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Mar 4

I want to write a Dragon Ball Z fanfiction, please tell me your thoughts on this

I'm not just talking about the situation with Golden Frieza or Black Frieza

A lot of the bad guys were naturally stronger than the Saiyans, Goku had to train in 100x earth's gravity to gain a power level of 90,000 and the only thing that gave Goku a higher power level than Captain Ginyu at the time was the Kaio-ken technique which propelled his power level to 180,000 ...Captain Ginyu's power level was 120,000 by the way.

Even Bojack was stronger than a Super Saiyan 1 without doing any training, he was even stronger than Vegeta in Ascended Saiyan Form ...So imagine if someone like Bojack actually trained

Saiyans aren't the only one with huge battle potential clearly?

Of course they'd be stronger. That's why fighting sports have weight classes.

Don't expect 140 pounds to win against 200 pounds if both fighters are on the same skill and conditioning level. Bigger man will definitely win unless he makes a very dumb mistake.

But of course a 120 pound trained fighter can beat up 200 pound average Joe who never trained a day in his life :laughing:

Well I guess because of Frieza only took 4 months to catch up to Goku and Vegeta's power level then a lot of the bad guys that naturally have a higher fighting power than the Saiyans could be amazingly strong if they trained in even the Hyperbolic Time Chamber

One of DBZ's moral lessons is don't get too complacent just because you're in the top. Or else your destruction will be imminent.

Look at what happened to Sears... :slight_smile:

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