19 / 27
Sep 2021

I don't know if I can call it reverse isekai, since it starts out like a normal one - with the main character going into another world, but coming back eventually and bringing the characters from the other worlds into "the real one" and then living through the mess that ensues with those consequences xD

If my MC, however, got here, she too would be seen as quite the anomaly and would probably be hunted down by authorities, if she isn't careful enough with hiding what she is and is capable of. Though, instead of releasing her, she'd be immediately assigned to therapy (if we're talking about the version of her she's gonna become by the end of the saga lol) because of the crazy stories she's gonna spout - even though they are probably gonna be true.

Calliope would be really fucking dissapointed with the way things went tbh
Would probably go on to be a pro athlete, or WWE fighter

Wow, okay. A mega crossover story that goes through different dimensions and worlds? That sounds interesting :grin:. No wonder she'd get locked up in therapy. Still your story seems interesting, I look forward to seeing how it goes :+1:.

Feel free to check out my novel and subscribe if you're interested:

I have a feeling that with Calliope being an Amazon, she would completely dominate all sports and probably find herself banned from ever competing again :joy:. Still, I'm really enjoying your comic, the way it pokes fun at classic fantasy is hilarious.

Feel free to check out my novel and subscribe if you're interested:

Mmmmh... For Alfredo, being Isekaied in the real world would actually be something similar to traveling back in time... Partially... while He would be familiar to a few of our tech due to the similarities, there will be others where He would be kinda lost, as they are more antiquate than theirs... He sure would enjoy Social Networks, Meme, and the last trends, but He would also try to reverse engineer our tech so to study them, or even just out of curiosity, even public things, even though not in his intention to cause damages... BUT, most importantly, He will be homesick, after all, He's 13, all alone, unless some kind soul takes him to their home, and luckily, no one would say no to a gentle child like him... although the will have to deal with a few of his... issues!

GENRE: Fantasy, Sci-fi Drama
From the nights He used to spend by reading tales of "the Dreamers", the young Alfredo Ventura always longed to be one of them as well, unaware of the Potential that resides in his Echo, that could change the lives of those around him, whose Stories, connected to His, are the KEY to bring changes to the World of Gaia, and lead to its peace once and for all.


Enjoy your stay, Have a nice day!

Your story looks really cool and the art is fantastic, I really like it :grin:. Feel free to check out my novel if you're interested:

This actually happens in my book towards the end so I don't want to spoil it, but it's a bit different

A significant part of JTA's story is actually figuring out where humans fit in the world where everyone is anthropomorfic, I already mentioned the characters have some knowledges that pertain to our world and whatnot, but not to what extent it is similar.
The very next arc I'm going to start posting on monday will begin to touch on that, but it is a significant plot point that will be elaborated as the story goes. and eventually it will be a major constant in the story.

So that means I know 100% excatly how my characters would react to being reverse isekai'd, but If I do say it, it would be a major ass spoiler for many seasons down the line.

Ah, interesting. Well then, let's change the topic. What would you do if you met your character after they'd been reverse isekai'd into this world?

Another one. Okay, so same question as the other story where this happens. What would you do if you met your characters after they'd been reverse isekai'd into this world?

Oooh, interesting question! If my character, Ivan, comes to this world, he will either be arrested for doing something stupid or become a great criminal. Even though he is the only one in his world without magic, and if he comes to earth no one around him will have magic, he'll still be a be villain. I guess it's just in his core to seek chaos.

Ivan sounds like an extremely dangerous character. That aside though, your story sounds really interesting, I'm looking forward to reading it. Feel free to check out my novel if you're interested and subscribe if you like it:

Does it count if that's what my story is about? :grin:

I mean... provided I survived the beating I'd get from Azreth before the others managed to stop him, and after months of physical therapy (not joking here...)
We'd probably be good friends,I know them better than they know themselves and I could probably help them figure themselves out a lot faster than they would by themselves in the world of JTA..
Creating them and their world helped me through one of the darkest periods of my life, and that is quite literaly the reason I gave my main character the last name 'ealdwine' as it means 'old friend'. So I guess it would be my time to make it back to them. ^^

Sure, but then the question becomes how do you react to seeing your characters suddenly appear in the real world? And what do you do?

Beating and physical therapy? Wow, that's a pretty harsh way to make an introduction. But I can definitely see how you could become friends with your characters. Having the author and creator of their world help them out would certainly be a major boost to their development.

I'm glad you managed to make it through that time in your life, it probably wasn't easy, but having something like your story to focus on must have been a huge help.

Oh yeah, i'm not even exagerating.
A puny human body that isn't even in shape would do little to hold off against a dragon.

And Azreth got some serious anger issues and a certain disdain of godlike/fatherly figures, when he realizes i'm the one who actually idealized all the suffering he went through (and then made it into an entertainment piece) a serious beating that leaves me in the hospital is honestly the best outcome I can get out of that situation... That being said once it is all out of his system, he would easily turn 180 and be bffs.

Vernon is a total sweety who wouldn't want anyone to suffer, even his creator, as much as he damns his own life he would always rather focus on the things he can do better regardless of situation.

Grey for all the gruff attitude is actually a pretty righteous guy... He would probably be the one i'de have to work the longest to get him on speaking terms with me, he can hold most certaintly hold a grudge, but he is not beyond forgiveness, he is just emotionally distant and likes to keep it that way.

Ah, so Azreth is a dragon? Well then, I guess you would be lucky to survive :grin:. Especially in light of the issues he has that you've described there, though I do wonder about the sudden 180 switch in personality. Vernon sounds like a cool guy and Grey seems pretty chill too, just maybe more of the quiet type. All in all, apart from Azreth, they don't seem like a bad bunch, and I suppose even he'd be fine to hang out with once he cools off.