50 / 67
Mar 20

Idk this is my first time so haven’t been around to observe that long, but I would think “basic” is like reaching a certain amount to get a q&a or something which works too @CEWashburn

Gotta keep your hopes up though, this year might be the year, and even if it’s not, trying for even a little ink wouldn’t hurt. You’ve got this :+1::+1::+1: @CarltonIsaac

Spent a very short time making this. This is just for fun and not the final version.:laughing:

First Inksgiving and in the midst of very busy life stuff! Hoping I can find time in the next couple of weeks to start preparing some bonus content - though only recently posted stuff for reaching subscriber goals :upside_down: I'll do what I can! 🫡

Inksgiving always seems to come at an unoppurtine time for me haha. So no rewards probably but it'll be fun to donate some and see if anyone still actively reads what I post.

check novels that have been around for a bit, and look at what they've being doing around November in 2023 and earlier years. i can't really give any examples as i've decided to start reading some novels only recently.

i can share what i've seen some comic authors offer for rewards though, but it's all art based.

@Crusoe @vieveda yeah hear you, it’s pretty similar for me too. I’m gonna try to do as much as I can with this event but you know, can’t go overboard cause of how utterly busy I’ve been the past months and will be the coming months. :slight_smile: I guess all we can do is what we can right?

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, I know of Inksgiving but never actually participated. To do so, is just that I have to release chapters during those two days, and they have attached the image about inksgiving some have posted above? Is it it about posting rewards instead during those 2 days? Or is it using the hashtag? I’m really sorry, I should know this by now, and feel free to ignore this :pray: :sweat_smile:

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Nono you’re all good, it’s the first time for a lot of creators here )myself included) so whether or not it’s your first time or just need a refresher it’s totally fine.

Firstly, yes and no. If you want to participate (it’s an optional event) you do have to make an announcement on April 11 (according to the instructions) with an episode whose content is the announcement template they put together (you can download it) or your own version of the announcement template. During this same episode post, you can also announce some activities or rewards that your subscribers can participate in if the ink amount donated to you is a certain number or if the person had donated a certain amount. This is just to stimulate the ink donations from your subscribers. Again, if you don’t want to you don’t have to do this part either, you can simply post the announcement if you like.

In regards to the hashtag, according to the instructions, you can use them in your posts (it was unclear whether it applied to all tapas platforms only or anywhere else, if you need to please verify with tapas support or a moderator) for a chance to have tapas repost it as an official tapas post. This is optional as well.

For more information, here are some links




Hope these help.

Note: please be aware that the information I have provided before the links may be incomplete or incorrect, so be sure to verify at your discretion :+1: @LWriter

Here's some ideas for goals, some of them not art related:

Bonus chapter
AU chapter (maybe have a poll about what sort of AU)
Write a chapter in another character's POV
Shoutouts to top donors
Pick a character's name, appearance, etc.
Top donor gets to be in a chapter
Crossover chapter
Story critique/feedback for top donors
Thank you videos

For artsy people:

Character sketches
Fully rendered art for top donors
Character stickers/gifs/animation
Wallpaper for phone/desktop
Free merch like prints/stickers

Also, I'm willing to do some quick character sketches if anyone who can't draw wants to offer art of their characters as a reward for a lower tier. Just let me know!

ETA: You can also post some info or do a cover reveal for any stories you plan to post.

All right I’ve got it!

  1. I’ll reopen the au portrait shop for only the time of inksgiving duration
  2. I’ll do a q and a
  3. I’ll do a shoutout.

I’m super busy so this may be al I can handle. Still can’t wait. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Me, who can't relate cause I currently have 182 subs :joy:

Smaller creators can usually ask to have ink support unlocked for the event so you can still participate!

@BellaTheCow Commissions wit a twist = love it! :smiley: :thumbsup: :star2:

Yep me too, thanks for thinking it sounding like its onto something :pray:

A WIP - Was tryin out one from the IG inksgiving template they gave -
Evan just being a grimey dude

Attempt 2

I like what You Are Hue authors have been doing for years:
* for every 10k they publish a new episode, but it's in b\w,
* at 400-500k it's some big goal like a bigger story or a colouring book,
* for every dono of 500 and above you get a raffle ticket and the reward is a drawing with your prompt.

Previously I've done some absolutely bonkers announcement episodes (which are no longer possible because of the size limit on GIFs :sweat_smile:), and smaller GIF pages as rewards.

I think this year I might do something like a story progression for every 5k, but I've also had an on and off hiatus for a very long time due to life stuff, so I don't hope for much :C Maybe if I manage to push a bunch of updates before inktober I can no longer say I've been on a hiatus :smile:

Ah thank you so much! I have to think it over and process everything, but let me see, just basically post I’m participating by posting this image as an episode on my story, and announce my rewards if people donate? Hmm :thinking: ok, I could see that.

This image right? And I don’t have to modify it? I’m no good at that :sweat_smile:

Yeah! Exactly! And yes you can use the image as is, make your own banner, or modify the one they gave you to customize it, just as the guidelines said you can :sunglasses: have fun!! @LWriter

Does anybody know whether they are unlocking support for people with fewer subscribers this time around? I tried checking the Discord thing but that always turns the brain sideways in my head