comics, page by page, or scroll view. Which do y'all prefer in general ?

Examples from my webcomic, though I'm asking a general question. No feedback on my webcomic please lol:
page view

scroll view (webtoons style)

  • created

    Feb 7
  • last reply

    Feb 8
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Scroll format is more popular these days because it looks better on mobile. But it looks awful on desktop, so I prefer page format. :stuck_out_tongue:

I generally don’t mind either of them but I think it is easier to screw up the page version with terrible page layout, making it confusing to read.

On the creative side, for me it’s more a decision to simplify my life on the panel layout side. I use the scroll view to make the planning and production simpler. I don’t have to do a puzzle every time I create a page. Also since I have no plan for a physical version of my comic, the choice to optimize for endless scroll was easy to make.

However I think that choice does limit me in other ways. In page form, it is a lot easier to play with the weight of each panel. Small panel for small action and so on. With the endless scroll format, my comic skews a lot closer to the storyboard with dialogue boxes, which bring its own set of problems like often uninspired panels.

You got a point for both sides.
Sometimes I forget sometimes that scroll view and page view can't be comparable, it's really how the artist utilizes it!

traditional page format all the way, I hate how scroll strips comics look so weird in jpeg format

I´m used to pages, probably because I´m old and grew up with it,
but the scroll view works better for reading comics online and I learned
to enjoy it.

For a creator It both has pros and cons. Page design can be an important part of the design
and tool but it´s also hard to do and can be a crutch.

I prefer traditional page-layout comics,
as I find them better for creative expression than scroll-format comics.

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I prefer the page format by far. It frustrates me as a reader to scroll through single panels and I like more reading and less thumb or mouse wheel movement if I can.

That said, stacking pages seems to work fine if you prefer it that way.

@jwabeasly not to mention my hand/thumb cramping from scrolling too much >.<

Nothing like having a cramping thumb while the author gives you just giant black panels with a word balloon containing a single word.