7 / 10
May 2024

I love how Kishimoto does justice to dark skin characters in Naruto, the Raikage and his brother the 8 Tail Jinchuriki Killer B are two awesome black characters in anime. There is even Darui, Omoi and Karui in the Naruto series, all awesome black characters.

However in this picture I posted you can see a black Samurai with his sword in hand, this is a snippet from the Samurai 8 manga, I'm curious what this character's development would have been like if the manga had not been cancelled. I think all kinds of characters are cool, if there's a white samurai of European decent then I'm into that too. What I'm just saying though is that there was a real black samurai in Japanese history called Yusuke, so as a spin on this I think it's interesting that Kishimoto put a black samurai in the manga.

  • created

    May '24
  • last reply

    May '24
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If you are asking from a non-Japanese Western perceptive.

It's because people weren't aware it existed. A lot of series that never get an anime adaption tends to not get much traction in the west. Westerner just prefer watching anime (unfortunately).

I sometimes even wonder if 666 Satan (series made by Masashi's twin brother) got an anime, it would get more fans. Instead, people probably never heard of it.

Might be the problem is that for that one samurai that was black, it's been done in many, many comics/manga. Audiences could be sick/bored of it. And for every comic that makes it, maybe a 100 fails. It happens.

Samurai 8 is about a blond boy. The character in the picture seems to only appear in a couple panels and is named after yashas, which are sometimes depicted in Japanese media with dark skin.

You're just being racist if you think that would ruin a whole series.

The concept of a black samurai came from Oda Nobunaga’s Yasuke. A black man who became rank of samurai under Nobunaga. It’s such a popular trope now.

Didn't read it (didn't even hear about it till now) so can't speak on its quality but I wonder if it simply got cannibalised by boruto, with naruto fans getting more of naruto through it and not bothering to check what kishimoto was doing...

It failed because it was a cliché of other shows already done, not to mention it was competing against Kimetsu no Yaiba back then. Naruto fans probably hyped the series more than anything and even them got disappointed after it wasn't catchy enough for them.

And to be honest.... I think there are other mangaka or comic artists in general who do better justice to dark skinned characters, Kishimoto didn't do anything new by having black samurais, that's a concept that existed for quite a long time already. And the black Samurai that worked for Nobunaga was Yasuke, not Yusuke.

99% of the time why a series gets axed is because the story simply isn't good.

And that means low ratings and low book sales, which means little revenue for the publisher.
Even if the premise and some of the concepts may be interesting, if the execution sucks then the cool stuff can't save it.

AFAIK Shueisha did try to push for Samurai 8's success, such as having bookstores buy large amounts of Samurai 8 if they wanted to buy other Jump titles, but it still failed to capture the average audience's interest.

Common complaints I know of are exposition dumps, cluttered art, and lack of/rushed character arcs.

Also Naruto's editor in the beginning suggested incredible punches that made early Naruto a powerhouse, like cutting out info dumps, changing Naruto into a human character, inserting Sasuke the rival, inserting the Haku arc, etc.

Maybe SJ gave Kishimoto more creative reins over Samurai 8 that, at the end of the day, didn't work out.

I honestly enjoyed how weird the setting was. Shame it didn’t last.

(Seems to be the curse of a lot of manga I enjoy. Great worldbuilding and premise, meh story.)