29 / 32
Nov 2021

If you are talking about burgers...
Burger King
I never really cared for burgers back when I was still eating meat. I was the person who always chose hotdogs over burgers at a BBQ. I also hated the McD burgers. HOWEVER, Burger King Whopper Jr. was the one burger I did enjoy. They also now have Impossible Whoppers so I can still have them now that I can not eat red meat. There is also something deeply nostalgic about them, to bad there are not a lot of Burger Kings in my area.

When it comes to chicken sandwiches...
Too bad I can't eat them anymore, they were really good. So much better than Chick-fil-A.

Everything else...
Even tho I hate their burgers and chicken, I think they have really good breakfast items (RIP all day breakfast). Their ice coffee is really good, I prefer it over Dunkin or Starbucks. Meat upsets my stomach so there isn't really a lot of sandwich items I can eat. However, the Filet-O-Fish tends to not make me ill. McD also has Grimace as well as other weird characters. And McD has that cartoon which is so amazingly weird.

I can attest to that! Five Guys fr has bomb ass burgers, even though I haven't eaten there as much. Idk how I didn't like them the first time I ate there

Wendy's out of the three but 5 Guys is by far my favorite. McDonald's gave me really bad food poisoning back in March so I'm never eating from there again :cry_01:
I had to go to Urgent Care and get an IV it was so bad lol.

For chains, I gotta go with the (blessed) 5 Guys. But if I can get a great burger at a solid local eatery, I'm going to try that first (and lean on the other 3 like a crutch if I'm straight up hangry). The Farm House in Burlington Vermont really opened up my eyes in terms of what a burger could be (and they have the best beer list in town, so there's nothing but good stuff there). But a farm-to-table grass-fed beef burger is tops.

Shoot! and now it's lunchtime and I have nothing good in the 'fridge. Welp, let's make something happen (and wish me luck).

Burger King carrying Impossible burgers has made it our go-to fast food on road trips :). It's really good if you factor in the price/speed!

Of BK, McD and Wendy's? McDonalds has the best fries. It's on my stretch bucket list to try the shake shake fries in India.

I never ate nuggets so can't opine there.

Oh and just saw we could bring up another one! We in Pittsburgh are lucky to have Burgatory :coffee_love:. They make amazing burgers of all sort and the most delicious shakes (with or without alcohol). If you ever make it to Pittsburgh, give it a go.

I haven't willingly eaten at one of the big three (McDonalds, BK, Wendy's) in years-- they tend to be our "We've been driving for six hours and I will eat my copilot if we don't find food soon" restaurants of last resort. If I'm getting fast food locally, I'm usually getting Jack in the Box or Popeye's. Five Guys is good too.

If I can swing it, though, I prefer our local/regional burger chain, Burgerville. :wink:

Out of the 3 listed I find myself leaning Wendy's these days. Never been a fan of McDonalds and don't mind Burger King, but I find myself always being satisfied when going to Wendy's :triumph:

That said, I'm also partial to Seattle's local burger chain, Dick's! Nothing beats a bag of Dick's, especially late night after a concert :smirk:

Or if I want an actual good cheese burger, then I prefer to just go to a proper restaurant.

Honestly, there was a time for years in which I really did not like five guys. It took being stuck with my Five Guys loving uncle, brother, and cousin at the mall to get me to try a burger and fries again, and I grew to like it even more over time.

I dunno, I don't usually eat at fast food restaurant, but from time to time I like myself some good Old Wild West burgers (I know it's a steak house and not a fast food chain, but still)

Edit: Also, just found out it's just here in Italy and a few other places in Europe lol

Five guys is awesome, but I also like Wimpy
(If you don't know, Wimpy is an incredibly obscure British burger chain)

I haven't been to McDs in ages, but would like to add further evidence that their fries are better than their burgers. When my old corgi was in his final weeks, my brother bought him a cheeseburger Happy Meal. With the entire meal presented to him, he immediately went to the fries and devoured them all before even looking at the burger.

...and because he was a corgi, you know that he knew food. X-D

It's fine lol Also Mcdonalds really screwed up when they took the tenders off the menue. Yet another a victim of the pandemic.

Also Popeyes is BomB

Local smaller burger places are better, but of the big burgers chains, the one I liked the most was Carls jr., however, it seems nobody else in my country agrees =( they opened one single restaurant here, and after a year or something like that it closed and I miss them so much. After them, Wendys comes in second place.

8 months later

I love burgers, but unfortunately, I have diabetes and I'm not allowed to eat them. This is the fate that befell me, now I have to constantly spend cash for strips, which are designed for a machine that shows blood sugar levels, and more on medicaments. It is hard, but I am not discouraged, as I have a lot of people supporting me. I hope that in the next few years they will find a cure for diabetes so that everyone including me can fully enjoy life.

Wimpy gets extra points for the comics connection - the chain was named after the character in the Popeye comics. They used to be everywhere in the UK but now tend to only be found in the forgotten corners of provincial towns.

I like their special burgers and the breakfast burger when they have it but I'm not too fond of their regular burgers.

I'm going to second five guys for burger, not much of a fry guy so I won't throw a hat into that ring.