7 / 20
Nov 2024

I just want to know if you find the idea exciting to live amongst other anime lovers, just the same as how people in Hollywood live amongst other people that are interested in acting and movies

  • created

    Nov '24
  • last reply

    Nov '24
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I hate that I'm the first reply on a topic like this, but: I think I would rather live in hell. ⊙_⊙;

I've never met an anime fan IRL that I've wanted to talk to...I've never heard a conversation between anime fans IRL that I wanted to be a part of. That is to say, I don't think I would get along with the average anime fan...it's gotten to the point where I usually don't call myself an 'anime fan' anymore, because I feel like that phrase describes a certain type of person that I am actually not.

For one thing, I feel like there's a large emphasis in the anime fan community (especially now that it's gaining traction in the mainstream) to "induct" people: to get them to watch anime, then get them to watch all the anime you like, and then all the anime all your friends like, and keep recommending more and more-- there is only one thing I hate more than consuming content, and it's consuming content that was recommended to me. >_< So yeah, that sounds pretty miserable already.

Secondly, I feel like a lot of those recommendations are really...shallow?? For lack of a better word...like, every fan-pitch I've heard for an anime focuses on how cool its core concept is. Not about the strength of the writing, not about the strength of the characters, not even about the plot (unless they're complaining about a story beat they didn't like).
I've been watching people talk about Demon Slayer, Chainsaw Man, and JJK for years, and I still have barely any idea what goes on in those shows outside of "cool fights", and how the characters' powers work...because that's what it's all about, apparently. And yeah, that stuff is interesting, but it's not gonna make me watch a show.

And if I finally force myself to watch a show with a cool core concept and end up dissatisfied, I'll just be twice as bitter that such an interesting idea was wasted on an incompetent story (YuYuYu...Revue Starlight...). And I'll feel like the only one, because 90% of anime fans don't seem to care. Anime criticism only seems to exist in the vein of explaining why trashy anime that was designed to be trashy is trashy, and why super-popular anime doesn't 'deserve' its success. In between, there's just this void...makes me feel like I'm just a hater, even though I know I'm not. As usual, I just happen to hold all the unpopular media opinions...

...So yeah, I don't think I would have a good time in an anime-fan commune. ^^;;

I wouldn’t. Trust me I was a member of an anime society for years at university, even when the pandemic hit Britain. I found it difficult to get on with them because they didn’t appreciate my interests in addition to anime. Many of them, for example, had never read The Wind in the Willows, for instance, and I don’t know of any anime fan who has. They disrespected my ideas of what anime should be, and they insulted The Chronicles of Narnia, called the books inferior to Dragon Ball even though they clearly hadn’t read them. They polluted the Discord server with their dumb jokes and references and I found the whole thing tiresome, fanatical and divisive. So, no, I would not live in such a community for those reasons, but that’s the trouble with fandoms and cliques.

Been there done that. Did the whole forums thing. Anyone remember animegrapevine?, animedia.cjb.net? As well as other Yahoo groups and forums I can barely even remember.

I remember getting into countless "flame wars" trading insults over stupid things I cant even remember. Not even religion and politics have to be brought up in order to get into them. Besides, at that time I could give a damn about any of those hot button controversial issues. I was just a kid :laughing:

And when the flame wars died down, it just became boring. So meh... 🥱 whatever.

@DokiDokiTsuna I feel you there. Whenever I talk to someone about anime, they inevitably mention the mainstream stuff like One Piece, Dragon Ball, MHA, JJK, Demon Slayer, Chainsaw Man, Naruto... 🤢🤮
Every time I just have to bite my tongue and let them talk, otherwise I end up making enemies. I haven't met very many people who share my taste in anime and frankly, I don't think I will.

I'm not meaning to be rude but how would the economy work? Would non-anime fan be allowed to live there?

I feel this. You have to remember most anime fans now are normies. This is not an attack, but just normal people. These people have no idea of any anime that happened before they were born. You mention stuff that is not a combat anime and it flies right past them. This was a thing back when too but now it's on a much larger scale. The number of people that LOVED Ninja Scroll is beyond me when I was a kid. This happens in films too. At college the number of people in degrees about cinema and never watched classic films "because they were out before I was born" pissed me off to no end. Classic movies that should be watched like Casablanca or Jaws (main stream stuff, not art movies no one has heard of) were seen as stupid and old. It's why anime are voted as "best of all time" but in 5 years you never hear of them again. So no, most anime people are not "my people", I wouldn't want to hang around with them.

I love anime but living in a mostly anime fan community no thank you. One I would personally find it boring to live in a community that is nothing but anime fans,pretty much how Squidward lived with nothing but Squidwards and disliked it. Two after going to a few anime conventions…some of the anime community needs basic hygiene lessons and some are super cringe,toxic and needs to touch grass. Three is because am I able to enjoy other hobbies outside of anime like novels and western animation.

Visiting a anime community sounds fun for the weekend but that’s it

Metaphor time;

Someone has only been eating NoName hot dogs with ketchup all of their lives. They get introduced to bratwurst and they lose their minds. The world has changed forever!

It's not that the sausage has improved. It's that they've been eating a shitty type of sausage all this time and they never bothered to seek out something better. When it does get introduced to them they become evangelical about it.

And that's why Dandadan is a 7.5/10.

I was about to say hell no but then I remembered how tired I am of real life drama and news so I think I would accept the offer and live among anime fans for a change :sweat_smile:

Honestly, the idea sounds pretty fun. I love the thought of being surrounded by people who share a passion for anime—it’d be so easy to find someone to binge a series with or go all out on cosplay ideas. It kind of reminds me of how some friend groups I’ve had just click because of shared interests, but on a bigger scale. It’d probably feel super welcoming if you’re really into anime, but I guess it could get a bit overwhelming if that’s the only vibe around.

uhhh will gokou turn super saiyan 10 someday?

is pikachu the cutest pokemon ever?

does kirito have cheat mode in SAO?

is one piece the best anime ever?

will saitama kill superman in one punch?

is nezuko chan the cutest anime girl ever?

is kira light yagami kun my favorite villain ever?

does the ending to neon genesis evangeleon suck?

if you don't know, then the answer is...

Besides the streets will run red with blood once everyone discovers the truth...

Why on earth would I want to live in an anime community when most normies nowadays are familiar with anime to some degree or another? If you're referring to a community populated with just superfans, then I would say no because 1. I'm more of a casual viewer who appreciate it alongside other animation mediums and 2. Most of them would be into the mainstream shonen series I don't care much for.


well i disagree with your answers hahahahhahahahhah!!!!

also i would like these women to be my neighbors...