54 / 79
Sep 2015

My 'script' is very loose, which is to say, whatever dialogue I have is pretty malleable, while the plot itself is more or less set in stone at this point. I have some scenes where the dialogue is written to a higher degree, while with others it's more vague. I know what they'll say, even if I haven't figured out exactly how they'll say it just yet.

I find that my best writing happens during the drawing of the page. It's the only point when I can really see what's working and what isn't. So it's at that point I'll swap out words or even whole sentences.

I don't use a script. I find not writing down one, makes the entire process more efficient.
I do however, write down the general summary on a piece of paper. Everything else just falls into place, in my head.

Guilty. I don't write specific dialogue beforehand. When it comes to dialogue, I pretty much make it up as I go. I don't really storyboard either except maybe create a mini version of how the page should look right before drawing said page. I do have the bare bones of the story, or in other words, several plot points and in which order these happen written up in a doc on pc, but generally no idea of the specific dialogue until I'm almost at having to draw said page.

I have a strange method for my comic Boundless - I go out for a long jog everyday before working on the comic, and it is during my jog that I plan out the panel layouts, dialogue and everything in my head, then I work on it when I get home while all the thoughts and ideas are fresh.

I do write script, but I also change things a lot as I draw the pages.

The way I plotted, wrote, and drew my pirate comic (which is a terrible comic, especially in the writing, but we won't mention that) is that I wrote the plot (the whole overview of the story, with the different acts and plot lines) out, and then plotted each chapter in an episodic fashion. So I have a chapter sheet which is just the barest, simplest outline for each chapter. Basically I write down the just of the plot and then all the things that need to happen or be shown sometime during the course of the chapter. That way, I can write the script as I go (usually I just write the dialogue and important background imagery). I usually write script only a few pages ahead of the page I'm on, but I've never had any problems with getting all the plot/foreshadowing/characterization/etc in properly.

That said, there's something very solid about writing the whole script out beforehand and I think a lot of people don't pay enough attention to the benefits! When you write out a script, you get a great feel of the characters' speech patterns before you start, you know where you're heading, you can be sure that the story flows the way you want it to. There have been so many times that I've looked back and wished I'd phrased something differently, but didn't notice that it was awkward because it was still so fresh in my mind. I find writing script as boring as the next person, but I definitely think the pros outweigh the cons.

I only wrote outline. I actually use powerpoint slides with like "Chapter 4" "-Sasha goes to this, -Pan got this," etc. It's easier for me to see the whole picture. I feel so lost with scripts (partly because I'm a very visual person and partly because English isn't my first language and there's not really a written version of ASL... at least not yet)

THEN I pencil it out in a very rough pencil/thumbnail style. I do everything digital so it's easy to do that.

I absolutely use a script!

A lot of people are talking about dialogue changing in the final draft and stuff, which, I know I definitely tweak wording and panels as soon as I start thumbnailing. But if you're doing a story-comic, having a rough script can help with other elements of storytelling -- like pacing, or foreshadowing. That's the sort of thing that can....work okay if you're winging it, but it's a bummer if you get to drawing the dragon fight on page 20 and realise this would be way more satisfying if you'd planned for a scene that mentioned the secret weakness of dragons 5 pages ago, rather than cramming it in right there.

I don't think it has to have a detailed description of every panel to be a Real Script! The scripting method I learned as a newbie and still use now is basically, start with an outline and break it down as far as you feel like you need to go.

So you start with chunks, so like, random example,

  • Chapter One - the hero leaves town
  • Chapter Two - the hero meets a monster

and then break those into scenes, so what are the specific scenes in chapter one?

  • Chapter One - the hero leaves town
    • hero has an argument with his mom
    • hero sneaks off to steal the legendary sword
    • the hero overhears important information while sneaking
    • hero steals sword
    • hero sneaks out of town

and then break those scenes down into pages

  • hero has an argument with his mom
    • page one: Hero is reading about legendary heroes, mom comes in
    • page two: mom tells hero to do chores, hero whines about wanting to be heroic
    • etc.

and then from there, you BASICALLY have a loose script! You can break that down even further to a list of specific dialogue and panel descriptions, but the nice thing about this method, if you're a weekly comic like me, is that you can see very easily if Something Is Happening on each page, because as soon as you write "page 15: hero keeps running for an entire page," you gotta evaluate if that's gonna hold your readers over for an entire week.

So I'd say for me, both pacing and being able to evaluate my storytelling before I'm in the middle of it are the big reasons I try to script a little in advance!

There is another advantage to using a full script. Dialogue. Both before I started doing formal reviews, and was just doing spot reviews for people, and since I started doing formal reviews, I have yet to review a webcomic that had good dialogue. Acceptable, yes. Wooden, usually. But good dialogue that I feel like quoting later? No.

As much care should be taken with the words the characters say as with the drawing of them. In fact, I should be able to remove all the art from the page, leaving just the dialogue balloons and still be able to tell who is speaking, and not just because they are calling each other by name. The dialogue for EACH character should be as distinctive as their appearances.

And a full script is the way to accomplish this. Anyone who simply jots down the dialogue, and makes a few tweaks here and there is not putting the same care and work into the writing that they are putting into the art, and it is going to show. The script is the way to put that time, care, and work into the story, not just for the plot, theme, setting, conflict and the rest, but for the dialogue. If you write a line that is so generic that any of your characters could have said it, re-write it. I am not talking the Wolverine BS of putting the word "bub" in every sentence, but actually using distinctive speech patterns for your characters. If you wrote down sentences said by your friends, verbatim, you will find they have speech patterns, pauses, vocal tics, personal words, catch phrases, ums, and uhs that would let you pick out who said what.
Don't do any less for your characters, and to do that, put it in a word processor and play with it. The delete key is your eraser, and the keyboard is your pencil. This is a rough draft that you pull a finished script out of the same way you pull a finished page out of a rough sketch.

Let the full force of the personality of your characters come through in the dialogue. Write it out, and play with it, it is as exciting as the art work once you learn to do it.

(and if it's not, see if you can find a writer)

I don't use scripts when doing my own work i do "names" as in I create the art and the story as one. It is a little harder but it feels more organic.here is a sample of the "name

" for comic i have on this website

There is a lot to go into writing that I think most people don't know or think they know.

I'm kind of mixed; I can't have either "just scripts" or "just thumbnails." I need both. If I only do a script, then the choreography of the sequence and layout of the panels is usually all wrong; plus I end up laying it out in my head as I'm scripting, but then forget that layout when I do the actual thumbnails. If I only do thumbnails, then the dialogue gets hamstrung by how much space there is left after the illustration, and the proper dialogue doesn't get conveyed. So I do both in the same step; usually script a panel and then thumbnail it out, and keep going until I have a page/strip thumbnail-ed out.

Granted, that's just for me. What about for you guys? *goes back and skims other responses.

I am actually working on a method that works with me to use scripts more. Most likely it will be a combo of written and thumbnails that I can use for notes and to keep the continuation fluid. By going page to page I often forget story elements I might have started before that were important (even if a small thing in the page) and it helps me to plan the future.

Hard to go anywhere when you can't see the path before you that you want to take.

Guuuuys for real, thumbnails and or scripting is kinda helpful.

There is a reason why all professionals use them. If you want to draw comics seriously then planning is essential in the execution. @Claytonlchan's 'names' actually work really well too since that way you actually know how the text can fit in your page too.

Thumbnailing really helps with page flow. Like if you have a battle, you should plan the entire thing to make sure the movement is fluid and it's easier for you not to break the 180 degree rule. I've seen some comments say they don't want to thumbnail bc it's just taking too much time and they'd rather do the real art. For real, thumbnails aren't meant to look pretty, so don't waste too much effort on them. They're your rough drafts so you can draw faceless awkward looking mannequins with a pontytail or a big scarf to differentiate the characters. Your backgrounds could be sketchy as heck. If there are posters in the BG just draw in blank ones. At least you'll have some plan of the page layout afterwards.

Scripts are good for especially dialogue heavy scripts bc you need to make sure the conversation actually sounds like a conversation. Does it flow? Does it keep breaking off into new topics? Again, you can just incorporate this in the thumbnails to make a 'name'

Altho I'm not entirely sure how this applies to gag a day comics since the story literally ends on the page.

The "name" posted is the final draft of the name to lock things down. Up until then i draw the same size but much less detailed. Working on drafts is key it allows you take risk. The first draft of the name you make it for yourself the 2nd is for others. Buf i always work at a size that allows me to consider how the words effect the overalll feel of the pages.

Also some more notes to keep in mind for folks in general

-Fish is right with the 180 degree rule
-Also keep in mind where the eye flows. Even thumbnails with stick figures and basic panels shapes can help
-Scripts, even messy ones, give you something quick to step away from and them come back to with fresh perspective.
-It's alot easier and quicker to modify a script/thumbnail page than it is to redraw/repaint half a page.
-They help you flow from one page to the next.

In my case, I LOVE writing dialogue between people, but it sucks for comics. No one wants walls of text or long conversations. Scripting allows me to write it all out and thumb-nailing lets me better see just how many pages my monstrosity of a convo is going to be.

Even a basic outline script can help someone visualize the story in it's various acts and scenes, helping you to limit them where needed.

Recently I've started doing scripts before most of my comics (mainly dialogue) and I sometimes go back and rewrite and change stuff up a bit before drawing/posting, to make it sound the best. I think planning like this has made my comics more interesting dialogue/pacing-wise

I studied up a bit on both and tried both out before I started my comic. A script is a pretty organized way to keep each panel organized and well communicated across especially if on a collab. For me, scripts can take forever but I least have an outline to adjust strip by strip and a story arc figured out so that I know how one adventure will end and how to go from there.


I tried using a script, but the story end up changing as I was producing. When I started Fiery Soul, the first four books were scripted out. However, I had changed my mind and events progressed earlier than scripted. I have tried to do Panel scripting, but it slows me down. The reason is that I don't know right then what the shot will look like.

I create an outline and capture material. Once that is done, I move into the editing stage where I mold the material with a basic story in mind into panels. Then I refine the story and send it to the editor for more refinement. This process works for me.:)

i understand what you mean having a script is very important, but to be honest I don't use a script, on the comic i am working on with my sister. I know we should but i guess i am just following my heart on this, it feels a little more raw than something that is overly structured.
Of course i always talk to her about what we should do and what should come next, we have such big personalities and love stupid humor and i think that if we keep is kind of raw it can be a lot of fun to read. I do have a little worry about the story being a little unorganized or all over te place, but that is why i have a partner we can keep each other on a straight path, but take a few curves when we can! wink

Maximu Chaos Comics: http://tapastic.com/danitasibert/series1
deviantART: http://betaofthebass.deviantart.com/gallery/48230625/Maximum-Choas