So I just saw a comment that basically went 'isn't it ironic how some of the most wholesome shows (MLP, SU, etc.) have the most vicious, toxic fanbases?'
And it reminded me of a Tumblr post I saw long ago that made a surprising amount of sense about those kinds of observations. I'm gonna try to paraphrase it:
-Shows aimed at children are more generally encouraged to have a black & white view of morality, or at least a very limited one, where 'good' characters generally have very few vices, and 'bad' characters don't actually have to do many bad things in order to earn the label. You don't like to share your cupcakes? Congrats, you're a supervillain.
-Upon repeated exposure to and immersion in this kind of limited morality, the viewer begins to adopt it. A 'good' person is a perfect angel; the only people worth viewing sympathetically are people who literally do no wrong. Conversely, someone who does one (1) bad thing, no matter what it is or who is affected by it, deserves to be called evil.
-Obviously, you'd have a lot of difficulty applying this thought process directly to real life...unless, of course, you change the definitions of 'good' and 'bad' to suit your needs. Enter stage three: the viewer redefines good and bad according to their own moral code, and anyone who breaks it in just one (1) way and refuses to apologize becomes their enemy...and they become free to treat them like garbage.
The original Tumblr poster was actually referring to the adult fans of KID-kids' shows, like things for preschoolers, or kids who are at most 10 years old. And in that demographic, the effects are much more pronounced...I can speak to it from personal experience, even. One of the most hateful, judgmental people I know was a fan of preschool-age programs well into her teens, and still is for all I know (believe it or not, we don't talk much anymore).
But I think you can still see this kind of behavior coming from rabid fans of more mature kids' programs, especially those that deal with complex issues that are allegorized or simplified so that they can be available to younger audiences...sometimes to their detriment, unfortunately.
To use Steven Universe as an example: recently, I saw another Tumblr post that went 'SU isn't fascist apologia; you're reading way too much into a show that's just about family relationships and accepting people for who they are.'
And I can appreciate that viewpoint...but I think it's pretty naive; almost insultingly so. If the writers of the show didn't want us to focus on all the harm the Diamond Empire did to the universe, they shouldn't have written 80% of the show about reckoning with the consequences of their conquests, and they shouldn't have made the 'family relationships' concern literal dictators.
You could easily have had Pink Diamond run away from some random alien family that didn't rule the galaxy, and many of the moralistic story elements (which are apparently the only important ones...) could have been the same.
Just moving the Diamonds down from the absolute ruling class to a lower one in the same empire (that was a little less responsible for every bad thing that happened) could probably keep almost ALL of the story the same, and with a lot less of the 'genocidal tyrants have feelings too' subtext. And the fact that the writers didn't do that, or at least decided it wasn't necessary, is a conscious choice that deserves to be criticized.
ANYWAY, the point is, this kind of abstraction can often turn reasonable life lessons into toxic ones, because they try to deliver the same messages about human nature and kindness in different contexts without taking into account the fact that...the context is different. =/
The thing about shows that are geared towards adults, however, is that they are no longer required to make things abstract. If they want to make a show about a neglectful/abusive family driving their youngest member to run away from home to reinvent themselves, they can that. If they want to do this amid a backdrop of the horrors of brutal war and colonization, they can do that, too...and it's much harder for viewers to wave it away as 'unimportant' when people are actually dying and having their lives destroyed in ways that aren't 'child-friendly'.
And most importantly, some of the best-written ones excel in portraying 'grayness' in, the concept of neutral events; things that just happen and don't turn into episode-long conflicts, season-long subplots, or overarching moral messages. Sometimes a driver flips you off on the road, and you scoff and get on with your day. Or a friend breaks an engagement with you, or you apply for a new job and don't get it, or a cashier says something nice to you, and you think "that was really nice", and then never see them again.
Sometimes stuff just happens...and then you let it go. Sometimes events aren't 'easter eggs' or clues to some big mystery. Sometimes there are no heroes or villains...just people, who are both good and bad and coexist anyway.
This is getting really long; I think I should stop. ^^; But just as a disclaimer: I don't have anything against kids' shows; I love them and my lifelong dream is to be a part of one someday. But at the end of the day they are constructs, and at this moment in time they are constructs centered around teaching young people right from wrong in very formulaic ways...which isn't something you can expect from real life. You can definitely be a fan of them without engrossing yourself in them to the point where those formulas dictate how you should treat real people.
May '21
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