20 / 44
Sep 2020

It's because I need to. I'd be very depressed and unhappy if I couldn't. I have been creating stuff since I was like 3 and I basically just never stopped.

Depending on the context it can have a different reason. Sometimes I'm bored, sometimes it's escapism, sometimes it's because I want to leave something behind. Most times it's just because.

I also feel compelled to tell these stories from my mind. Also this may sound a little morbid but I don't want to leave this world and never putting my stories out there for people to see. Even if it's not popular in my lifetime maybe there's a chance that it will survive beyond me and it will be like the case with Frankenstein where it grows insanely popular many years after the original author's lifespan.

Ideally I would prefer it get's popular while I'm still alive haha. But If I may also be completely honest, I'm content with just making my stories for me. When I post them online I fell like my creation is now "canon" to the world of Fiction. It's not just a story in my head anymore, it's out there where other's can see it and hopefully get inspired by it.

I write about things that bother me while spicing it up with appealing tidbits. "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down." Freudian wish fulfillment with a cold side of harshness. I know reality isn't what I want it to be, but somewhere between the nightmares and dreams there's a place that's not all that bad - and it's at my desk tapping away to make a story.

As I write, I find myself on a journey trying to develop my own ideology with which to thread the difficult needle of a brutal reality. I hold values I want to express to the world, and I also like the thought that other people will be inspired by what I write. I'm self-aware that these values may come off as preachy, yet it just wouldn't feel right if every meal I baked was a sugar rush with little nutritional value for myself.

I draw and write because it's physically painful if I don't.

I've struggled with neuritis and neuropathy for years and there were times where the pain prevented me from being creative for months. It would literally be more painful than the affliction itself. I farted away a lot of time in my late teens and early twenties not writing and drawing; I vowed I'd never let that be a thing again after I physically could not be creative and regretted all that time I wasted. You never know what life throws at you; I'd rather not approach it from a point of regret.

Because reading helped me understand myself better, and it took a WHOLE lot of it. So, I kind of hope it can do the same for others, to help them connect —even for a second— with something within themselves they didn't know was there. Or that they did know was there, but needed a reflection of itself to be clearer.

I also do it because art is fun. Isn't it? Despite all the insecurity or mess around any creator, it is fun to make things and great to see how it makes others feel.

Having a creative outlet is really important to me because if I’m not making something I feel a wall of tension building up. Like a mass of nervous energy I need to translate into a narrative.

I draw because it's fun and I write to share my stories with the world.
Sometimes art does get frustrating, but at the end of the day it's something that I enjoy doing. It's so satisfying to finish a comic page or an art piece.

Personally, I write and draw because it's the best way to convey my feelings, ideals and whatever fun fantasies I randomly cooked up. It started as a hobby, but now I've drawn for about 20 years, and making it into a job seems natural for me. The urge to create something stays with me wherever I go, and I get restless if I don't have access to the means to draw or write. It's become a part of my diet, I suppose.

When I started writing I did so purely for the fun I felt. However, now a few years later, it has become so much more than just that for me. My writing has accompanied me thorough most of my life, including the less happy events. It helped cope with so many things, becoming a sort of friend, a fellow companion. Writing down my words on paper or typing them into a document allows me to take control and express myself, deciphering the mess called my mind.

It calms me down, makes me feel safe and I love the thought that I am creating something. It's just amazing what we can create - whole worlds and characters.

Writing soon turned into more than a hobby, basically rising to the status of a burning passion. It gives me a voice and I fell in love with the words I can create.

To tell stories that'll hopefully entertain others and maybe make their world a brighter place for even but a moment.

Because I can't not. I have too many ideas, too much imagination just bubbling around in my brain-case that if I didn't let it out somehow I'd just explode. Being a creator is who I am and it's as natural and necessary to me by this point as breathing or eating, but in equal parts so much more frustrating and enjoyable than either.

All the ideas, I need to get them out!!! lol
But also, the unescapable pressure of feeling like I need to make a change, and that this is the one thing I'm good at, and so I should do what I'm good at to affect people and to make the world a better place :sweat_drops:

(But also because having a project and feeling the satisfaction of progressing and one day finishing is a good feeling)

Just to create stuff, but that's only half of it, really. The other half is to get recognition of my work from the audience. Without it most of the times the creation isn't fulfilling and eventually stops. My HDD is filled with gigabytes of half-finished (If even that) and abandoned projects, drawings, and videogame mods, left in the dust just because I felt they were interesting\important only to me ans nobody else.

+Iff I don't continue creating/practicing, I'll hit a rut.
+Noone would draw them if I don't do so.
+It's fun looking at the growth that comes from comparing your old works to your current ones.
+Lowkey because art is the only thing I liked doing for myself and I'm passable at.

Everyone here has great reasons, while for me it's become less about creative output and more about external validation I get from my readers' comments and reactions. :no_mouth:

To express myself. I often feel like I can't really communicate with people well anymore so then I can let it out it with a comic or a drawing.

I create to destroy...........jk, jk XD

I create because it's fun tbh and I get to explore different areas and subjects. It also helps in story telling as well.

I draw, and create stories becuase I want to share them with the world!

I am hiding on great work, that others could enjoy, why keep it all to myself?
