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Feb 20

For me, It would be Astraea.

Her Ability is called Ellipsis, which allows her to foresee segments of a future and her ability always creates the best outcomes and shows it to her. Making her nearly unstoppable during fights with opponents, as she is always multiple steps ahead of everyone.

However, this doesn't mean that she is completely unstoppable, as she cannot change "fated events", events that are destined to happen, no matter how much Astraea foresees and changes segments of a future. Fated events affect every person, as long as they're bound to the circle of fate, wherein everyone is encapsulated in.

It's like being an editor on a script, being able to change the script to your own liking. But there are some segments to the script that the director (or in this case fate) interferes with and doesn't allow you to change that specific segment to the script no matter what, and no amount of changing the script will ever prevent that event from happening.

However, for the ability to work, she has to be blind in both of her eyes for the best effect. This is why she made an offering wherein she blinds herself in both of her eyes, in exchange for her ability, Ellipsis, to be always active within her instincts. This doesn't mean she can't see anything though, as with Ellipsis, she can see segments of a future that are about to happen, but the world around her happens as normal. It's like separating the audio and video of a character talking in an editing software, wherein you take the video (Astraea's segment of a future) and play the audio (the present) 10 seconds after the character starts talking.

There's also a lot of complicated stuff about fate/destiny, but I don't feel like elaborating those so I'll just leave it there!

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Probably the fairies (or "immortal flowers") in Crystal Blue. their powers are pretty complex, but the mermaids are a close second

Akala Maya (perception illusion)...

1) teleportation between places at a quicker rate than most angels or demons

2) Illusion. She is a highly advanced Genjutsu user on par with the most elite uchiha shinobi. The entire background is possibly an illusion.

3) combat abilities... giant sword, wing blades. Stronger in fighting from a distance vs close quarters.

Maybe Nite who can use his psychic powers to make solid objects pass through each other. However he has only used this ability to do dumb magic tricks. Maybe mostly complicated because I don't know how to logically explain how he does it.

Of the ones that do have powers, I say Argenta has the most complicated one. The power system on its own is actually really complicated in that story. Argenta’s power specifically is technically a gigantic spoiler, but since it’s gonna be ages till I release that story anyway, I can tell you:

Argenta’s power is the power of curiosity. This is difficult to explain without explaining a bit of the power system. Basically, the “powers” in this world aren’t really powers, but specific traits that may cause special powers, as people can use these traits to do magic. Now, Argenta’s trait is curiosity, which already makes her special as curiosity is generally looked down upon in this world, because it may be dangerous to both the curious and the people around them. Argenta’s curiosity leads her to make choices other people wouldn’t, such as communicating with highly dangerous deities and doing whatever other people advised her to never ever do. That way, she finds out about things no one ever knew before, and gains some exceptionally crazy powers such as seeing the future or bringing dead people back to life. However, all of these crazy powers are magic tied to her initial trait of curiosity, making that the underlying power of all of these. The curiosity power is also very easy to misunderstand or misidentify, which makes it even more complicated.

There’s a bunch of other complicated powers in this story too, but this has already been too much of an info dump from my side, I might explain them later though.

The magic system in my current comic (as well as some other stories set in the same workd) is pretty complex. Not complex to comprehend, but complex for those casting spells. Spells take a lot of time to create and involve having a good memory and juggling a lot of tasks in your mind. It works a lot like coding, but changes reality rather than a program. You have to learn the magic casting language, and use a considerable amount of focus to set up the spell in your mind (which takes a while) thankfully if you’re good enough, you can set up a code word to activate a previously created spell so your don’t have to stand around awkwardly with your eyes shut and arms outstretched for 10 minutes every time you want to use a spell.

Xivian is a sorcerer, meaning he has a lot more magical power than the average magic user. He spends a lot of time in the library cooking spells because he has nothing better to do. So he’s pretty good at it.

Daecon would have the most complicated powers in my story. He is a shapeshifter (which he only just discovered), but not only that, he is a very rare and very powerful type of shapeshifter: A Dunamis. A Dunamis only comes along once every several thousand years (the last one was over 5,000 years ago) and they have near unlimited shapeshifting abilities including hybrid shifts (such as growing wings while in human form). They can also make themselves and others temporarily invisible, they can compel others to do their bidding (this is an ability Daecon does not like, and he has only ever used it once), they can increase and decrease the power levels of other shapeshifters, and they have an uncanny intuition - it's not quite reading minds, but Daecon will know your mood (including whether you are stressed), will know whether or not you're telling the truth, and he will even know your name. Also, Daecon is the only known Dunamis that can visit the afterlife and converse with the departed.

Nives has by default the most complicated power/ability because she is the only one with power/ability (maybe?).

When her father died, she inherited the heart of an ancient dead god. The heart grants her all sorts of OP abilities like regeneration, shadow tendrils, shapeshifting, infinite mana, mind control over certain types of creatures, and probably more.

The complicated part comes from why she avoids using most of her power. If it was revealed she had the heart, it would be a huge can of worms politically, industrially, possibly cause wars, assassination attempts, and change the balance of power across the continent.

No one really has "powers" per se in my universe because it's sci-fi, but I'd say Ra's is pretty unusual.

They are a failed prototype of a cloned human with fiberoptic implants, which in my "shut up it's pretend science" world means they have a bit of control over light manipulation, and they can create ephemeral holograms through their fingertips and bend light that passes through them.

In other news they are also obsessed with the ancient egyptian god Ra, naming themselves after him and believing they are his reincarnation, grafting talons on their arms and wings to their back. The second graft was unsuccessful and the muscles failed to attach, so they can't lift their wings any higher than their hips.

I really like that you try to use an analogy for your character's power. She sounds OP at first but you seemed to have balanced that which is great!

As for me, there's an entire power system that I made for my story but that'll be details saved for future chapters.

Here's a little context before I mention my complicated character. There are these otherworldly humans called Gifted Children, they are all named after the first Gifted Child that came to this world called Pantheon. Every one of them has their own magical abilities called a Gift, but the female lead, Nina who is also a Gifted Child, may or may not have a much more different Gift at play and she's not even aware of it herself. In fact she thinks she doesn't have any magical powers, the cause of this is when she uses her powers she would blackout. So anything that she does while using her powers she won't remember.

She's a complicated one alright. 🥲

Most definitely Elyn considering that she will become pretty overpowered as the series continues.

The Old Ones aka Gods will be a close second.

They're all normal humans in alpha squad so no powers

For through mortal eyes, I'll have to say Eamon because he's a sage and sage's have complicated powers

Probably Mr Jagan himself, the scope of his powers is basically the entire concept of superposition with a bunch of different applications, which makes it hard to necessarily define, but he's really good at figuring out how old rocks are, transforming voltage sources into current sources, and pretty much everything in between