30 / 44
Sep 2020

To tell stories that'll hopefully entertain others and maybe make their world a brighter place for even but a moment.

Because I can't not. I have too many ideas, too much imagination just bubbling around in my brain-case that if I didn't let it out somehow I'd just explode. Being a creator is who I am and it's as natural and necessary to me by this point as breathing or eating, but in equal parts so much more frustrating and enjoyable than either.

All the ideas, I need to get them out!!! lol
But also, the unescapable pressure of feeling like I need to make a change, and that this is the one thing I'm good at, and so I should do what I'm good at to affect people and to make the world a better place :sweat_drops:

(But also because having a project and feeling the satisfaction of progressing and one day finishing is a good feeling)

Just to create stuff, but that's only half of it, really. The other half is to get recognition of my work from the audience. Without it most of the times the creation isn't fulfilling and eventually stops. My HDD is filled with gigabytes of half-finished (If even that) and abandoned projects, drawings, and videogame mods, left in the dust just because I felt they were interesting\important only to me ans nobody else.

+Iff I don't continue creating/practicing, I'll hit a rut.
+Noone would draw them if I don't do so.
+It's fun looking at the growth that comes from comparing your old works to your current ones.
+Lowkey because art is the only thing I liked doing for myself and I'm passable at.

Everyone here has great reasons, while for me it's become less about creative output and more about external validation I get from my readers' comments and reactions. :no_mouth:

To express myself. I often feel like I can't really communicate with people well anymore so then I can let it out it with a comic or a drawing.

I create to destroy...........jk, jk XD

I create because it's fun tbh and I get to explore different areas and subjects. It also helps in story telling as well.

I draw, and create stories becuase I want to share them with the world!

I am hiding on great work, that others could enjoy, why keep it all to myself?


Addiction probably. Any active artist or writer I've ever met or heard talk about it seems to view it as a compulsion and its no different for me. We're all just junkies that need to get our creative fix

Usually it's to get thought and feelings out of my head, but the project I'm working on now is more of a business standpoint, I guess. I'm wanting to make a career out of my online content, so my standpoint is not so much about what I'm feeling, but is more strategic about getting a following and attracting potential sponsors in the future.
It's really weird creating from this standpoint, but I think it will actually help me on my future projects as well.

The focus of the talk wasn't that everyone should have the desire to pick up a pen or paint brush to become the next great artist. Creation comes in countless forms and I do believe that everyone has a spark of desire to create something that didn't exist before inside themselves.

To touch the hearts of people I would have no way of doing so if I wasn't a creator! :slight_smile: I create to bring myself joy and happiness as well as try to bring others happiness too through my creations. And it's a therapy for me making my creations as well as I hope it is for the people who read them ^^ (That's my short answer xD the next parts are where I go crazy because I love to write)

I'd like to share a personal experience but it might be a bit of a downer, so please skip this next part in bold if you'd like!

I could see the difference in my life, in my soul and in my heart when I physically wasn't able to create. My hands were unable to even close buttons, much less draw. My mood drastically took a turn for the worst and I felt like I lost so much of myself and was worried I would never be able to create anything again. That was the scariest and darkest time of my life. I always knew creating was something important to me, but it took a traumatic experience like that to make me see just how much. I absolutely love creating, it brings joy and peace (as well as a bit of frustration of course xD) into my life.

I hope you all know how much you mean to the world, to people. Because you all create, there is a difference in the lives of others. We appreciate you all for all the hard work you all do. Trust me when I say that you all make a difference because I am proof of that. It's creators that helped me get through the most darkest times of my life because medicine can heal the body, sure, but it's creations that you all make that can heal the soul. And I'm so very grateful. Even if I am not a subscriber of your works personally, I guarantee that there's someone whose soul you mended or their heart you touched.

Thank you and much love!