20 / 92
Jan 2023

If there's one thing I have to say about my designs, it's that I always end up making something nightmare difficulty and this guy is the perfect example. Extremely unconventional body plan. Stupid ass head bump, uneven upper arm to forearm ratios, permenant hunch and no neck, among other proportion specifics like head to body size.

The main character isn't much easier either, since her facial features are unconventional every person I know who has attempted to draw her has messed up some detail in some way, but it's more fun to see different interpretations of a tough subject. And of course it's not as though it was a breeze for me to draw all these funky designs, but I think in some way I like the pressure of challenging subjects too.

Even tho Korbus is a main character in my comic sometimes I struggle drawing him
like for example his hood and some details on his clothing besides that I forget to draw them xd
I should also redo a character sheet for him
But there´s more characters I´ll struggle with he is just the beginning xd

My character Leo lol It's not because any of my designs are complicated by any means but he's literally the first character of mine with beard. Yeah, you gonna laugh but I keep forgetting that dem beard... so I do have to re-scan my pages almost every single time. I wonder why I cannot keep up with my own designs :smiley: :smiley:

I find that for different stages in the process, some characters are more of a pain in the ass to draw than others lol

Pablo has the busiest design and I'm too committed to simplify it so I just deal with it lol

Honestly, it's really when it comes to the action scenes that I'm like oh god I hate drawing this because objects with clean and intentioned forms are harder to get right take for example a:


Or a sniper rifle

I think my least favorite to draw is James...there's just something about him that makes it hard for my hand to get right in the first few tries!? Probably cause he doesn't crazy throws and everything cause perspective is also quite hard to get right

Anyways....everything is hard to draw lol

@delladz Action scenes are tough to draw considering the amount of choreography and angle changes needed to sell the fight. Props to you for taking on that challenge especially with the rifle and motorcycle.

Probably the director, I don't know why 'middle aged man' is such a difficult category for me to draw, but as you can see sometimes it doesn't turn out so well lol

This one I had to fix in post a few months later when my art skills improved

Wow this took me a while to think about! But I think Its going to be my character "Ischter"

He is a Drakesh (Dragon person) and dragons are a bit hard for me to draw, I had to come up with a way to draw him that made sense and still fit within the rest of the comic but everytime I drew him it was always a challange!

Just so difficult and he's coming back in the story now so I gotta get my butt up and draw him again xDDD I just had to have dragon folk in my fantasy setting :triumph: