17 / 67
Mar 20

The support unlock post was taken down, but the other posts were helpful, for sure. If I can get to 250 on ANYWHERE (Cuz that's where it will unlock, I guess shrug), then I can just ask Tapas about it. Doesn't mean I won't take more subs on all the rest cuz...yeah. I love 'em all, just as we all do :rofl:

Thanks for the help, @BellaTheCow!

@BellaTheCow Also remembered you and the others from the small one last year, that's awesome to hear this will be your 1st official one :tada:
Yep absolutely 1K % excited for it too :smiley:
here currently figuring the inks giving rewards

@fearthedeer724 Didn't cut off for me either, wishing you good luck,
maybe try to re download it?
Or try downloading one of the other formats on their link n see if same issue occurs?

I contacted support about the issue and they told me to redownload it too...didn't work though. May just have to make my own announcement page, I guess. They aren't being very helpful, honestly.

Oh well, the event isn't for almost 4 weeks so it'll probably be resolved by then :pray: fingers crossed!

(edit: just a little snippet of what the problem is)

@fearthedeer724 yep fingerz crossed, you got this my friend! :muscle:

Which one exactly you downloading? If its one of the jpeg or png ones I might be able to send here unless it gets reduced when uploaded here (tryin out below)

This the episode one:

Is that one whole thing? Cause mine looks verrrrry different :joy:

This is my version of that lol this sucks, man :upside_down:

Yay :tada: glad it worked :smiley:
this one lookin like the one u was tryin to download rite?
I tried to upload the other two but sayin it too big

Nah, well...I mean, I COULD use that one too, but I mostly got that one since it was more clear to me that it was cut off at the bottom so the support team could help me. The other one didn't look too bad until you showed me how little I had of it :joy: thanks again, dude!

Yea so many options they gave on link I didn't know where to start lol
well you get through with an even better one then XD :muscle:

no ure the genius :wink: :thumbsup: thanks to this thread

Yell had any luck deciding your inksgiving goals yet?
My lower ones mostly Q&As wit additional chara per tier, here brainstorming those bigger ones.
Good luck on everyone getting theirs organized :muscle:

As for ink goals….. well I may reopen the AU OC shop for that stretch of time. Still deciding on ink goals. May do a Q&A as well @stiatent

Edit: and thanks :pray: your so sweet 🥹

I can probably only do shout-outs, honestly. I haven't written anything the last couple days (I meant to write, I swear! :pray:) so I couldn't do sneak peeks or something like that... I'm not prepared for this at all :joy:

Maybe a special crossover episode would be nice for the top dono? :thinking: Idk yet

I'm in the same boat. Fan art? Newp. Illustrations? Negatory. Collabs, crossovers, FAQ's, and character/series info? abso-friggin-lutely. Oh, and shout-out's too. :rofl:

I wish I could do a Q&A but nobody ever gives me questions... Oh well :joy: I'm starting to like the idea of a special crossover episode more though! It'd be fun to work with the creator on a cute/cool little storyline :sunglasses: