18 / 53
Oct 2021

Idk how yall have time to do this for so many characters so ima just do Uptop and Downlow.

Uptop: ISTP-A
Downlow: ISFJ-A

The fact that Uptop and I share the same one (except I'm T) might be a sign that I need to check myself before I become kinda toxic like him :sweat_02:. I don't actually take MBTI that seriously, but I thought this was fun.

Hello! there are a lot of characters that still haven't appeared, but...

Ignis (my mc): INFP
Voda: ENFP

Asah: ENTJ
Yalo: ISTJ
Nala: ISFP
Ohen: INFJ

haha a little bit of everything! I used the same website xDD here is my comic!

Jake: INTP
Damien: ENFJ

Jake feels like his is fairly accurate. As much as these sorts of generalized tests can be, at least.

Damien is annoyed by this because he doesn’t want it to be as right as it is about him. And he wants to mention that the “E” was very close to 50/50 :sweat_02:

Halloween costumes from last year because I still love this pic :blusht:

It's like the first time I hear about MBTI :sweat_smile:

But here's the result for the MC

(Good for him I guess, it looks good for a main character)

and this is the result for the co-protagonist (that still hasn't appeared)

Oh,yeah i don't think that your mbti type is mold that you must fit in (i hate stereotypes like ENTP is the only smart type and the rest are dumb) but i like to see who is what.
None of my characters have the same type as i have (i'm INFJ)

I actually like typing my characters a bit too much. xD

Himuri: ENFP
Sakari: INFP
Kiyomi: ISTP
Shinu, Meiko: ISFJ
Naizu, Satsuchi: ESFP
Sayami, Iwao: ISTJ

Taisou: ISTP
Yuuga: ESFJ
Yozoku, Noshiwa: ENFP
Kahino: INFP
Reiraku: ISTJ
Hanayoru: INTP
Katsuo: ENTJ

Edgar: ISFP
Augustin: ENTP
Nieves: INTP
Eira: ESFP
Konstantin: ENTJ

That took me way to long :sweat_02: but oh well, I think it's quite accurate.
Kinda sad that no one is an INFP like me :blank: thought Edgar would be similar...

Diego: INFP
Emma: ESFJ
Matt: ISTJ

Ok, let's see:
Here's the cast

Alfredo: ENFP-T
Ivan: ISTJ-T
Nana: ISFJ-T
Greta: ENTP-T
Jadie: ESFJ-T


TITLE: Stories from the Golden Garden
GENRE: Fantasy, Sci-fi Drama


    From the nights He used to spend by reading tales of "the Dreamers", the young Alfredo Ventura always longed to be one of them as well, unaware of the Potential that resides in his Echo, that could change the lives of those around him, whose Stories, connected to His, are the KEY to bring changes to the World of Gaia, and lead to its peace once and for all.

    Stories from the Golden Garden is a story of a young kid called Alfredo, whose entire existence, directly or indirectly, influenced the lives of the people around Him, either leading them to change, or fall, as We get a glimpse of this changes, while seeing THEIR Stories; After being separated by His mother 6 years ago, and being given a new Home and a New Family, Alfredo has to deal with his fears and his Traumas, while awakening an Odd power that will help Him protect those dear to Him, and change the fate of Gaia, a Fantasy world, whose roots are of Sci-Fi origins.

You can follow the series on:

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Enjoy your stay, Have a nice day!

My main character Sayuri is an INTP (just like me :D)
Toki is an ENFP, Kira is an ISFJ and I still need to take the test for Vincent (he's an introvert for sure, he could be an INTJ / ISTJ maybe?) and Hana (definitely extrovert).

Varthax: ENFP

Bestia: ESTP
Styrak: INTJ
Sharack: Probably an ESTP too, she has a similar personality to Bestia, loud and over the top.

For ppl who really want to dig into how their characters (or they themselves) process information, look up cognitive functions and function stacks (they stack up to the same 16 types, but it's a bit more in-depths and accurate (IMO) than online tests!

altho I kinda expected Bestia to be an ESTP.

yeah people say that 16p isn't accurate but i linked that site since we are talking about fictional characters, people say that 16p mistpyes but i got the same answer on multiple different sites so they were right for me, subbed btw

Yea I think it's alright for fictional characters, but as I said, function stacks are a bit more in-depth and could be a good took to develop a character.

Another cool personality thing is enneagram. Styrak is definitely a 5 (a reclusive nerdy type) and Bestia is PROBABLY an 8 (kind of a very assertive type)?

also big thanks for the sub!

ohh maybe i should do enneagram for my characters, it's just that since i have 6 main characters it takes some time lol.

2 years later

Someone said MBTI?
MBTI nerd is here.

I must say, since mbti tests are so horribly inaccurate that I researched on Tumblr character analyzer blogs and reading lots of material. Yeah that REEKS like INTP.
Speaking of intp, my main character Philip is intp. he might be even too stereotypical.

Chili is istp. Probably even more stereotypical. Silent, sometimes agressive.
Aurora is intj, Emano is probably entp and Moku looks like estj/istj.

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