21 / 40
Apr 2021

John Byrne/Chris Claremont- storytelling

John Byrne(Next Men)- storytelling, panel/page design, backgrounds
Marc Silvestri(Uncanny X-Men)- dynamic art
Jim Lee(X-Men)- dynamic art
George Perez(Teen Titans, Wonder Woman)- art; making the most of a panel with backgrounds
Joe Madureira(Battle Chasers)- powerful art & lines
Ed McGuinness(Superman)- powerful art & lines
J Scott Campbell(Danger Girl)- finding a balance, backgrounds
Pepe Larraz(House of X)- flawless art
Stuart Immonen(All New Captain America)- perfect composition, flawless art
Mahmud Asrar(X-Men)
Chris Bachalo(Steampunk)- page design/layouts, bold art, gritty art

For character design and how I draw people overall, vehicles(mainly bikes and the cars that look like they are built out of spare parts), and nature/scenery backgrounds you can clearly see who influenced me and inspired me the most when it comes to drawing, that person being Akira Toriyama. When it comes to drawing animals and weapons I honestly couldn't tell you for the life of me.

I just can't not mention Sailor Moon because that's where it's all started xD (Itou Ikuko, because it's Itou's style that will forever be imprinted on my retina)
Kajishima Masaki (Tenchi Muyo)
Kaori Yuki (Angel Sanctuary)
Hirano Kouta (Hellsing)
Soejima Shigenori (Persona games)
George Kamitani (Odin's Sphere)
Sachin Teng (original artist)

Big props for the Kamen Rider GIF. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

mike deodato jr (the biggest one, specially for anatomy, but I also love the faces)
araki (for general aesthetic, and I love how not stright forward his actions sequences are)
ayami kojima (his influence was more likely noticed in my last work, The Ghoul, than my current one, but still)
miura (i love his designs and aesthetic)

obviously there's a lot more, but these are the ones that come to mind

Mine is short. My plot/storytelling comes from books. Tolkien, Christhie, JK Rowling, Dan Brown
Drawing Akira Toriyama, Masami Kurumada, Yoshihiro Kuroiwa, Kazuki Takahashi.

This reminds of of the thread I made about comic book art styles -

I believe my artstyle is still evolving in some way, though a bit less then before. A lot of mangaka and cartoonists have inspired my way of drawing and a few examples would be:

Hirohiko Araki (Creator of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, his art inspired me and I love his dynamic panelling)

Kohei Horikhoshi (Creator of My Hero Academia, I took a lot of inspiration from the anatomy of his characters)

Hajime Isayama (Creator of Attack on Titan, I love his writing and the shading in his manga)

Pendleton Ward (Creator of Adventure Time, my earlier artstyle was very similar to that of Adventure Time at first)

Anthony Roux (Creator of Wakfu, also influenced my writing and some of my artstyle)

Here's my comic for you to check out :smiley:

My style is heavily influenced by Avatar The Last Airbender, and The Dragon Prince. They're probably the biggest. In addition to that are:

  • Laia Lopez (Character art.)
  • Loish (Character art.)
  • Angry Mikko (Environments/colours.)
  • GDBee (Environments/colours.)

Like a lot of young artists, I started drawing in a manga style using one of those "learn to draw manga" books like what they have at school book fairs. After years of messing around, I started to actually get serious about art shortly after I graduated college. And like most people who drew manga as a kid, I wanted to move to a more western style.

Enter my single greatest influence, Josiah Brooks, aka Jazza, a prolific YouTube artist. I like his style, and his old art tutorials were a fantastic resource for improvement. I basically straight up copied his style when I first started making comics. Too poor of an artist and too busy of an engineer to worry about my own style, you know.

Then I started to drift back towards a more manga-like style, inspired in part by the work of Akira Toriyama. And, a certain artist of adult content, who I will not name. It seems inspiration comes from unexpected directions.

Ironically, I feel like I've come into my own "style" by not caring about it at all. I think that's the right way to go. Too many burgeoning artists are overly concerned with "style," when they should really be focusing on making things and improving.

Hayao Miyazaki, Terry Pratchett, Eva Ibbotston, Jacqueline Wilson, to name a few.

My biggest ones would have to be:

  • Charles Schulz (Peanuts)
  • Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes)
  • Fred Gallagher (Megatokyo)
  • Kiyohiko Azuma (Azumanga Daioh, Yotsuba&!)
  • Jamie Hewlett (Gorillaz)

I think I have way more to mention that don't seem to come to my mind, but my biggest inspiration art-wise is Studio Trigger (and also Gainax with Gurren Lagann) because it is so dynamic and I really love the style!

This is an odd combination, but here are what I think my biggest influences are:
-Happy Tree Friends
-Bryan Lee O'Malley (Scott Pilgrim)
-John Allison and Max Sarin (Giant Days, Bad Machinery)
-Later Gainax and Studio Trigger
-Turn of the 2010s Studio Shaft (Particularly Zetsubou Sensei, Hidamari Sketch, and Madoka Magica)
-Kyoto Animation
-2010s Cartoons, particularly Amphibia and Gravity Falls

Here's my list:
- Aaron Alexovich (Heart Shaped Skull)
- Johji Manabe (Outlanders, Caravan Kidd)
- Yukito Kishiro (Battle Angel Alita)
- Carlos Ezquerra (Judge Dredd, Rifle Brigade)
- Stan Sakai (Usagi Yojimbo)
- Sam Young (Zero Assassin)
- Masamune Shirow (Dominion, Ghost In The Shell)
- Trudy Cooper (Platinum Grit)

Mind you, looking at my stuff, you probably wouldn't be able to see it.