10 / 28
Aug 2018

I like it:D There’s just something I like about. Something nostalgic and simply funny:3 Subbed!

You can give me comments or a review. Whatever you have time for:3

Already done the review, take it constructively and keep up the good work ;DD

Just readed the first pages and totally cracked me up, I believe I ruined my pants, I'l take it nice and slow with your thing, but just because I want this sensation to last a good amoun of time

Coments will be! you're the next on the List ;D

I was looking at you comic but since and not a native speaker is kind of hard to me to read it, (
I need to be translating.) so, I put my attention on the drawings. and I'm a bit confused, because the old chapters are more defined than the new chapters, I mean the type of stroke. however it's a funny story, I laughed at the faces that they make xD. Keep it working.
I also like that the squares are spacious and don't fill them with texts as I have seen other comics., that is good!
this is my comic!

You can give me comments

were are you from Kato-san?

I'm not a native speaker either, thanks for checking out UNDERCOPPER

and the bitter boy is really funny! xD

With this I must note there's room for another 2 COMICS This Week!

Yo! I’ve just finished reading your comic and I love it!! Usually cops comics or anything that doesn’t involve a little of fantasy or sci-fi don’t pick my attention, but yours was amazingly funny!! Each page made me smile, I’m specially fond of the characters’ expressions and reactions XD. You have earned a new subscriber :wink:

Here’s my comic if you want to check it, I would be very grateful if you reviewed it too :heart:

I don’t really mind, whatever it’s easier for you :smile:

It's great to hear that, to catch the attention of someone who normally wouldn't pick certain genre it's just awesome :,D, and actually this guy here is very fond of Fantasy and Ciberpunk.

Also, already done with the review, take it with thick skin, your comic is great ;D

I'll give it a shot!

As for your side of the deal, here you go.

GREAT!!!! this is the last entry of the week!, anyone who would post his comic after this will be readed the next week or by the weekend!


Greetings, fellow human . I've just made my first ever web comic which I've uploaded both on Tapas and Webtoon . I hope that you'll treat me kindly . Here are the links . I'm terrified of reviews but I'll give it a shot . Kindly give a review to my comic, good human . :blush: :pensive:

Hello i'de like to participate! My comic : https://m.tapas.io/series/Flesh1

there is nothing to read so you get to the end very fast ! I'd like a review cause I'm really curious to know what people think about it, should I keep going ad a script ? I didn't received any feedback :frowning: hope you like it though
I'm going to read yours right now and leave a reviewes!

Read it, loved it, subbed it :wink:

Here's my current work, hope it'll brighten your day a bit

You won't run out of time with this one. I'll sub you and comment. I like your cover too, great artwork.
Uhm, if you want to, you can comment on some pages (don't have to find anything funny, though a have a few pages that have humor). I say this cuz it's not short, got romance, scifi, action, fantasy...hope you like it. (Hope you're up to more reads.)

Don't worry guys, I Haven't forgotten you, I just been rather busy this week but by the weekend you can be sure You'll see my coments on your comics

Take your pick. You can review or comment as you see fit. While the subject matter is pretty serious, if you've got the sardonic humor of a grizzled combat veteran and want to go for funny, go right ahead.

This one, on the other hand, is as funny as your favorite grandmother's fatal heart attack, so a humorous comment might not be appropriate, but should you choose to read this, a review would be nice.

It has been a while since I saw mention of comment trades for novels. Is anyone interested in a reading a novel chapter and commenting in trade for the same favor?