3 / 24
Aug 2023

I have a fairly good height, the top of my hair sometimes has waves when cut low, I've come across quite a few girls that showed that they liked me and they seemed to like my bright brown complexion as well. I remember there was this specific girl, she always wanted to talk to me when ever she saw me. Whenever I talked to her about anything that made it seem like I was flirting with her she liked it but one day when I was around her I took out my sketchpad and she saw my drawing of Sasuke Uchiah, she then had a look of pure disgust on her face. She was looking at me like she was saying in her mind "Ew I can't believe he's one of those people that love anime.

When I tried to talk to her about my anime drawings, she seemed even more disgusted. I am amazed that me liking anime could even turn a girl off.

If I like video games and drawing anime, why should those things turn any girl off? ....Or I'm asking why would that turn a girl off?

Well there's one thing I'm sure of though, I wouldn't give up the things I like because many famous writers and directors started out simply as just people that liked video games and cartoons.

Edit: Thank you all, I love the replies I'm getting

  • created

    Aug '23
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    Aug '23
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People are into different things, I guess some people are turned off by nerdy things... don't know I've been surrounded pretty much only by nerds since high school
Just try hanging around people with similair interests... you know, start with showing your anime fanarts to each other and talking about video games and then, if there's any spark try flirting


If you're not getting laid it's because you're either too picky about your partners or you're not trying and expecting someone else to do all the work.


Some people are judgemental about anime and nerdy stuff. While anime/ its community has its problematic aspects, it's immature to be judgemental toward one of the biggest art form in Japan as a whole. Edit: This is assuming that's what she thinks ofcourse. She just made a face. Why dont you ask her?

Girls aren't monoliths. there are plenty of girls who are into that stuff and you'd have a much better time with them instead. From experience, the best dates I've been on are ones where we share personal interests. The flow of convo is natural when you don't have to rack your brain trying to come up with convo topics.

As a rule of thumb, just be confident in what you like (unless it's problematic obv). Explain to them why you like it but don't take it personally if they're not interested.

Depends on the girl—you're kind of generalizing it from one bad experience, LOL.

I mean that's one girl, and if she was put off as quickly and easily as you say, I'd say she wasn't worth it. Someone who won't even hear out or take a passing interest in someone else's hobbies, not worth it. Plenty more fish in the sea. As a whole, no those things will not turn off girls, as a whole, there are plenty of girls who're into that sort of stuff, but they might turn off specific girls.

:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

Speaking as a girl, I would be more interested in a guy who likes anime and video games, lol. So it's definitely not a universal thing.

Tapas forums is not really the place to seek out dating advice.

But if she doesn't like anime, then it was never going to be a good fit. Everyone has their likes and dislikes and if your partner is disgusted by something you love, it doesn't seem like a relationship that will last very long or be enjoyable to you.

The importance is that you put your mental health before trying to impress girls. If your hobby isn't hurting anyone and makes you happy, then you should value that. Your value as a person should not be based on whether you can impress a girl or get a date, because you are just going to make yourself miserable. This isn't me being anti-dating, it's more that if you can't take care of yourself, how can you take care of a partner?

Hi guy. Girl here. Girls don't care if you like anime. A lot of women like anime, even women who are attracted to men. The problem I see, solely based on how you worded this post, is that you think that you are entitled to a woman's affection. Now some girls might not like video games and anime like others have stated. Girls are able to like a myriad of different things. My Spidey Sense is telling me that she might have been more uncomfortable than anything. Unless a woman actually vocalizes that she doesn't like anime, don't assume.

If you work on being the best version of yourself, eventually you will find the right partner for you.

Actually getting laid isn't the problem, I've come across girls that wanted to have intimacy with me but the problem was always Christianity, that religion brainwashed me into believing that I'm going to go to hell if I get intimate with anyone before marriage. Religion screwed me over

"Tapas forums is not really the place to seek out dating advice."

Not sure what kind of bomb was dropped there but damn :sweat_smile:

This topic is kinda doomed from the start, though, I'll agree with a lot of what everyone said here. Especially with what @cherrystark said. OP definitely needs to rethink the situation a good bit.

Well, maybe this was not a great drawing of Sasuke Uchiha... :smirk:

well, she could have also been more of a bleach girl xDD (or whatever would be to boruto what bleach was back in the days to naruto)

Well to be honest, I don't feel entitled to a woman's affection because I know that it would be wrong to think that I'm compatible with every girl I might like

For people who don’t watch or even engage with anime, it has a negative connotation due to stereotypes and bad chance encounters. A lot of people get exposed to weird hentai or ecchi garbage (with pedophilia, non-con, incest, blatant objectification, etc) thanks to the internet, so to them (and the people they talk to), professing your love for anime may also profess a love for those other things. Especially with younger people, who have less experience with the world. The solution is finding people who are either into the same things you are (so you avoid this misunderstanding), or re-assessing how you present your interests. Like, there's a difference between saying "I luuuurrrrvvveeeeeee anime big titty waifu shirt" and "I like hand-drawn animation and one day want to be a director/animator/character designer/etc". Most people can respect goals and aspirations even if they don't get them. And if they won't at least respect your aspirations, even if they don't get them, well... that's not a person you really want to have around you anyhow.

It just seems like a weird place to seek out that sort of stuff. The forums is 13+ and most people are here to talk about comics, writing, and media. I think if I was having relationship issues, I won't really want advice from someone who might be 15.

But do you understand why I said the girl might have been uncomfortable? A lot of guys who have trouble getting girlfriends tend to come on super aggressively toward the girls they are interested in. They interpret every action she does as he liking him, even though she's being polite, and then react angrily when she doesn't reciprocate. Now, I'm not saying you are this type of guy. Even if your personal intentions are good, most women have a sixth sense when it comes to potentially dangerous situations. If you keep working on yourself to become the best version of yourself you can be, you will find a girl who will like you for you and you'll have a healthy, loving relationship. But this takes a lot of time and work.

Yeah I get what you're saying, I hear you loud and clear

Oh no I don't go after girls aggressively, I'm more layed back