1 / 17
Sep 2018

So guys, what are they?

My favorites are Persona 5, SMT3: Nocturne and Xenogears. Funny thing is I don't even like turn-based combat, I'm just indifferent to it. Xenogears evokes my deepest pits of nostalgia and it was my second JRPG, first being Pokemon Silver (of course) it's something I would really like to play again for its story alone, seeing is that looking back on it, there's way too much I probably missed out on seeing as I haven't played it for 9 years and I was very young when I last played it.

Nocturne has a atmosphere that you'd have to cut with a steak knife and pretentious bouts of philosophical dialogue that shouldn't work but does completely, an interesting minimalist story that keeps you hooked and despite some of the B.S. encounters at the endgame you can think your way out of any situation, even if that involves sacrifices your goons to do so, the game always tries to put you in the Demi-fiend's shoes as much as possible in a position where you feel POWERLESS which isn't something games do much.

My favorite out of the three though is definitely persona 5. I'm too busy to get into the complex 200+ hour grind With the much more complex mechanics that the other two offer, but I do have enough time to play an easy to pick up JRPG like persona 5 which is memorable and simple story wise, so even if it does take 70 hours to complete only the main story and 100-110 with the sLinks and extra stuff (which even with my schedule I still sometimes can't drop the controller even when I HAVE too) You still sometimes just like to make little time for it everyday and you can distinctly remember where you left off, but it's accessibility is only one reason why I love it. The main reason why I love it is the style and tone. Though being a pretty obvious power fantasy, you can't help but forget that with the amazing characters, perfect artstyle and fantastical soundtrack. With every single minute playing the game, whether a mundane school task or a fight for your friends life, being an audio-visual orgasm

... so I'm done gushing how about you all?

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    Sep '18
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It's hard for me to decide between Pokemon, Persona, and the Tales series.

I love the story and characters of the Persona and Tales games, and I love how personal the Pokemon games are. I generally love all three of these franchises.

My favorite game, period, is Chrono Trigger. Still gets me, all those years later. I love the systems, I love the characters, I loooove Masato Kato's writing and I specially love how light and effortless it all seems.
I'm super fond of Mother 3 as well. I do love Earthbound (and even Mother), but 3 is my darling. The script is so on point. It's so deep, so funny, so sad, just so great. I love the shit out of it.
I also love me some Final Fantasy X. I love Final Fantasy in general (except, maybe, for II), but X is my favorite. The battle system is the sweetest thing, I can grind for hours and hours on that. I love turn based combat.

Never played a Persona and I wished it was easier for me to do it! Don't have a PS4 and when I had a PS2 I never got around to playing it. Wished they were on Steam, man. I know I'd love it, Atlus is the best. SMT3 is sick af.

Probably Final Fantasy VIII, (or the VI, the VII, the IV... :D) but I must say I didn't play any RPG from quite a time and I don't know almost any of the last decade. (I may use this topic as suggestions...)

I don't know if it fits the generally perceived mold of 'JRPG', but the 'Japanese RPG' that I am quite smittened with at the moment is Nier:Automata

I like it because there's a lot of love and soul in it.

I don't play many games, but there are a few I have enjoyed. I played FF15, but I haven't done the side stories yet. ;-; I watched my husband play Nier:Automata and that was cool. I plan on playing KH3 when it comes out.

Husband and I are currently playing Tales of Zestiria together which has been fun despite its obvious shortcomings. We picked that up to play together since we were both incredibly disappointed that the newest Dynasty Warriors didn't have multiplayer. -_-

I adore all the ones you picked as well! Xenogears and SMT3 are some of my absolute favorites, too for similar reasons! I would also like to add EarthBound/Mother 2. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and Baten Katos to the mix. Not only were all three games addicting for me but I just fell in love with the writing and tone for all of them. Baten Kaitos in particular had such a wonderful atmosphere and music <3.

Gosh, Baten Kaitos!! Such a great game!!

I don't know, it always reminds me of Skies of Arcadia. Played just a little bit of it, but never forgot it.

I wish all of those games were on PC, goddamnit!!

Man, I could never pick just a few. But I will say that The Legend of Dragoon is the one that really got me into JRPGs as a kid, so I gotta give that game some credit and lots of nostalgic appreciation. If only the translation wasn't so horrible, especially in the latter half, haha.

I haven't played a lot of modern JRPGs though, because I'm too picky and it's hard to tell if I'd like any of them before buying. I'm poor and can't afford to take that risk lol.

I actually have played the game, and the soul and effort put into ever facet of the game is amazing I think SMT3 just beat it by a little bit.

My favorite was Final Fantasy XII. Played it when I was in middle school. The combat system felt so complicated that it was like a free-for-all chess without taking turns. But when I finally wrapped my head around it, hot damn it was fun.

I've been waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 for 10 years!! Maybe it has me fooled, but I think Johnny Depp is actually voicing Jack Sparrow in the game? At least that's what it sounded like in the E3 trailer.

Ahhh, I've always wanted to get my hands on Skies of Arcadia, but it's like 40 bucks used! It's just not fair! XD

I'm between Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger. Both games have terrific characters and the stories are hilarious. However, now that I think about it, I liked more FFVI's main villain... man, I don't know!:tired_face:

I love Baten Kaitos! So much time grinding to get all the constellation cards and figuring out where to put the Pac-man card to prevent it from eating the other cards...Now I want to drag out the ol' game cube...

I love the "Tales of" series as a whole with Graces, the Abyss and the two Xillias being my favourites.

Avalon Code was fun because you run around hitting everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) with your god-book :open_mouth: Then you rearrange your enemies and friend's codes to make them weak, strong or just plain weird :-=

I like the insanely long storylines and doing all the sidequests that are in JRPGs

Kingdom Hearts because I used to be a big Disney Kid back in the day, so I instantly bought it, the GBA game, and the sequel when they came out. Plus, that's the only JRPG I really play. I don't play those games normally.

I'm not much into video games anymore, i'm pretty retro to be honest (I loved dark souls though)

but my favorite JRPG is Wild arms, why? a future scifi fantasy western world with an awesome anime opening like this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq8EKttSu3I4

do you need any other reason? that's as japanese as it can gets.

in second place a not so JRPG but very roleish game is King's field (THe one that's actually the Two but in america they skipped the first so they numbered it 1, a very japan-america thing to happen in videogames...final fantasy I'm looking at you!) and guess from what company is that game!! yes FROM SOFTWARE, so you know what to expect.